65 - Sokka's improvment defeating the Kyoshi warriors

"So ladies, shall we dance." said Levi with a smirk on his face that seemed to agitate them as the first one ran at him, her emotions getting the better of her, of course Levi dodged her effortlessly, and while doing so he aimed at the two fans that were in her hands and used his theft ability.


[Thieving successful]

[Theft ability leveled up +1]

Jumping away from them Levi lifted both fans to inspect them closely as he commented, "Interesting choice of weapons"

The female who had just rushed him looked at her hands in pure horror to find that her two fans had disappeared without her noticing, she didn't feel a single thing, and even her hands were still clenched as they were when she was holding her fans.

'Now, with my weapon mastery at max level I should have no problem with this.' thought Levi as he started spinning the two fans in his hands and performing moves with them as if he had been using them his entire life making the Kyoshi warriors eyes go wide in shock, including Suki.

"You're open" said Sokka as he delivered a fast punch, hitting Suki square on the jaw almost knocking her out, fortunately for her she regained her balance before Sokka could follow up with any more attacks, but Levi could tell that Sokka's punch did more damage than the physical one on Suki.

He could tell the Kyoshi warrior's morale had hit rock bottom, some had even started harbouring thoughts of retreat, 'I guess it's normal, they had never been put in a situation like this before, they always had the upper hand in every fight they've been in, that's the danger of having no adversary or challenge, people grow weak.' thought Levi, but he wasn't referring to the Kyoshi warriors fighting strength in the end as it was top class, but their resolve instead.

With just a simple set back they almost lost all will to fight.

'Well that's not my problem, anyhow now it's time to have some fun.' thought Levi in excitement as he looked at the Kyoshi warriors lined up to fight him, making them tense up. They felt like little rabbits being stared at by a hungry tiger, utterly helpless.

Levi threw the two folding fans in his hands up before catching them again from their front and throwing them towards the Kyoshi warriors, hitting two of them in the forehead and throwing them into the ground before the fans rebounded back into his hands.

Not only did Weapon mastery at max level give him a 50% increase in speed and damage, but it also allowed him to have inhuman control of weapons like he just did where the fans rebounded perfectly back into his hands

Levi held both fans tightly as used Dash and disappeared from where he was in a burst of speed appearing in the midst of the Kyoshi warriors, he was so fast they weren't able to react to him at all as he started a one-way beatdown in their midst. 

Kicking and sweeping using his fans and blocking all their attacks as if they were nothing, he was using the folding fans so masterfully that the Kyoshi warriors looked like little children trying to fight against an adult in front of him.



Aang's soft whistle echoed in the background of the fight, heard only by Katara who was tied up next to him, both of them were not that worried, Aang because he could untie himself at any time and Katara because she believed in her brothers.

"He is something alright, Is there anything your brother can't do?" asked Aang in genuine wonder as he saw the way Levi was fighting, it seemed more like an elegant dance rather than a fight.

"Well there is one thing." said Katara, getting Aang's attention, "He can't lose." she continued with an I got you smile to the disappointment of Aang.

"There is also Sokka, I knew Levi was strong but Sokka…." said Aang before pausing and looking towards Katara.

"Just spit it out." said Katara.

"Well, he had always given me the vibe that he wasn't all that much." said Aang while looking sideways at Katara, he was afraid he might have offended her.

"Ha-ah" sighed Katara, someone else might have gotten angry but Katara knew Aang's intentions weren't bad, plus he wasn't wrong, "That's Sokka for you, he does dumb stuff a lot of the time but he isn't someone you should mess with or else you would regret it." she said as she remembered all the tough and hellish training Sokka had to go through as a kid, just remembering it made her skin crawl.

Aang nodded his head hearing her but then as if he remembered something he turned towards Katara and spoke, "How come you're so weak then? Why aren't you like your brothers." asked Aang in a casual tone.

But he soon realized his mistake as Katara turned towards him with a look that said she wanted to skin him alive, "What did you just say?"

"Uh..hehehe, nothing, nothing." said Aang cracking a nervous laugh with sweat dripping down his forehead, he even pulled some distance away from her on instinct.

"Humph." said Katara as she went back to watching the fight.


The fight had been going on for a while and by this point it was obvious to anyone that Levi was just playing with the Kyoshi warriors and having fun not taking them seriously at all, which made the Kyoshi warriors despair even more.

Levi could also feel that some of the island inhibitors had come and were watching the fight from afar, not daring to show themselves, but their despair was just as evident.

On Sokka's side he was still fighting Suki, but it was clear to anyone watching who the winner was going to be, she was panting and barely able to stand while he wasn't even out of breath, compared to his training back at the tribe with Levi and Tobirama this didn't even qualify as a warm-up.

Deciding it was time to end it Sokka threw his boomerang at her which she managed to barely dodge, but neither side engaged each other after that, "Well it was a nice warmup beautiful, but I have to end it now." said Sokka.

Hearing him speak Suki almost lost consciousness right then and there but she held herself with pure willpower, looking at him she could tell he wasn't joking this might just be a warm-up for him.

Before she could reply something hard hit her at the back of her head almost knocking her unconscious for the third time today as she stumbled forward, Sokka wasn't sitting ideal either as he retrieved his boomerang that had just hit Suki and flew right into his hand before he grabbed her by the hand and collar of her cloths and threw her over his head slamming her to the ground knocking the air out of her.

