

— 3rd Person's P.O.V —


"I'm so beat!" Chandler exhaustedly said as he enter the Central Perk, followed by Ross who replied with dragged out "Ohh yeah"

Both of them were geared up in their sportswear and were carrying tennis rackets.

"Hey, how about we just forget about Racquetball and hang out here," Chandler suggested and slumped on the couch lazily.

"Yeah all right" Ross immediately replied, unlike his previous self.

"Hey, you're in our seat." A man in a grey suit came up to the lounging duo, and startled them with his loud voice.

"Ohh! Sorry we didn't know-" Ross apologised while both he and Chandler stood up from the couch, but someone cut him off.

"We were sitting there." Another suited man followed the grey-suited man.

"Okay, there's one more way to say it, who knows?" Chandler asked with a light laugh, his slight sarcasm also made Ross laugh along with him.

"Is that supposed to be Funny?" Question one of the suited men.

"No, actually I was going for colourful," Chandler replied, a little downcasted but still sarcastic.

"What's with this guy?" The grey-suited man asked his friend.

"What's with you?" The cream-suited man questioned Chandler.

"Uhhh" Ross tried to come up with a word to reply.

"Nothing." Chandler who was staring at the duo answered for Ross.

"Nothing's with him, enjoy your coffee, " Ross nodded at Chandler's word and they both turned look for other seats.

While they were walking away the smaller bully snatched Chandler's cap.

Chandler halted with his smile freezing. "What just happened?" He asked seriously, or at least as serious as his sarcastic tone allowed him to be.

The bully looked at his friend and replied with a smug smile. "I just took your hat, see my joke is that I took your hat.

"Ohh well, that-that is funny," Chandler replied with an awkward laugh while Ross was squinting his eyes, trying to intimidate the suited duo.

"Can I have it back?" Chandler questioned the suited duo who replied with a "No"



"Okay…okay, I think you two are very funny. Kudos on that hat joke" Ross interrupted and tried to pacify the situation.

"But come on guys just give back the hat," Ross said, but the suited duo declined like a typical bully.

Ross even lied that it was a special hat, but it didn't have any effect on the bully.

"Stop that! Stop that now!" Chandler stopped Ross from further embarrassing him and came forward.

"So let me ask you're not returning the hat?" He asked with an angry tone, but only to receive a nonchalant reply from the smug bullies.

Chandler and Ross became speechless at the shamelessness of the duo and left the Cafe to complain to their friends, who console the duo as mothers do with their children.

Later when they returned to the Cafe and was sitting on the couch they were called out by the same bullies again. The situation developed pretty quickly with Ross complaining to Gunther, and the Bullies calling them to meet outside.

"Let's take this outside," one of the bullies said while crouching near Ross's face.

"Let's take this outside?" Ross questioned while bringing his head back.

The bullied nodded their heads, making Ross awkwardly laugh and question while looking at Chandler. "Who talks like that?"

"The guy who's about to kick your ass." The bully answers Ross.

"You had to ask…" Chandler muttered sarcastically, but suddenly his eyes caught Bryan standing outside the cafe, rejecting some poor girl.

Chandler stood up from the couch and spoke with excitement, "Let's take this outside!!!"

Chandler's words caused Ross to also stood up but in panic.

"Wha-what do you mean?" He loudly whispered in Chandler's ear.

Chandler discreetly pointed his head towards Bryan, but Ross didn't notice his hint.

Helpless Chandler grabbed Ross's head and turned it towards Bryan.

Immediately his eyes widen in realisation.

"Yeah! Let's take this outside!" Ross turned his head towards the bullies and spoke confidently. Walking outside they gestured Bryan to help them who was sighing after the teen girl he rejected ran while crying.

Bryan who understood and remember the episode decided to mess with them.

He nods his head at them and walked towards the Central Perk's door, seemingly not hearing whispers.

Chandler and Ross stopped walking and mechanically turned their head at the retreating back of Bryan only to quickly turn it back after they caught the approaching bullies.

Ross turned his head towards Chandler and whispered with a crying face. "It's all your fault."

"Mine?" Chandler sarcastically whispered back, he then took another look back and saw the bullies still following them with grinning faces.

With a despairing expression donning on their faces, they both entered the alleyway and turned back towards the bullies. They gathered their courage and decided to not be a pushover today.

But their courage immediately left them as they saw the bullies punching the air and practising their moves.

"Guys, why don't we decide this as any civil person would," Ross said diplomatically, causing Chandler to nod his head like a chicken.

"No thanks!" One of the bullies said and punched out, only to be stopped an inch away from Ross's face.

