Avengers Unassembled

~Helicarier Detention Section~


——3rd P.O.V——


Loki is now free from his cuffs and is contained in a Large Glass Cell, held by HYDRAULIC RIGS. Fury walks up the control panel of the cell.

"In case it's unclear. You try to escape. You so much as scratch that glass." Fury said and presses a button which OPENS UP a HATCH underneath Loki's cell.

Loki peers as much as he can from the glass. Without even seeing, the sounds of GUSTING WIND would make a man sh*t his pants. Not a god, though.

"Thirty thousand feet, straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?!" Fury questioned and close the hatch.

"Ant." Fury said and points at Loki.

Then he points at the button which would drop Loki

"Boot." Fury declared, trying to intimidate the prankster

"It's an impressive cage. Not built, I

think, for me" Loki smirkingly asked, after all The Mischief God is not one to run from mind games

"Built for something a lot stronger than you."Fury shortly replied.

"Oh, I've heard." Loki said and looks into the camera.

The others watch on the monitor Loki getting interrogated.

Banner looks at the monitor, completely unbothered.

"The mindless beast, makes play he's still a man. How desperate are you, that you call upon such lost creatures to defend you? I can understand the other one, He's strong, it will be entertaining, watching Him and Thor fight, both brutes. Slightly better than the mindless beast" Loki said, still watching the camera.

"How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill `cause it's fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did."Furry threatened Loki with his voice raising after every sentence he spoke.

"Ooh. It burns you to come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is." Loki mockingly questioned.

"Well, you let me know if Real Power wants a magazine or something."Fury replied back with an equally mocking tone, and walks off leaving Loki in his glass cell.

Loki looks back at the camera, smirking.


~Briefing room~


Steve watches until the monitor goes black. Thor, who didn't even look, just listened, stands there, torn apart. They all just stand there in stunned SILENCE. Finally --

"He's a tricky one" Bruce's calm voice broke the silence, and he looked less stressed, staying away from Bryan and talking with other people did improve his broodiness.

"Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Thor, what's his play" Steve questioned the Thunder God.

"He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract."Thor replied to Steve.

"An army? From outer space" Steve questioned again, with serious tone

"So he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for."Bruce calmly analysed.

"Selvig?"Thor questioned, hearing a familiar name

"He's an astrophysicist." Bruce answered

"I know him, He's a friend." Thor said

"By the way, Where's Bryan." Steve asked Bruce, knowing Bruce's connection with Bryan.

"Master Bryan said he has better things to do then this" Bruce replied stiffly, as knew where his employer went

"Like?" Steve asked

"Like laying and watching the clouds from helicarier's runway" Bruce said with a neutral, fully knowing his employer's eccentricity.

The Avengers were silent, trying to wrap their head around the word Bruce spoke, seeing everyone so speechless, Natasha spoke this time, as she finally found out who Bryan is.

"Loki has him under some kind of spell,

along with one of ours." Natasha answered Thor's previous question, and successfully changed the subject

"I wanna know why Loki let us take him. He's not leading an army from here." Steve inquired.

"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy's brain is a bag full of cats, you could smell crazy on him." Bruce replied to Steve.

"Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and he's my brother.

"He killed eighty people in two days." Natasha simply stated

"He's adopted." Thor corrected his previous statement, showing their deep brotherly bond.


—— Bryan's P.O.V ——


I nostalgically chuckled on Thor's previous statement. I still remember that line from my previous life, my sister told the same line hundreds of time, but each time managed to make me laugh. I guess, some people just narrate stories that good, thinking about my sister, I couldn't help but feel a bit sad, but I have already come to terms with my past life, and moved on.

The only thing that can still make me feel sad is my wife's memories, I still can't move past it, but it's not anyones but my own fault. I met her when I was at 'what I consider the lowest point of my life'.

It was after the WWII, when I had fallen to the life of debauchery, I did everything imaginable, from parties-to-org**s-to-drugs, name it I have done it, I completely let loose of myself, and as I was completely loosing the control over my desires, I met her, normally when I first saw her, my first thoughts were how to get her to my bed but that thought quickly evaporated after I saw her face, a face I quickly recognised.

Although her face was a bit older than the Actress who played that character's role, I still recognised it pretty easily, after that I questioned myself, whether I'm really in the right universe, or I'm in some AU-MCU, but that didn't last long as I watched her leave, I quickly followed after her, which led me to the public library, where she worked.

After knowing her working placed, I followed her many times and eventually learned all about her. From what I gathered, her father and husband died in first and second world war respectively, and after that she lived with her old mother and gambling addicted brother.