"It's over." he said as he held his boomerang at her, Suki couldn't even catch her breath to reply to him


Seeing Sokka's performance Levi almost shed a tear due to how proud he was of him, all the effort he spent on him hadn't gone to waste, and now the Sokka standing in front of him was leagues above his counterpart from the canon.

Seeing him end his fight Levi decided it was time to end his as well, and why not end it with style?

Levi jumped back high up before the water from the ocean rose towards him in the shape of a tornado and carried him as he looked at the Kyoshi warriors below him, water also flew towards his hands before separating into four tentacles on each hand making him resemble an octopus.

Seeing this scene Suki and the Kyoshi warriors as well as the inhabitants watching from the distance couldn't help but feel shocked before it was quickly followed by despair the kind of which they had never felt before.

"You…You're a water bender!" said Suki with a weak voice and a helpless smile on her face, she knew it was over, if she had any hope previously it was violently crushed at this moment 

Levi's water tentacles each grabbed a Kyoshi warrior with none of them being able to dodge before it slammed them into the ground, some instantly lost consciousness while others could only lay groaning on the ground.

"Show off." said Sokka, faking anger as he untied Katara, Aang just slipped from his binds like it was nothing.

"Please…*cough*...Please you can do anything you want to me, you can take anything you want, please just don't hurt the people in here." said Suki as she barely got up and walked before she knelt in front of Levi, if they the Kyoshi warriors couldn't stop them then it was hopeless, she only had one last option left, to beg for their lives.

"Wait a second it isn't what you think." Katara tried to explain before she was interrupted as people started to come out of their hiding with tears in their eyes. All of them were shaking in fear with some holding sticks in their hands while others held rocks.

'Well, at least they're not cowards.' thought Levi as he saw this scene, but he didn't want to interfere so he decided to leave it to his siblings and Aang.

"If you want to hurt them you have to get through us first." said an elderly man trying to intimidate them, if only his legs weren't shaking he would have been more convincing.

"You guys, what are you doing? Get back." said Suki struggling to even stand as she tried to reprimand them but none of them listened to her.

"Listen people you got it all wrong we mean you no harm." Said Aang trying to soothe the angry and sad mob.

"L..Lies." groaned one of the Kyoshi warriors that Levi fought before.

"You attacked us first, we were just defending ourselves." said Sokka backing Aang up, looking at the people around him as if they were idiots.

Hearing him Suki as well as the other Kyoshi warriors seemed to finally realize something, throughout the fight none of them seemed to be going for the kill, and when they thought about it what would they have done if someone attacked them from out of nowhere, the villagers also seemed to realize that there might be a misunderstanding and calmed down a little.

"Plus that bald kid there is the Avatar." said Levi driving the final nail into the coffin as he pointed at Aang.

Hearing him the villagers and Kyoshi warriors eyes went wide, for them the avatar was akin to their ancestor, and to drive the point even further Aang picked up some rock and started to do some air-bending tricks with it driving the villagers crazy, one guy even started foaming at the mouth before he passed out.

'The fuck?' came Acnologia's shocked exclamation as he saw the passed-out guy.

'You and me both buddy.' said Levi as he also looked at the guy passed out on the ground feeling lost for words.


Everything from then on unfolded just like in the show with the villagers receiving them like they were kings and giving them a warm welcome, they were even taking care of Appa and Momo, brushing and combing their hair while giving them all sorts of treats.

Levi could barely stop Acnologia from rushing you off his body when he saw this scene, he could feel a mix of jealousy and envy coming from the dragon, he only calmed him down by promising him a lot of food and treats later.

While Appa and Momo were receiving their royalty treatment Levi, Katara, Aang, and Sokka were now sitting inside a big room with a long table in front of them lined up with all sorts of food, Sokka couldn't help himself as he started devouring food as if he hadn't eaten for years while they just dug a little bit here and there.

Unlike the canon where Sokka refused to eat because he was defeated by the Kyoshi warriors and his pride was hurt because they were women, this time things went differently and he didn't have any qualms about eating.

Levi of course would not just eat food given to him by random strangers like that but this time he knew the people of the island meant well, of course he also used observation on it just in case, and if worse came to worse he had his purification ability so he didn't stop them.

"Man, these people really know how to treat an avatar." commented Aang while he munched on his food.

"Mhm." replied Levi by only nodding his head while chewing, he was currently trying to appease Acnologia for the second time today and he couldn't deal with outside distractions.


Some time later.

"There you go Buddy, Hope this is enough for you." said Levi as he patted Acnologia while crouching and handed him some food, some of it bought from the shop for barely anything and others were stocks from his inventory.

They were hidden behind some buildings with Levi using his ethereal force sense to detect anyone getting close, Acnologia was of course in his small form no bigger than a puppy or else there would be no way for him to hide.

Suddenly Levi detected something in the range of his senses as he got up to take a look, he saw Sokka entering the Kyoshi Warriors Dojo before he asked if he could join them in their training, this time unlike the show -where they had humiliated him in the worst way possible- they had seen Sokka fight and knew he wasn't someone to take lightly so they easily accepted, and they didn't ask him to wear women clothes either.

'Ha-ah, in the end strength is still the basis of everything.' thought Levi sighing and also reminding himself to not get lax.

Although Levi was confused about something, his brother didn't really need training, plus if he needed any he should have come to him instead. Why seek the Kyoshi warriors? But then it hit him! 'He's just tryna hit.' thought Levi as he turned around and headed towards Acnologia deciding to feed his dragon and mind his own business.


I Know where you live 🧐, don't forgot to leave your power stones if you don't want me knocking on your doors 🗡️🗡️🗡️


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