47 - Two year time skip

High in the sky above the colorful clouds of the spirit realm, an eastern dragon could be seen zipping past the clouds at insane speeds, it had red scales covering all his body and a mane of yellow blond hair running from the top of his head all the way to the tip of his tail.

Its features were rough and he looked as if he was angry but that was just his natural expression.

Right beside him flew another giant dragon, it was black all over with the only different color on his body being that of his blood-red eyes.

Looking down, the eastern dragon saw a wasteland below them with nothing but rocks and dead plants spreading as far as the eye could see, there weren't even any spirits around, that was its destination, it dove straight down followed by the black western dragon.

Before reaching the ground the eastern dragon started shrinking and transforming before landing, raising a cloud of dust on the ground until it was but a fraction of its real size.

When the dust cleared a human boy that looked to be about 12 years old, but he was actually only 10, could be seen standing where the dragon had landed, he was extremely good-looking with sleek brown hair, blue eyes, and a scar running vertically on his left eye that only served to increase his aura and charm, it was Levi.

It had been two full years since he had been isolated here in the spirit realm and even in his spirit form he had continued growing normally, he now looked even older than his actual age.

The same could be said for Acnologia, he had grown so much during the past two years that Levi could barely recognise him anymore, Levi couldn't help but think that at least all that food he'd been eating wasn't for nothing, of course he could still shrink back to his small dragon form but the current big him was his real form.

Taking a deep breath in and exhaling, Levi petted Acnologia's head that was at his side, 'Finally, I am going home.' he thought, barely containing his feeling of excitement and happiness.

That's right he was going back home, Levi had been keeping tabs on his home and on the physical world during the past two years through Tobirama, to make sure everything was alright and that his family, master, and tribe were fine.

One thing that was worrying him was that the fire nation seemed to get more active these past two years. They weren't anywhere near the Southern water tribe in the meantime but there was no guarantee that it would still be the same in the future.

One thing that he put a lot of focus on was to insist on Tobirama to train his younger brother, he had made a promise to himself that he wouldn't let him grow up to be the useless man he was in the show, but sadly his unwilling visit to the spirit realm had ruined his plans and so he had instructed Tobirama to take on that duty in his stead.

So while Tobirama, or to be more precise his clone, took care of everything back home During the past two years reliving the worry and pressure on Levi's shoulders, Levi had exhausted every means he could, except for the character summon cards, to find a way back home with no success, he had started to despair when Tobirama suddenly came to him with the amazing news.

He had found a way to bring him back home from Wan Shi Tong library, Levi almost jumped and hugged him when he heard that but he held himself back, but it didn't mean that he could stop a smile from spreading all over his face, he couldn't help but think again and again how much of a good investment it was to have summoned Tobirama out of all people.

Yes, all the characters he summoned were completely loyal to him and would do everything to help him, but loyalty didn't translate to capability.

Even if they wanted to help they might not be able to, except for Tobirama who appeared to have no limits, of course Levi knew that wasn't true and that he must have been exhausting himself day and night with no rest and so he made a point to give him a reward when he went back home.

Of course, no good news lasts for long as Tobirama dashed his dreams with another piece of news he brought, for the way that Tobirama found to work they needed an immense source of energy, one that not even the current Tobirama or Levi could afford.

Levi had even tried merging with Acnologia and tried it but even that wasn't enough even though his black scaly friend's energy reserve had gotten even more absurd.

Levi had started to lose hope when he suddenly remembered something, Vatuu!

The dark spirit that wanted to bring darkness and carnage on the world, the opposite of Raava, the spirit that's merged with the Avatar's soul, they were both ancient and immortal spirits but that wasn't what mattered to Levi, what really mattered is that they both possess immense energy!

And so Levi started his journey in search of where the dark spirit entity was sealed. He travelled all around the spirit world in the past two years, fighting, surviving and getting stronger every step of the way.

He met all kinds of spirits in his travels, some were benevolent which he became friends with, they guided him and enquired about him as they were also curious about him, and some were malevolent like the red eastern dragon he had just transformed from.

That dragon's home was an active volcano, and he was sleeping on one of the caves at the top of it when Levi visited him, but to his surprise it didn't even give him a chance to speak as it immediately started breathing fire on him the moment it noticed him, thankfully Levi at that time was merged with Acnologia and immediately covered his whole skin in black scales, barely feeling the scolding hot flames on his body and shocking the eastern dragon greatly.

After an intense and arduous battle that lasted two whole days! Due to both dragon's immense stamina, vitality and Chi, and also due to the fact that Levi didn't use Divine armament or Ethereal essence as it was a good training for him, they had finally defeated the eastern dragon and Levi forcefully bonded it to him making it completely under his control and essentially killing it.