"And what do we have here." Bryan's amused voice sounded behind the bullies, making Chandler and Ross open their eyes in excitement. They quickly ran and hid behind Bryan.

"Beat them! Beat them Now!!!" Chandler shouted while pointing and waving his hand at the bullies.

Bryan raised his eyebrows at Chandler's quick change of reaction.

"…beat them…please~" Chandler repeated again, this time much more softly.

"You think I'm scared of this bloke" The smaller of the bullies snorted and pushed Bryan, only for Bryan to not move an inch, and for him to be pushed back due to Newton's third law.

The other bully saw his friend being pushed back, and instead of helping him, he punched Bryan who easily blocked it and decapitated the bully with his own punch.

"Aghh" the second bully who was fallen on his knees groaned painfully, only to receive a kick to his head that knocked him out too.

"I didn't know you could do that…" Ross muttered with a gaping mouth.

"Remind me not to annoy you with my Sarcasm…EVER." Chandler also muttered with a gapped mouth.

"~Chuckle" Bryan chucked and walked out of the Alleyway, and that also brought the two friends out of their shocked state

Ross immediately ran after Bryan, unlike Chandler who walked up to the unconscious bodies of bullies and picked up his cap with a toss.

"This belongs to me…" Chandler muttered, and then weakly kicked the bully." And this to you…"

"Aghh" the unconscious bully groaned again, causing him to jump back in fright and ran after Ross and Bryan while shouting at them to wait.


—— Bryan's P.O.V ——


I returned home after rejecting Ross and Chandler's invitation for the local hockey game which was really hard to do so, as the friends duo was quite adamant. And only after I said that I have to pick up my wife from the airport that they left me alone. But now that I think, I could have used my powers to stop them…

"well me not using them for a few months, made it easy to slip from my superior mind," I muttered narcissistically.

I haven't really used any powers since I entered this Universe, 'or at least after I created this apartment.' I thought while slumping on the couch.

"Not that I lied to them as Wanda's evolution is really going to finish in a few minutes" muttering again, I *munched* the apple that appeared out of nowhere.

'I should get going' and with that thought, I summoned the portal of my Universe and entered it.

Immediately I appeared above a blue planet like Earth, but much-much bigger. This is the same planet I gave Emma to rule a few months ago, and to no one's surprise, she's doing a great job.

She created a small self-sufficient city in these few months that kept expanding every day with new tribes joining her still-baby empire. Kinda like Rimuru, but more calculative.

Shaking my head I open the portal to the Heaven, my personal dimension inside my new Universe.

I divided this Universe into 3 parts

The Underworld, The Earth, and The Heaven.

The Underworld as its name indicated, is a place where souls go after their death for their judgment and reincarnation. I also created a race called Shinigami whose job is to judge and guide the dead soul to the Reincarnation Cycle.

The Earth is a plane between the Underworld and the Heaven where Billions of galaxies exist. And in these galaxies, trillions of habitable planets reside where life has already flourished.

I created many fantasy races like Elves, Demons, Dragons, Goblins, Beasts kins…and many others.

Although they are still quite primitive, and the most developed planet is obviously the one where I dropped Emma. Its her knowledge of an already-developed civilisation that helped her to create and develop the city so fast.

She not only created a city where she has already started to educate the folks but also introduced the power system, I created for this world. And unexpectedly she also introduced a religion with me being the God of it.

Not wanting to be worshipped, I told Emma about the Karma and Reincarnation system, so people do good deeds to get better opportunities in their next life, but unfortunately, this information made the people worship me even more.

"~sigh, it's my own stupidity for doing that." Shaking my head I entered the Heaven, the last of the plane, and unlike the other two, it has no life form in it. I created this for me and my future family, of course, I plan to populate this plane as well, but not now.

Teleporting above my mansion which also got upgraded into a magnificent castle with French architecture after my evolution.

I softly landed on the water-like surface and then walked towards the entrance, with ripples forming after my every steps like real water even if it's solid like real ground.

It took me five minutes to reach the basement where a giant crimson Cristal was standing on an altar. And inside it, Wanda was floating peacefully.

The moment I entered the room the crystal shined brightly, making me close my eyes even if I don't need to.

"…missd me…" Wanda whispered seductively as her hand wrapped around my neck from behind.

"Yes." I turned and replied with a smile.

"Me too…" Wanda seductively spoke again and kissed me suddenly, but it did not surprise me as I was feeling her lust the moment she appeared behind me.

While reciprocating her kiss, I teleported both of us to our room.