

—— 3rd Person's P.O.V ——


In an abandoned building, two women were standing. One was a mature blonde woman, while the other was a brown-haired teen.

The teen had her eyes shut in concentration, while the blonde has two fingers on her forehead.

"I can't, Emma," the teen said as she opened her eyes, with a frown marching on her forehead.

"You have to America." Emma insisted, still using her powers to help America.

"We have been at it for months, it's not working!!!" America shouted and angrily slammed her fist on the wall, causing her signature portal to accidentally open.

*BAM* The portal didn't open for long, and closed in a few seconds, but not before something came out of the portal, a body.

Both women were frozen in shock at the sudden situation, but that didn't last long as Emma instantly recognised the unmoving body and ran towards it. She crouched down beside it and placed her hands on its chest.

"Who's this? Someone, you know?" America questions, as she saw Emma's hurried movements

"The man we have been trying to find" Emma curtly replied, as she examined Bryan's body.

"He is Bryan Fury?" America questioned again, but Emma didn't reply this time instead she nodded her head, she was too focused on checking Bryan's body.

But Unfortunately for Emma, Bryan's body suddenly reacted to the foreign force, and retaliated, causing her to fling back.

"Emma!" America worriedly shouted after seeing Emma bumping into the wall.

"I'm fine…" Emma assured the worried teen as she walked out from the wreckage in her diamond body.

She removed her diamond form which instinctively used when Bryan's body threw her back.

Emma walked back towards the unconscious Bryan, with a frown. Even if Bryan's body repelled her probe immediately after it entered his body. Emma was still able to see that Bryan's body was going through some major changes.

Emma was right, as Bryan's body was really going through some major changes. After his Existence connected with The Void, and started borrowing power from it. The Void triggered an evolution inside Bryan.

Before this evolution, Bryan was already at peak Universal level and was an Energy based life form, meaning his body wasn't mortal anymore and made up of energy which made him a timeless being.

The Void has pushed his boundaries, made his power level reach a low-Multiversal level, and also triggered the evolution to become a Conceptual being.

But the craziest thing was the concept that Bryan was embodying, and even if the being that gave Bryan his second life was here, he would have been astonished as well.

Whether it was him being The Void touched, or The Void itself being the catalyst of his evolution. He was embodying the concept of The Void, it may not sound impressive, but The Void is the beginning and the end of everything. Embodying it means that Bryan has the potential to become the strongest being in Omniverse.

Emma didn't examine Bryan again, instead, she levitated him and moved one of the liveable rooms of the building.


Time started passing, with Bryan showing no signs of waking.

Initially, it worried Emma, but after she "borrowed" some equipment from Trask Industries, she was able to observe Bryan's changes at a microscopic level and it relieved some of her worries.

Bryan's body was going under a cellular reconstruction. Every second thousand of the cell gets destroyed and replaced with newly improved cell. Once every cell gets replaced with improved cells, the process starts again. She already had seen the process repeat hundreds of times over this week alone.

And although Emma cannot tell what were the improvements exactly, she can tell that once Bryan wakes up he will be infinitely stronger than before from the amount of energy the newly created cells are emanating.

Today, Emma was changing Bryan's sheet, when his eyes flutter, causing her to pause.

"Bryan…" Emma softly called, but she didn't get any reply.

Emma was going to call again when Bryan's eyes snapped open, but the sudden information that flooded his brain caused them to close again.

He didn't say anything for almost an hour as he tried to shut his senses, but it was more difficult than it sounded.

Before this, his senses without his Unique energy covered a whole galaxy, but now it's covering an infinite number of Universes.

Bryan slowly withdrew his senses back into his body, and while doing so, many beings noticed his senses, and tried to trace them back, but Bryan's Void touched title thwarted all their attempts.

Bryan frowned once his senses returned inside his body, feeling something missing, even after examining his newly evolved body.

"Status…" out of habit Bryan muttered, much to the confusion of Emma.


[~ Status~

- Name: Bryan Fury

- Race: Transcendent Kryptonian*

- Title: Reincarnated, The First and Last of His Kind, Void Touched, Eternal, Concept of Void*, Evolved*

- Power Level: 2-C: Low Multiverse level(base)*

- True Power Level: 2-A: Multiverse level+(Max)*

-Energy: Void Energy*

-Skills: …]

Bryan mentally clicked on his newly changed Race.

[-Race: Transcendent Kryptonian- Transcendent Kryptonian are a newly created energy-based life form that has evolved from Mutated Kryptonian.

From the moment they are born, they started absorbing different kinds of energy, and the number and quantity of energies are dependent on their potential. Once they absorb to their potential limit, they go through a maturation period where their body forms a unique energy that also pushes them into becoming a conceptual being.]

"This…" Bryan was speechless, not only that his race evolved, but his children will also be Transcendent, rather than normal Kryptonian when he was just a Mutated Kryptonian.

"What kind of status?" Emma questions Bryan which broke him out of his thoughts.

"Nothing, where are we?" Bryan questioned back.

"You don't know already," Emma asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm, I do not," Bryan said as he closed his palm causing the surrounding space to tremble. "My powers have risen too much, and if I try to read the mind of other people, I might accidentally break them."

Emma stared at Bryan for a moment before creating a psychic link with him and sending him all the information she had about this Universe.

Bryan's lip twitch as he questions. "So we are not in your Universe."

"No" Emma blankly replied.

*Bang* *Bang* Suddenly two loud knocking sounds were heard from the door, causing Emma and Bryan to stop.

Emma moved out of the room and went to open the door, not before checking who was behind the door.

"Yes?" Emma coldly questioned the two men standing at the doorsteps.

"Hello, my name is Charles Xavier and this is Eric Lehnsherr" Greeted a man with brown hair, his smile turns flirty when he sees Emma.

Emma raised an eyebrow at Charles's behaviour. Her mind having difficulty comparing the Charles of her Universe to this one.

"Taylor Stacy" Emma greeted back and gave a fake name.

"Ahh, Taylor beautiful name for a-" Charles's flirting got interrupted when Eric hit his head and shoved him away.

"We are here to recruit you, we" Eric paused speaking and raised his hand, causing a metal pipe to fly into it, and then he continued " are like you, a mutant."

" I decline" Emma answered flatly, causing both men to almost trip from her instant reply.

"You sure," Eric asked while observing the broken building.

"If you come with us, you won't have to hide in a place like this, and can live normally with other gifted people." Charles follows.

"I still decline" Emma replied. Charles was going to ask again but stopped when Emma slams the door shut in his face.

"Well, she's still polite than that asshole we met in that bar." Charles jokingly said which made Eric snort, remembering the guy who said them "Go fuck yourself."


{AN: Go to my patr*on for extra 13 unedited chapter and 2 extra weakly updates on every Friday and Saturday.

