
- 3rd Person's P.O.V -
The very next Bryan took the guys to the golf course and met Leonard as he invited Bryan to play.
Of course, Leonard didn't like the uninvited guests, but after Bryan told that his wife is having a girl's parlour day or something, and asked him to bring the guys with him, Leonard relented.
Bryan and Leonard played multiple games where Bryan completely demolished him, much to Leonard's dismay.
After competing and losing to Bryan multiple times, Leonard decided to play with the boys to coax his bruised ego.
And since Joe and Chandler had no clue what they were doing, they lost before the game even started, and as for Ross…well he apparently knew how to play the game. He had some experience in the game of golf as his father brought him to play golf many times.
Ross and Leonard played a few games with Leonard winning more than Ross, but that also made the game more interesting for Leonard as Ross wasn't too good like Bryan who beat him without even trying, nor like Chandler and Joe, who got defeated even after trying pretty much everything.
Ross was also quite happy with the development as he was getting the opportunity to bond with Rachel's dad.
Leonard even invited Ross to play again which made Ross squeal like a little girl. And as for inviting Bryan again…well Leonard considered that even if he likes Bryan's company, it's not worth enough to have his self-esteem damaged every time.
With Ross and Leonard engrossed in their game, Bryan and the guys decided to leave them and return back.
After returning back he met with Wanda who was already done with her girl's outing, and waiting for him inside their apartment.
Once Bryan met Wanda, he took her out on a movie date, and after the movie ended they went out to eat in a fancy restaurant.
Like that, the day ended, and they went back to their apartment.
Days like these started to pass for Bryan and Wanda, and before they know it a year had already passed. And now it is time for them to leave this Universe.
They have already stayed more than they had planned for as Wanda was enjoying their stay too much that's why Bryan never mentioned to leave, but now he's getting bored.
After his evolution, his evolved mind already helped with all his past trauma, and now he wants to travel different fictional verses like he always wanted before his Reincarnation.
And today after the Thanksgiving dinner they finally decided to leave the Universe. Bryan had already informed the Friends group and other friends he and Wanda made, of course, they tried to stop them, but Bryan gave them some legitimate reason like after not getting any "Break" in his music career, his father called him back, and since his father is also quite sick, he has to go back and take over their family business.
- Bryan's P.O.V -
"Thanks for inviting us, Mon" Wanda greeted Monica and handed her a champagne bottle.
"Thanks, Won," Monica said and proceeded to hug Wanda after putting the champagne aside.
"And you too Bryan." Monica then thanked me and hugged me as well.
"Let me help you." Wanda offered after seeing Monica sweating and working alone in the kitchen.
"No, no, no, no! You guys just go and sit with the rest let me handle this." Monica immediately denied Wanda, who looked a bit dejected.
"Come on Monica, you are inviting us to such a wonderful dinner, it's the least we could do," I spoke and tried to convince Monica to let Wanda help.
"No, it's fine Bryan, really! You guys offering help and being grateful for the dinner is already a big help, unlike Some people who only know how to eat." Monica said, her last loud words directed towards the group of friends who were watching TV.
The group cluelessly turned their head in our direction when they heard Monica's loud voice, each waving and greeting when their eyes fell on us. Wanda and I waved back and walked towards them after Monica went back to the kitchen, not before loudly snorting at them.
While waking up to them my mind went to how many changes me and Wanda made in this small 1 year time span.
Normally this Thanksgiving was going to be a huge dating disaster for the Friends group as everyone was going through different relationship problems like Joey refusing to forgive Chandler for kissing Kathy, despite all of Chandler's pleas for forgiveness.
Joey tells Ross he has sentenced Chandler to five years of silent treatment, but Ross talks him into hearing Chandler out.
However, just as Joey is about to talk to Chandler, he sees Kathy and Chandler kissing, and he decides to go looking for another apartment. Chandler asks for Joe's forgiveness and was ready to do anything to get. Joe demanded Chandler get inside a box and not talk for 6 hours.
I really liked that episode quite a lot especially when Chandler didn't talk to Cathy while she was breaking up with him, just because he promised Joe that he wouldn't talk.
But fortunately, or unfortunately, all this didn't happen. Chandler never kissed Cathy and Joe never became angry at him.
And as for other Friends, Monica was going to invite her ex-lover's son, and we can all agree on how much of a disaster that in itself is, it's good that it didn't happen.
As for Rachel and Ross, they were also going through some problems like they always do in the original timeline, but that all didn't happen as well, instead they were talking and flirting like the sweet couple they are.
Ross and Rachel are still dating, and very soon they are even planning on getting married, at least Ross does. I prevented Ross from sleeping with that girl after he and Rachel took a "Break".
And as for why Chandler never kissed Cathy…well after Monica's breakup with Richard, Wanda and I pushed her and Chandler into sleeping together. And like the original series they developed feelings for each other, and now are in a happy relationship.
Of course, Ross didn't like it when he heard his best friend dating his sister, but when we all talked to him and explained how good Chandler will treat Monica, he immediately went from, "MY SISTER AND MY BEST FRIEND!!!" To " aww~ my sister and my best friend~"
"So Chandler, how does living with Monica feel like," I asked as I sat on the sofa while placing Wanda on my lap, who wrapped her arms around my neck and cuddled.
"Great!" Chandler immediately answered with a laugh, but we all gave him sceptical eyes.
"Ok, fine it's hard, her OCD tendencies are really hard to handle, she cleans and organises everything, I mean EVERYTHING!!! If I place a key on the table and forget it, the next day I will not find it, Monica would have already placed it someplace else." He explains in a low voice.
"Candler, are you saying something bad about me?" Monica's loud voice suddenly sounded from the kitchen, startling Chandler who immediately shouted back.
"Of course not, honey, I'm just telling them how much I love you," Chandler said in a panicked tone which made all of us laugh.
Once we stopped laughing Ross questioned me while cuddling Rachel on the couch. "So Bryan, when is your flight?"
"11 P.M." I calmly answered which dampened the mood of the room.
"Come let's not get sad on such a happy occasion, look what we brought today," Wanda said as she brought a bunch of photos from my oversized shirt's pocket.
"These are photos from the previous Thanksgiving!!!" Joe shouts as he saw them playing American football in those photos.
"Not all of them, they are all photos I took while you guys were busy enjoying," Wanda explains as all the friends start checking the photos one by one, she also summoned more photos which the Friends didn't notice as they were too busy.
"Look this one is from this New Year," Joe said showing us a photo where everyone was looking at the clock while champagne glasses were in their hands.
"And this one from Christmas." Chandler showed a group photo.
"Ohh! Look this is from my birthday party," Rachel exclaimed and showed a photo in which I was singing with Phoebe's guitar, and everyone was listening with smiles on their faces.
- 3rd P.O.V -
Like this the small time they had before the dinner passed, and Monica invited them to the dining table.
Once there, the group had their wonderful dinner as they talked about how fast this one year went by.
And by the end of the dinner, it was already getting late for Bryan and Wanda's flight, so they took their leave after saying goodbye to all the Friends.
Friends insisted on coming to the airport, but Bryan declined saying that the cab he booked can't carry so many people.
"I feel like we will never meet again…" Joe suddenly muttered, making others nod as they saw Wanda and Bryan's cab leaving.
"Yeah…" Monica replied sadly.
"Guys look Wanda forgot the photos!" Rachel exclaimed which brought the sad group out of their daze.