The moment he did that was also the moment that spiritual bond reached max level of 10 and Levi became capable of completely transforming into the bond animal's body which was really useful, he also got more slots for spirits to bond with but he didn't use them.

Unless it was a spirit with a special ability or a really powerful one he didn't see any reason for it, between the blue eagle, Koh, the eastern dragon, and Acnologia he had more than enough.

So after that long journey of almost two years, Levi had finally reached this wasteland that was supposed to be the place Koh was sealed in, and after looking at it and remembering his memories of the show from his past life Levi was sure that he was in the right place.

Looking everywhere and transforming his eyes to that of the blue eagle, Levi saw miles ahead in every direction but he still couldn't spot the tree Vatuu was sealed in, nonetheless he was sure he was in the right place he just needed to search more thoroughly.

Running forward Levi jumped high and transformed into his eagle form as he flew as high as he could and observed the ground, there was basically nothing that could escape his eagle eyes while he was flying up high so before long he spotted his target.

It was a giant dead tree twenty kilometres (12.4 miles) away from him, it had no leaves and it was a menacing sight in this strange wasteland, its roots didn't go underground but spread alongside the rocks it was on instead, it was straight out of a horror movie.

Calling for Acnologia Levi transformed to his human form and fell down as Acnologia flew below him and caught him as they flew towards it with Levi pointing the way.

There was no need to prepare, he had already prepared mentally and physically during the past two years and he couldn't do anything more now, right now he'll either succeed and go home or spend the next decades waiting for the harmonic convergence in the spirit realm.

Pulling up his status screen Levi looked at it.


Name: Levi

Age: 10 years old.

Titles: Courageous Guardian.

Level: 19

HP: 300

Chi: 370.

SP: 310

Vitality: 30

Stamina: 31

Strength: 26

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 25

Endurance/Willpower: 30

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 20

Charisma: 10

Luck: 11

Available state points: 215.

Available system points: 12000.


Gamer Mind (passive) - Level Max: This power allows the user to control their emotions and thoughts as if they were in a video game. They are able to remain calm and focused even in the most stressful situations, giving them a significant advantage over their opponents. This power also makes the user's mind impenetrable to outside influence, such as mind control, psychic attacks and more.

Gamer Body (passive) - Level max: This power allows the user to heal quickly and recover from injuries at an accelerated rate, similar to a video game character. The user can quickly recover from fatigue and exhaustion with just a little rest, and heal from minor injuries in a matter of seconds. They can even regenerate lost limbs or other body parts.

Night vision (passive) - Level MAX: Allows the user to see in the dark as if it were daylight, it can allow the user to navigate better in dark areas and not lose his way, the higher the level the clearer the user's vision will be

Meditation (Active) - Level 14: Helps calm the mind and spirit, HP, SP, and Energy recovery increases by 14% during meditation.

Spirit world projection - Level (Max): The user can now use meditation to project his consciousness into the spirit realm.]

Water bending (active) - Level 30: the user is able to bend water to his own will at higher levels this can unlock other sub-elements of water bending such as ice bending and blood bending, the higher the level the less chi is needed to use this ability.

Cold resistance (Passive) level MAX: Grants the user the ability to resist cold temperatures, the user isn't affected by any degree of cold at all.

Incomplete Blood bending (Active) - Level 30: The ability to freely manipulate living beings blood like its water, takes 10 days to fully charge, can be used for 3 hours straight after activating it.

Ice bending (Active) - Level 30: A sub-bending ability of water bending, the user can manipulate the water molecules to either freeze or melt the water.

Water healing (Active) - Level 30: The user can apply water to an injured area thus redirecting more energy to it and speeding up the healing process of the body, different types of water have different effects, at higher levels the user can even heal internal injuries as well as illness.

Pain tolerance (Passive) - Level MAX: The user can resist and stay focused under intense pain no matter the degree]

Observation (Active) level MAX: A power that allows the user to identify things and people in his environment, it gives a description of the target coupled with their status.

Limit breaker (Active) level 9: Only use when necessary, allows the user to break through his limits and ascend to new heights, the user will suffer temporary side effects later on, the severity of it depends on how long the skill was active. The higher the level the higher the boost granted to the user and the lesser consequences the user will suffer after.

Danger sense (Passive) Level 25: Allows the user to sense incoming danger and avoid it beforehand, increases reaction speed and reflexes by 25%]

Rapid recovery - (Passive) - Level 15: Recover HP, SP and energy by 24% every 30 minutes, the higher the level the higher the recovery rate and the less time needed.

