

—— 3rd Person's P.O.V ——


After collecting all the versions of SS serum and mutated spiders from the Amazing Spiderman verse, Bryan didn't stay in that Universe more and left for the other Universes.

Bryan travelled many other Universes after that, his luck was quite good as he managed to find another Universe he knew from his previous life. The Hulk S.M.A.S.H animated series from there he managed to acquire a better version of the Hulk serum.

It was quite an experience for Bryan after all having your Body turn animated is not something you experience daily, but it was a welcoming experience nonetheless.

Bryan left that Universe feeling happy at his luck. But just as Bryan was thinking that he was quite lucky to find so many samples in such little time, something happened. While he was travelling to the next Universe, some entity attacked him with a mental attack and tried to read his memories.

The being that attacked Bryan was so strong that it immediately destroyed his mental defence, and if Bryan didn't have his Void touched skill, he wouldn't have escaped without his memories being read.

Bryan lost consciousness after escaping, last thing he remembered was a few Ultron bot landing on his crashed location, and scanning his body.


—— Bryan's P.O.V ——


"Ahh," I couldn't help but release a painful groan from the head-splitting headache.

Looking around, I found myself locked in a prison cell with something trying to restrict my abilities, but failing miserably.

I closed my eyes, trying to remember what happened before I lost consciousness.

After piecing back everything. "Fuck."I cursed myself for raising the red flag.

Now here I am, locked inside a cell that could actually hold my base form.

"Look who decided to wake up" A very familiar yet different voice called me.

I turned my head towards the direction the sound came from, a giant glass window.

My eyes landed on three Animated humans standing on the other side of the window, whom I instantly recognised as Tony Stark, Reed Richards, and one beautiful Susan Storm.

"And who am I talking with?" I questioned in a similar tone as Tony did, sarcastic.

"My name is Susan Storm and these two are Tony Stark and Reed Richards," Susan answered my question seeing the slight tension rising between me and Tony.

"Can I also have the pleasure of knowing why am I put inside a cage," I questioned again, and this time looking towards Susan, but someone else decided to answer.

"You Crashed and landed in the middle of New York," Reed spoke while showing my crash on a small hologram screen.

"You decided to lock me up for that?" I asked while watching the video.

"Haa, what do expect us to do, purple eye? You're not from this Universe, and the amount of energy you're releasing is off the charts." Tony retorted.

"Fine, I get your point, but can I go now? I want to return to my Universe." I backed down as I truly thought from their perspective.

"No can do purple eye, unless we are sure that you're not a threat to our Universe, you're staying here." Tony denied my request.

Is it me, or this version of Tony is really annoying?

"You think, these walls can stop me," I asked Tony while gently placing my hand on the glass window.

"Sure I do," Tony replied in a narcissistic way, fully believing his prison can hold me.

Seeing his smirk and puffed chest, my sadistic side tingled. I slightly pushed my hand on the glass and immediately *Crack* it cracked making the trio take a step back with panicked faces.

"You still think so?" I asked with my eyes shining crimson from my heat vision.


—— 3rd Person's P.O.V ——


"Yea-yeah, I still do, and you big guy, you better calm down," Tony said after gathering himself, and then he pointed at a black projector behind Bryan. "You see that, that thing will send you out of the Multiverse if you as much as break another glass." Tony stopped speaking and turned on the projector for a moment, just to show Bryan that he was not lying.

Bryan himself instantly calmed down as he felt the same presence he felt from his attacker while he was entering this Universe.

His mind instantly started churning at an incredible speed, the surrounding world lost its colour as Bryan's speed crossed the speed of light.

He vibrated his body and phased through the glass wall.

Bryan exited the Prison which was inside another Dimension, and traveled to the earth.

He started reading the newspaper, books, current events, Government documents, and every other thing that could help him identify, the world he was in.

Normally he wouldn't have to do such things because of his telepathy, but at a given moment, it's not possible, as his mental defence is in shambles, and he's having a really severe headache. He doesn't want to worsen his pain.

And even with this method, it did not take long to find which World he was in.

"Fuck!!!" Bryan cursed again after finding out the Universe he was in.

Bryan returned to his prison cell and started thinking about how to tackle this situation.

'The being that attacked me was definitely The Beyonder, but how the fuck did he found me?' Bryan thought while lying down on his cell's bed.

The whole world was still frozen, as he was still in his speed mode.

'With my Void Touched skill, it should be impossible for him to find me with his cosmic sense. The only possible conclusion that I can think of is that he was observing this Universe, felt a spatial disturbance and decided to check himself, that also explains why I managed to escape him.' Bryan contemplated.

'But the biggest question is, why isn't he coming after me? Does something, or someone's stopping him from entering this universe? I can't even leave this Universe in case he's waiting for me. Ahh, I don't have a fucking clue about him. I only knew him through some youtube shorts, and from Fan-Fiction. I know that he's someone who's obsessed with perfection and was manipulating the whole ongoing civil war in the comics. And there was that pre-retcon or some bullshit.' Bryan thought while exiting the Prison again, and going to the Captain's hideout.

After reading the documents inside the hideout, and checking on other heroes, he came to the conclusion that this Universe is slightly different than the Beyonder Universe he knew.

For the first part, there are relatively more heroes involved in this than he knew from his past life.

And most importantly there's Sentry who's also locked inside the prison he's locked in.

'But how the fuck did they capture that guy, he was an at least Universal-level being.' Bryan confusingly thought and tried to find how Tony, Reed duo captured the Sentry.

After snooping some more, he finally found that.

Apparently Sentry handed himself in after the Void made him do some evil stuff.

And unsurprisingly, Captain is planning to free Sentry in his recent upcoming raid, and he's also planning to do the same with me.

Now, how do I do this? Should I wait for the Beyonder to make a move, or just open a portal and leave this crazy Universe behind? Although it will only take me a second to do that, but that one second is enough for Beyonder to screw me over.' Bryan thinks while returning back to the prison and exiting his speed mode.

Immediately the colour's returned to the world, and so did Tony's voice.

"Trust me purple eyes, you won't be liking the other side."

Bryan ignored Tony and sat cross-leg on the bed, started rebuilding his mental defence.

Tony spoke more, trying to rile Bryan up, but eventually stopped when he saw Bryan not reacting.

Reed, Tony and Susan returned after explaining some more things to Bryan which he completely ignored.

Bryan's opened his eyes and observed the retreating Susan, or more specifically the fetus growing inside her belly.

He had read a few online articles on her son in his previous life, Franklin Richard: The Powerhouse.

"I will wait for the Beyonder to make a move, and when his focus is not on me, I'll leave this Universe. And If worse comes to worst, I will just enter my Pocket Dimension and wait for him to leave." Bryan mumbled as he closed his eyes again and returned to his Mindscape.


{AN:Go to my patr*on for extra 11 unedited chapter and 2 extra weakly updates on every Friday and Saturday.

