58 - Meeting Aang

Ladies and gentlemen, this is it.

Southern water tribe 

Three people could be seen riding a wooden boat as it drifted on the calm waves of the ocean. There were two boys and a girl. 

The older boy was extremely handsome with blue eyes and brown hair with an extremely fit physique. He was lying down on the boat with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed, seemingly asleep.

The other boy had a ponytail and although he didn't seem to be as strong as the older one it was obvious that he wasn't any pushover either, he was holding a spear in his hand in a striking position towards the water like a Hunter waiting for his prey.

The last one was a girl who was constantly looking down towards the ocean and focusing on the water in front of her frowning from time to time. They were Levi and his two siblings Sokka and Katara.

Katara took a deep breath in as she concentrated on the ocean and started moving her hands around. Levi who was sleeping had his eyes twitch for a bit but he didn't open them.

Slowly a big ball of water with tree fishes inside it began to rise from the ocean and started floating in front of Katara.

"Levi, Sokka look, quickly!" exclaimed Katara as she tried her best to maintain her hold on the ball of water.

Sadly for her Levi was still fast "asleep" and Sokka didn't even turn his head around as he spoke, "Katara quite you're going to scare the fish away." 

"But Sokka…." Just as Katara was about to explain herself Sokka waved his spear and was about to stab it into the water, but he accidentally poked the ball of water above their head and burst it open, causing the fish to escape and the water to fall on the three of them bathing them in the cold water of the ocean.

Levi's forehead couldn't help but twitch as he opened his eyes and set up spitting the water that got into his mouth as he looked at his siblings with an annoyed look, it was moments like these that made him reconsider his decision of not going to train with Iroh, nevertheless what's done is done.

Thankfully he had already enabled Gamer's mind back years ago, or his siblings would have suffered his retaliation.

Sokka unaware that he was the one who caused this turned around in anger as he started shouting at Katara, "WHY IS IT THAT EVERY TIME YOU DECIDE TO PRACTICE YOUR SUBPAR BENDING POWERS I AM THE ONE WHO SUFFERS THE CONSEQUENCES."


"ENOUGH, both of you." said Levi in an annoyed tone making both of them quit immediately, waving his hand the water on the boat and on all three of their clothes and hair was extracted and thrown into the ocean.

Katara's eyes sparkled as she saw this looking at Levi with an admiring gaze that made chills go down his spine. She knew just how hard that casual movement of Levi was.

It made her feel ashamed of her talents, when Levi was her age and even younger he was fighting in the war and participating in missions, but she could barely hold a ball of water together, although she improved with Levi's guidance and training it was nothing much.

Levi could hear Acnologia almost dying laughing through their link making his eye twitch even more as he looked up with an annoyed gaze wanting to slap the darn dragon.

"What is it?" asked Sokka with a wary tone as he saw Levi looking up, he knew his brother's senses were way beyond anyone in the tribe, so if there was a danger he would sense it first.

"Ha-ah, it's nothing, I'm just still a little dizzy from my nap." said Levi, sighing, making both of them show a guilty expression.

Levi always spent most of his time training or on missions and barely had the time to rest, and this time when he had finally got some free time they insisted that he accompany them and they promised that they wouldn't bother him, but in the end, they still ruined his rest.

Looking at the two expressions Levi couldn't help but shake his head as he spoke gently, "It's okay you two, I still have the rest of the day off I can rest later." said Levi easing both of their expressions.

As for Acnologia, he was so high up flying and enjoying his time, there was basically zero chance for anybody to spot him. The red dragon was also moving below the surface of the ocean deep down in case of an emergency. Levi didn't like to leave things up to chance and this time was no different.

Nodding Katara was just about to speak when their boat was suddenly rocked and started speeding up quickly in one direction.

"Ouch, what is happening." Exclaimed Sokka as he held onto the boat.

"It's a water current." replied Katara as she tried her best to hold on.

None of them were panicking though, if Levi wasn't here they might have freaked out, but with him around they trusted that he could handle whatever situation that might occur.

Levi was standing on the boat. The high speed and rocking of the boat didn't affect him in the least, he was just about to raise his hand and stabilize the boat before stopping it when he suddenly stopped in shock.

He remembered this scene.

'Don't tell me this is it?' he couldn't help but think, he couldn't believe it was finally happening.

The scene that was playing in front of him was the exact same one that played at the beginning of Avatar the last air bender show, the only difference was his presence in it.

He couldn't help but become excited as the sea current dragged them along. It was finally time, he had waited for seventeen years and it was finally here.

At the same time he also couldn't help but smile bitterly, even with all the changes he made things still happened the same, it was as if his presence here was inconsequential, the world refused to be steered another way, the timeline refused to be changed, at least when it came to anything major.

'I am still too weak.' thought Levi with a hard look on his face, he was sure that it was only due to his strength that he couldn't make any major changes in the timeline.

If he was strong enough, even if the timeline refused to be altered it wouldn't have a choice in the matter it would still bend to his will.

Soon the boat sailed into a group of icebergs at high speeds, Sokka and Katara started to scream loudly and argue with each other about how to avoid it. 

