23: Civil War




— Bryan's P.O.V —


Wanda and I hovered over the airport, silently watching the Avengers making their appearance one by one. Even though there were no casualties during the war against the Ultron, the registration act still passed, and Tony somehow still accepted the act along with some other. Captain and the remaining Avengers declined it, and this led to the current situation.

They each also contacted Wanda, but she immediately denied their request. And only reason we are here is because she's too worried about Pietro as he has decided to side with Captain.

Steve in his uniform strides through an underpass, then jogs onto a private runway, heading for a grounded chopper. An electro-disabler slams onto the chopper and Steve looks up as Tony in his Iron Man suit and Rhodes in War Machine suit decent.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony commented, and I chuckled at that. Tony has the same face as RDJ, and there's very few who hated that face.

"Definitely weird." Rhodes said and opened his helmet

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Steve tried to explain but got interrupted by T'Challa's leap over a truck. "Captain." The Black Panther greeted.

"Your highness." Steve greeted back, a bit stif from the guilt If I have to say.

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony joked but his tone was anything but that.

"You're after the wrong guy." Steve replied to Tony.

"Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Tony gravely said.

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't." Steve tried to explain again, but it only made it seems like he's protecting the winter soldier just because of their past. I can't really blame him for that because I know from my past experience how deep their friendship is.

"Steve . . . you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Natasha said, and Bruce nods at her word which is the biggest change from the original time line.

Since Hulk never went to Sakaar, Tony pulled Bruce in this fiasco easily as he always felt guilt because of the damaged the Hulk has caused in the past even with me telling it wasn't his fault

Steve also managed to get Thor.

"All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos." Suddenly a blue and red spandex wearing guy jumped out behind a big container, whom I easily recognised as the Spiderman. Peter shoots a web, stealing Steve's shield and binding his hands. "Nice job, kid." Tony praised the teen, and I can fell slight satisfaction in his voice.

"Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit… Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you." Peter stopped speaking when Tony sent glare at him.

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony said flatly and turned his head towards the silent Cap but Peter's next made him almost facepalm

"Okay. Cap . . . Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man." Peter tried to casually greet Steve, trying not to sound a fanboy, but he totally failed in his endeavour.

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just . . ." Just as Tony thought Peter was done speaking, the exited teen opened his mouth again

"Hey, everyone." Peter gave everyone a small wave, which made both me and Wanda to release a small laugh at the young web crawler's antics.

". . . Good job." From Tony's tone, I can easily guess how much the playboy billionaire regretting his decision of inviting Peter here.

Captain ear bud buzzed, as his team also entered the scene. Watching Pietro appearing beside Captain I can't help but sigh, and looked Wanda's face which has a concerned frown.

"Don't worry nothing's wrong gonna happen" I squeezed her hand softly and assured her.

Wanda turned her head towards me and nodded.

"I know it's best to let the Avengers grow for the future threats, but this is nonsense, they tearing themselves apart, and I still think you should stop them." I didn't answered her question, as it wasn't the first she had asked the question, instead I focused on the battlefield again specifically Thor and Hulk's fight.

Initially I though Hulk would beat the crap out of Thor, but Thor's better control over his divinity proved me wrong. He can already use thunder like he did in his battle against Hela.

It's seems Odin has taken my advice and has started personally training Thor. I can already see some major improvements in just few months.

The current Thor would have beaten the original timeline's Hulk, but the current Hulk is not a pushover as well.

Hulk is easily fighting Thor who has thunder coiling around his body, but the surprising part is that he's gaining advantage over Thor slowly.

Hulk's combos are getting much better as the fight's progresses. He's adding different moves like sonic clap, small tremors to misbalance Thor, and most importantly he finally started using his bigger stature.

"~Swish" My thoughts got interrupted by the leaving jet, looking over the other direction, I saw Steve leaving with Bucky.

The other Avengers fight had also reached its conclusion, with Tony taking down the Falcon after War Machine crashed into the ground, but I did slightly cushioned his fall with telekinesis so he doesn't get any permanent injuries.

The most baffling thing about this whole fight was Pietro somehow still caught an energy blast to his thigh, and even though he is much faster than he was during the Ultron battle, his carelessness and arrogance got him skewed by the Vision. I had to stop Wanda from destroying the Android, for some reason she always hated him which also secretly pleases me.

Anyway after calming Wanda down I looked back the 'big guns' fight, and from the looks of it they are no where near done. There fight's only getting intenser, with Hulk almost reaching eight feet and Thor's continuous lightning attack. It would not take long before their battle starts effecting others. And Tony also realises it, so he asked Natasha to calm down the Hulk, and summoned a new suit of Armour.