Spirit body (Active/Passive) Level 55: By activating this ability the user can change his state of existence from physical to spiritual and vice versa. The user needs to change his state of being according to the world he is in.

Current state: Spiritual.

Costs 600 Chi points to switch, the cost to switch will decrease as the ability levels up.

It doesn't cost anything to maintain the user state

Divine armament (Active) - Level MAX: A divine armament containing all tools of war the user can conceive, the higher the level the more weapons and armor the user has access to.

Cost: 5 chi per use.

Spiritual bond (Active) - Level MAX: The user can bond with spiritual creatures, store them in his body, control them, and understand and communicate with them, the user will get access to the spirit's power and abilities after they're bond.

Ethereal force (Active) Level 21: Using his inner energies the user converts them into Ethereal force to perceive a distance of 21 meters around him, reinforce himself, and put pressure on his enemies, the distance and power will increase with each level up, the cost will decrease with each Level up

Cost: 1 Chi per second.

(New) Fire resistance (Passive) Level 3: Grants the user the ability to resist Hot temperatures, the higher the level the higher the degree of resistance.

(New) Physical damage resistance (Passive) level 5: Negates 5% of the physical damage the user receives.


Stealth (Active/Passive) - level MAX: Grants the user the ability to move undetected, decreasing the user's presence and sound.

Dodge (Active) - Level MAX: Allows the user to swiftly evade incoming attacks with enhanced agility and reflexes, the user gains an intuitive sense of foresight, enabling them to predict and avoid enemy strikes more effectively.

Weapon mastery (Active) level 35: Grants the user mastery over all kinds of weapons plus increased speed and damage while using a weapon by 35%, can be leveled up using any kind of melee weapon.

Close-quarter combat (Active) level 40: Proficiency in hand-to-hand fighting styles and techniques plus increased speed, strength, and damage during hand-to-hand combat by 40%

Mentor (Passive) - Level 9: The user can more effectively impart his knowledge, powers and skills to other people hastening their learning process, the higher the level the faster and more efficiently the target will learn, +9% learning speed of the target, +9% target comprehension ability during teaching session]

Dash (Active) - Level 21: Grants a 31% burst of speed for short distances, consuming 1 Stamina point for each use.

Throwing (Active) - Level MAX: Grants a 100% increase to the user's throwing accuracy, distance, speed and damage.

Acting (Active) - Level 8: The user can use his superior acting abilities to deceive and lie to other people, the higher the level the better the user is at acting and the higher his chances of deception are.

Cooking (Active) Level 5: The user can cock meals that recover HP, MP and SP by 5%, the higher the level the higher the recovery rate]

He had received the fire resistance ability during his 2-day fight against the dragon which assisted him greatly.

As for his physical damage resistance ability, Levi couldn't help but shudder as he remembered the day he had acquired it. It happened while he was getting attacked from every direction by a group of more than five thousand flying rhinos.

Acnologia in his endless hunger had eaten one of their young ones and like anyone in their place they didn't like that very much. Levi had ended up losing his left arm, both his legs, and even had a rhino horn driven straight through his heart that day before he managed to escape, the only reason he didn't die immediately was Koh and the red eastern dragon's immense vitality.

It took him twelve hours to regenerate his limbs and recover to full health, he could only thank his gamer's body for that, and when he did he wanted to catch Acnologia and beat him till he was one step away from death, what infuriated him more than almost getting killed was that Acnologia didn't even Suffer a single scratch from it, he had let Levi handle all the consequences.

After that day Levi didn't talk to Acnologia and just ignored him for a full month which Levi knew was torture to the dragon through their mutual link.

Thankfully Acnologia seemed to learn his lesson and fixed his eating habits after that day. He still ate whatever he fancied but he became more careful about it.

Sadly he didn't get any new abilities after his spiritual body reached levels 40 and 50 which was quite a big disappointment for him, but he couldn't complain, the abilities he already received were more than enough.

Looking at his massively improved status Levi was more assured of his Victory, overall though, he hoped that it wouldn't come to that but when was his luck ever good, 'Maybe I should invest some stat points in luck?.' he thought seeing how luck was his lowest stat currently before dismissing it, 'Nah, I am sure everything will work out just fine.'

Before long they were on top of the huge tree and Levi could see a red spirit trapped at its center, even from here Levi could feel its evil and malevolence radiating and it seemed to notice him too as even though nothing changed Levi could feel its gaze on him.

Landing in front of the tree Levi approached Vaatu, how this encounter goes will decide if he goes home or remains stuck here.


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