Levi, not bothering with them, waved his hand and all the ice blocks in a hundred-meter radius melted and turned into water as the boat gently passed through them, the water not even getting inside the boat.

Sokka and Katara watched this tongue-tied with an awkward look on their face, their earlier outburst making them feel very ashamed.

To them Levi was just their caring and loving big brother and that's what causes them to always forget just how strong and borderline scary he was, even if they didn't worry when the current started, when they saw the icebergs they still lost their bearings for a while, they were still too young. 

Before long the sea current was over and the boat calmed down, it was intact with not even a scratch on it, different from how Levi remembered from the show where it was completely demolished.

'Humph, take that timeline.' thought Levi in triumph before he started looking around.

"That was scary." said Sokka as he got up with wobbly feet, Levi knew that he was just acting though and would be ready for action at any given second, he made sure of that during the past years.

"Thank god you were here Levi, I don't know what we could have done without you." said Katara with a grateful tone in her voice, although Levi had the feeling that she meant more than what happened just now, she was grateful he was in their lives!

"Haha damn right, that's what a real bender is like you should learn a thing or two from him."

"Will you just shut up for once?"

"And who's gonna make me? You with your useless bending powers?." 

Levi just filtered them out of his perception as he started looking around, soon he spotted a tall iceberg in front of him, and below it he could feel a massive amount of chi just sitting there as if frozen in time.

"Hehe, time to finally meet face-to-face avatar." said Levi faintly with a smile on his face as he snapped his fingers.

The iceberg in front started cracking slowly as the cracks spread all over it making loud sounds and causing Sokka and Katara to stop their argument before it completely shattered into thousands of ice pieces. Levi wasn't going to count on Katara to break it this time so he just decided to speed it up and do it himself.

After that an even bigger iceberg that seemed to have been trapped below it surfaced and caused the water around to rage and rock their boat all around, thankfully this was nothing to Levi as he effortlessly stabilized it. Soon the boat stopped near the massive iceberg, and the waves stopped raging.

"Wow, that was intense." exclaimed Sokka as he got up.

"What was all of that,... Wait." said Katara pausing and continuing, "Inside that iceberg, is that a person?."

"Heh, how can a person be inside of an iceberg, don't be silly." said Sokka, mocking her.

"I know what I've seen, stop talking and let's help him." said Katara as she grabbed Sokka's weapon and ran towards the iceberg and started hitting it, making small cracks with every hit.

Soon her relentless efforts bore some results as the ice cracked and a pillar of light shot into the sky before cold steam gushed out of it throwing Katara back as if she weighed nothing, thankfully Levi was ready as he caught her in one hand while still looking forward.


Far away from the Southern Water tribe

A fire nation ship was sailing in the cold waters as a young man with a burn scar on his left eye stared into the horizon at the towering pillar of light. Behind him was an old man sitting on a low table playing a game and drinking tea. They were Iroh and Zuko.

"Finally, uncle, do you realize what this means?" Zuko spoke as he turned behind him. 

"I won't get to finish my game?" answered Iroh in a sarcastic tone.

Zuko, not paying any heed to his response continued, "It means that my search is finally about to come to an end."

Hearing his nephew Iroh could only Sigh and not reply.

"That light came from a very powerful source uncle, it has to be him, it has to be the avatar." said Zuko in frustration.

"Or it could just be the celestial lights?." replied Iroh, he was also very sceptical about what it was.

For all he knew the avatar was already reincarnated as Levi so he wondered about where that light came from.

'Then again there are other ways one can gain the power to bend other elements without being the avatar.' thought Iroh as the image of the lion turtles came into his mind.

Levi had never stated, he was the avatar, and even during the test he didn't pass with flying colors.

There was also his trip into the spirit realm that could have granted him the ability to wield fire, nevertheless, if either Levi or that light pillar source were the Avatar he needed to do his best to protect them from his nephew.

'Not that Levi needs my protection.' thought Iroh, his eyebrow twitching.

Even Levi when he was just a kid was strong enough to defeat the current Zuko, not to mention the current him, Iroh could only pray for his nephew that he and Levi don't cross paths.


Everything until now was just like it was portrayed in the show, but he couldn't lower his guard, he didn't know if Ravva would be hostile towards him or not and he didn't want to take any chances.

He also ordered Acnologia to be ready at any moment while positioning the red dragon below sea level, ready to interfere in case anything happened.

Soon the steam cleared out and the bald boy with glowing tattoos stood up and looked at them before all strength seemed to leave his body as he collapsed and slid on the ice till he reached their feet where Katara caught him.

The events of the TV show started playing out in front of him with the only change being him present here, but he still didn't let his guard down.

Everything played exactly the same from Aang asking Katara to play a weird penguin Levi had no idea about to them seeing Appa to finally Sokka suspecting Aang to be a fire nation spy and Katara shutting him up and introducing them

"I am Katara, the paranoid one is my middle brother Sokka and the last one is my older brother Levi. Nice to meet you."


I Know you want to give me your power stones, come, come don't be shy, I'll take good care of them.


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