Reading Tony's surface thought, I easily found that this Armour was originally designed to fight me, but after the battle of Sokovia. He dropped the idea and redesigned it to fight Thor, I couldn't help but nod and praise Tony's wise decision.

"What?" Wanda tilted her slightly, and questioned me after seeing me nodding at Tony's Thor buster armour. I chuckled at her cute reaction and tried to pinch her cheek only to swatted away. It's seems she still angry.

"That armour was originally designed to fight me but after I saved Novi Grad, Tony came to a conclusion that the current technology is not nearly advance enough to stop me and redesign the whole thing to fight Thor." I explained as I pulled her towards me and held her from behind. Wanda initially tried to resist and show that she still angry, but after I didn't let go, she eventually stopped and place her head on my chest.

Our relationship has been smoothly developing ever since Wanda started living with me. We haven't done the deed yet, but small teasing and make-out sessions had already became common for us, which honestly has left me quite pent-up.

I don't want to go too far as we still haven't talked about that topic again, but we can't avoid it for much longer too as I have already assimilated the Mind-Stone's energy, and started adapting to the Reality-Stone's.

And very soon the big purple courier men will arrive carrying the remaining Stones.

Shaking my head to remove the useless thoughts, I looked back towards the airport or at least what remains of it. I saw Tony, as he flew after Thor donning his new set of armour, while Natasha simultaneously approached the Hulk.

The Thor Buster Armour is really impressive, and would have probably taken out Thor if he hadn't gotten so much better at controlling his divinity. Although the armour can absorb the electricity and convert it into its own energy, but the force and heat behind the continuous lightning bolts still damaging the suit. And there's so much physical attacks from Thor could the armour take, but with other members of Iron man's team joining the fight, specifically Vision who took Thor's hammer away. They managed to held Thor long enough for Tony to deliver a devastating Uni-beam, which packed enough punch to knocked out the tired thunder god.

Tony then contacted the agents on standby, and asked them to escort the Captain's supporters to the prison.

"So, you want to eat out or want to cook something for the dinner" I questioned Wanda, trying to get her mind off the injured and now captured Pietro, but instead she pinched my stomach with telekinetic imbued hands.

"You telekinesis has gotten pretty strong, but you know, I did not trained you, so you can use it against me" I tried to lighten her mood, but Wanda blushed trying remember how she got so much stronger.

While training her, I imbued her with my energy, or more like Mind-Stone's energy that I produced, but unlike Mind-Stone's unruly energy, mine is far more pure and docile which made Wanda moan in pleasure. And honestly I think she has gotten a bit addicted to it.

In any case, with me providing her with near Infinite energy, and the training facility in my Dimension, her strength has reached a point where she can fold the current Avengers in two.

The only downside is that her physical strength didn't change much, and that's a bummer for some future reasons. I hope the Plane we travel in future has someways to increase her endurance ahhm, or I might have to create a spell which decreases or seals my physical strength.

"Are you sure Captain will rescue them, right?" Wanda's concerned voice brought me back from the thoughts of my biggest and probably the only problem of my life.

"Don't worry, Steve would rather die than to leave his comrades locked up in a cage, but if you're still worried, I can always asked the Council to free Pietro." I said and rubbed her head gently.

Wanda lightly shook her head and replied with a frown. " No, let him be. If you save him and not others, he will not like it." Wanda paused and then continued. "And he needs to learn some lesson, how can can someone, who can see the fired bullets in slow motion can be hit with something even slower." Wanda finished her sentence with a huff, to which I laughed.

"Hahaha, exactly" but it's seems she doesn't like me making fun of her brother as she pinched me again, and this time strong enough to make me feel slight pain without my Bio-electric Aura.

"Okay-okay, now tell me what do you want for the dinner?" I questioned her again.

"Let's eat outside" wanda replied.

"Umhm, Where do you want to eat?" I questioned again.

"You decided, I'm fine with anything" Wanda's word caused me to look down towards her.

"So, let's eat pizza" I offered fully knowing how its gonna go.

"Pizza? Didn't we had it two days ago" ahh shit, here we go again.

"Then, burger?"

"I'm not in mood for something so heavy."


"Too spicy"


"Spicy too"

I suggested few more but each time Wanda declined, making me pop a vein in annoyance.

"Fine, how about I eat you out, and you eat a 'cocumber' if you know what I mean." I whispered near her ear as I tightened my hold on her with one hand and rubbed her thigh with another. Wanda's breathing got shallow but she still replied.

"Now that I think pizza is fine" Wanda said avoiding eye contact with me.


{AN: Man how do other Authors write such long notes, my brain cells just runs out after writing the chapter. Ufff}
