13 - Chief and head of the guards

The first thing that he discovered was that his siblings loved him a lot, making him pleased.

The second thing was that his observation can't show the full states, for now that is.

Third, he could tell who had the potential for bending just by using observation and looking at their Chi stat even if they hadn't awakened their bending yet, Katara had way more Chi than Sokka even though she was younger so that means she's a bender, this might come in handy in the future.

And speaking of which, 'My sister is a damn monster.'

'At her age I only had a little more Chi than her, and that's saying something considering that I have a system, no wonder she became so powerful in the show.' thought Levi.

'Either way it doesn't matter, She will never be able to catch up to me, that's for sure.' he thought smiling, he knew that the gap between him and his sister would only continue to grow from now on so he didn't give it much thought.

Deciding to test one more thing before calling it a day he again made use of his stealth skills and exited his house, only going a little distance away from his house but still somewhere that was close to the ocean water.

He still didn't dare to venture too far, the memory of his fight with the polar bear was still fresh in his mind and even though he may be able to defeat it easily now with all the rewards and Level ups he received he didn't want to relive that scenario just yet.

Looking down on the ocean water he waited for some fish to pass by, fortunately, the sky was clear of any clouds and the stars and full moon light illuminated the ground.

He didn't have to wait for long before a fish slowly swam in front of him, and that was his chance. Slowly feeling for the blood inside of it he could feel….nothing!

Frowning he concentrated more on it but he still couldn't feel anything.

Sighing in resignation Levi put his hands behind his head as he looked at the sky, 'I guess my only option is to wait for it to recharge in one month.'

'But even then what's the point? Its level is linked to water bending so I'll never have to train it and I'll be able to use it perfectly when I need to, in fact I will only risk exposing myself.' thought Levi, deciding to keep his blood bending a secret for as long as he can, or until he is strong enough that he won't need to care what anyone might think.

Seeing that he had spent enough time outside Levi turned around and headed back home.


Far away from Levi in a hidden corner of the southern water tribe, Levi's father, Hakoda, looked at his son from afar as he sneaked out and was following him.

"What is this kid doing sneaking around like that ?" asked Hakoda frowning, obviously dissatisfied with his son's behavior. He was severely injured and should be resting right now.

Although he couldn't help but marvel at how good the little brat was at it, he seemed to be an expert that practiced sneaking around for his entire life, he didn't make a single sound and Hakoda even felt that if he turned his back away from him for a second he might lose him.

"I don't know KID, I was making my way around the tribe when I caught sight of him and called you immediately. You should be grateful. It's not my job to deal with stuff like these ." A tired voice replied from beside him, anyone from the tribe would immediately recognise the owner of said voice. It was the head of the guard's Kato.

If anyone from the younger generation was around they would be surprised by how casual Kato talked with Hakoda and how he addressed him instead of calling him chief. Thankfully though it was only the two of them.

"Sigh, I told you to call me chief or at least by my name, I am in my mid-thirties and the tribe's chief for crying out loud." Said Hakoda in a dejected voice as he kept following Levi with Kato by his side.

"Humph as if, I used to protect you from the other kids when we were young and I even saw you in diapers, some fancy title won't change my view of you, KID." said Kato with a smirk emphasizing his last word.

Hakoda, feeling as if a nail had pierced his heart, decided to ignore Kato's existence and focused on his son who had stopped in front of the ocean instead.

Looking ahead he could see Levi had stopped not too far away from the tribe but far enough that he wouldn't be noticed, of course all of that relied on nobody following him before he got there, sadly for him it didn't go as he expected.

"Fancy technique your son got there, If I didn't know any better I'd say he had received professional training." Said Kato from the side without removing his eyes from Levi, his gaze grave attracting Hakoda's attention.

"I am afraid that If we didn't follow him at first it would have been impossible for us to notice him sneaking around." continued Kato, his expression this time unreadable.

"Yeah I noticed it too, I don't know where this kid learned this but I don't plan to ask him." said Hakoda frowning before continuing, "He clearly doesn't want to be seen, and I don't want to interfere with that, he's not doing anything dangerous anyhow, Can I count on you to keep this between us!? ." Asked Hakoda looking at Kato.

"Oho, is this an order from the trib's chief?." said Kato with a teasing smile on his face.

"Ha-ah, no, just a request from a friend, can you do that for me?." Replied Hakoda, sighing helplessly.

"Hehe, Trust me when I say this KID, I don't care enough to remember such useless stuff or even consider spreading it around, so yeah your little secret is safe with me." said Kato making Hakoda relieved.

"What is he doing here in the middle of the night anyhow? Is he going to try his water bending?." Asked Kato, that was the only logical thing he could think of, kids were always excited when they awakened their bending and wanted to try it out as soon as possible so it made sense Levi was also the same.

Being the head of the guards and his good friend and brother, Hakoda would obviously not hide Levi's bending from him, plus it was not some secret information as it would get out sooner or later, and on top of that if he wanted to find a good bending master for his son Kato's help was essential as he had close ties to one.

"Ha-ah, I guess so, even though I told him to rest until I find a suitable water-bending master for him but I guess it's too tempting to resist ." said Hakoda sighing helplessly.

"Hahaha don't blame the kid, when I just awakened my water bending as a kid I was also like him, my parents had to constantly keep an eye on me to make sure I didn't do something stupid." Said Kato laughing.

"I guess you're right." replied Hakoda shaking his head in amusement.

But, after observing him for a bit more nothing happened, Levi just stood there facing the ocean and not even moving.

Both Hakoda and Kato were frowning at this point trying to understand what was going on when Levi lifted his head up and looked at the sky. He stayed like that for a while before turning around and returning to the tribe, not once did he try to bend the water of the ocean.

Hakoda frowned as he did not know what to make out of it but Kato just sighed behind him.

"He must be thinking about the recent accident he had with the bear." said Kato, hearing him hakoda also seemed to come to a realization.

"He might seem fine on the outside but god only knows what he's going through, experiences like these can change anybody forever, let alone a 5-year-old kid." said Kato with a sympathetic tone in his voice.

"Ha-ah, let's go back." said Hakoda sighing and holding his head down. He didn't know what he could do to help his kid and he hated it, he hated feeling so helpless when his son was suffering.

For now he can only do his best to find him a good water-bending master, that would helpfully make him forget.

Kato only stared at Hakoda's back as he followed him also feeling helpless to help his friend.


AN: His stealth is still ain't that high level yet, he can only nullify his footsteps sound and reduce his presence so it doesn't turn him invisible or anything, it isn't strange for him to be noticed.


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