And after her mother died from old age, her brother lost their house in a gamble and ran away from the dept collector. Completely homeless and broke, a old lady took pity on her and rented a room to her in exchange for some physical assistance, the old lady also helped her to get a job in the public library.

After confirming that she's not the character, who will born in the future and this really is the MCU, he forgot about the woman and went with his life as usual. But that didn't last very long, as the woman enter his club few weeks later, but he ignored her, same could not be said for his senses, they still told him why she came to such a place.

Her, at that time new friends forced her to come to the club, they wanted her to move on from her late husband, and find someone else( which he still find funny to this day, you go to club for hookups not to find marriage candidates).

The night was passing like usual, with him taking shots after shots, dancing and flirting with girls, but for some reason that night his eyes were always land on that woman in every few minutes, watching as she stand in a corner, trying to avoid drunk mens, who were keep harassing her, and after getting fed up with all those mens, she made her way to the exit, not seeing them following after her.

Knowing where that was going, I—


An explosion sound halted my depressing thoughts.


—— 3rd P.O.V ——


While the Avengers were in a heated debate and Bryan was lost in his thoughts, a small jet manages to make its way above the helicarier undetected, the hatch of the jets opened and a man with a bow and arrows came to sight.

The man nocked two arrow and aimed the two front engines of the helicarier at the same time, the arrows flew and quickly reached their target, with a beep they exploded.

Everyone is thrown in every direction. Steve, Fury, Thor and Tony are thrown across while Natasha and Banner is down in the lower equipment room. Steve looks up at Tony.

"Put on the suit" Steve seriously said

"Yep" Tony replied.

Steve helps Tony up and out of the lab. Fury sits up, clutching his ribs. He puts on his EARPIECE.

"Rodger to Bryan, do you hear me" Steve asked through his ear coms

"Yes, I can hear you" Bryan replied

"What's the situation" Steve inquired, knowing some of Bryan's capabilities

"Both engine-1 and engine-2 is down, currently I'm holding and preventing the helicarier from falling, send some one to repair those." Bryan give a quick summary of the situation at hand.

"I'll handle those." Tony replied joining the coms line

"Send, Thor after Bruce, as the green guy could make an appearance any moment." Bryan's deep voice sounded again through the coms

"Why? Didn't he said that you disciplined the big guy, was your punishment that light" Tony jokingly said

"That I did, but the sceptre messed with his mind and Bruce is seriously injured currently, as I'm busy and can't save Bruce, The Hulk will come out to save both him and Bruce" Bryan acknowledged Tony and explained

"Okay, I'll find Thor" Steve said and quickly run off to find Thor.

Natasha looks over to Bruce, who is breathing heavy, having landed hard, he impaled himself on a steel rod. His one hand gripping the wound and the other placed on the floor to maintain balance, but his eyes are green, his face intense.

Bruce suddenly starts transforming into the HULK and gives Natasha one last knowing look. Natasha STRUGGLES FREE of the rubble. She stops. The HULK, sensing her, turns his head and puts on a face of a disturb monster.

Natasha JOLTS up the stairs with the HULK chasing after her. Natasha maneuvers like a black widow should. She rolls under a turbine, starts to crawl within the maze of pipes.

The HULK pulls them out from above the catwalk. Natasha falls through under the catwalks and quickly and stealthily escapes. The HULK lets out a ROAR OF RAGE unlike anything.

Bryan sighed deeply listening to the Primal Roar, he knew if he wanted, he could solve the whole chaos in seconds, but he let it play out for the sake both, their growth and his own entertainment.

The whole thing played the same except, Barton destroying two engines instead of one, and Bryan holding the helicarier in air


—— Bryan's P.O.V ——


Feeling all the engines coming back to life, the helicarier lifted from my palms and flew higher, towards its original height.

I slowly made my way towards helicarier, only to stop, as a jet flew from it and came my way. The pod of the jet opened and revealed a smirking Loki inside, Loki's eye met mine before he threw something at me. Looking at the object, I can feel the same energy I felt when I interacted with the Time-Stone and Mind-Stone, feeling curious and also wanting destroy Loki's confidence, I caught the object, which made Loki's smirk even bigger. Looking back at the object, I can see it's a bomb, and the moment I came to that conclusion the said bomb exploded, releasing a intense blue light which blinded me for few seconds, and after I regain my sight back, I didn't find Loki in my sight, in-fact there was nothing in front my eyes, no helicarier, no jet, no nothing, just the vacuums of the Space.

I was teleported to the Space, with nothing in sight except the stars.

{AN~ Before you guys say why did he fell for Loki's trick. The answer is pretty simple ~Arrogance, Bryan was arrogant enough to believe Loki can't to do anything to him