I’m back

{An:Hey guys, I'm back. Down below is my Naruto fic which I wrote before going hiatus. From tomorrow onwards I will start uploading my stashed patreon chapters of this fic- A multiverse fan fiction on webnovel, and my naruto fic- Senju Ryoichi's tale to immortality on patreon.}


- Unknown P.O.V -





I opened my eyes weakly at the familiar sound of my life-supporting machine.

Looking around the same room I have been occupying for the last 10 years, I saw my mother standing beside my sisters and father, barely holding back her tears.

Her smile, the only warmth amidst all this chilling death surrounding me, was now nowhere to be seen.

I smiled weakly at her before turning towards my sisters who have looked after me more than anyone else's, their exemplary lifestyles and action has always been something I admired and aimed to achieve. Even though they are married and don't live in the same city, they always visit me every once in a while.

Turning my head away from their teary faces I looked at the last occupant of the room, my father.

The man I always hated because he was always away from the family working, and whenever he was with us, he was unsatisfied with our performance.

I always thought the man didn't love us, but seeing his haggard state and those dark circles under his eyes from overwork makes me feel his love towards me, it really breaks me to see tears in his eyes. The man who didn't even flinch when I rammed my bike into him and broke his leg is crying for me.

It made me realise that he wasn't present in our life because he didn't want to, he was away so he could give us a better life, and when he criticised us it didn't mean he hated us, he just wanted us to be prepared for the unforgiving world.

There are so many things I want to say to him, so many things I want to do with, and so many apologies I want to make not only to him but my sisters and mother too.

I hate my existence for burdening them, I was supposed to look after them and not the other way around, but I know-I know that I don't have much time as I could feel the claws of death wrapping around me, ready to pull me in the eternal abyss of death.

With the last look at my sweet mother, I let my struggling yet unwilling eyes close as a terrifying chill filled my weak body, but not before giving a reassuring smile to them…



In the abyssal darkness of Void, a blue ball of light emerged. The blue ball of light, or the soul was flickering as if it could be snuffed out any moment.

'*Gasp* Where am I? Why can't I see, smell, or even hear anything? Who am I? Why do I feel so cold?…Ahh!!! Yes, I remember now, I was diagnosed with an incurable disease and died with my family surrounding me.'

…So this is this hell, huh? But why is it so cold? Wasn't it supposed to be hot, or I'm not in hell but some other place?'

'It can't be heaven since I see no angels and beautiful women welcoming me. Don't tell me this is the infamous Void I read so much about in the fan fiction.' Thought the frantic soul before calming down.'

'It's not bad I can get used to it, it's far better than always having a feeling of weakness. Even though it's cold here I can sleep peacefully.'


~A few minutes later ~


'…I can't sleep, I guess not having a body also means no sleeping. Well…let's just review my hazy memories.'


~ A few hours later ~


'How long have I been here? A few days, a few months, or Maybe a year, I can't really tell since other than coldness I feel nothing here…sigh~ man I wish I could sleep, it's boring here…'


~A few days later~


'I can't, please…if anyone's hearing me please get me out of here… I want to hear again…See again…Smell again…And feel something other than this soul-freezing coldness. Please I beg you…'


~ A few weeks later ~


'WHY AM I STILL HERE!!! CAN'T YOU HEAR MY PLEA, GOD!!! I WAS A DEVOTED BELIEVER!!! My f-family-father, mother, and sister always prayed to you. My father has even donated millions to your cause then why AM I STILL STUCK HERE? You-YOU FUCKING CHEATER!!! AGH FUUUCCKKK!!!!'


~A few months later~


'So-sorry God, please I beg you, I don't want to be here pl-please~ help me, help me get out of here, even if you put me back to my sick body, I-I will be eternally great full, God…'


~A few more months later~


'Please anyone get me out of here.

Devil, Lucifer, Satan, ANYONE!!! Please help me… I'm willing to do anything, take my soul, body, mind anything, just get me out of here, please.'

'I will be anything, worker, slave, punching bag, I'm even willing to be tortured in hell, or even cease to exist, but just get me-GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!.'


~A year later ~




~ More years later~



~ A few years later~



~ More years~






~Unknown amount of time later~


'Huh? Where am I? It feels so…so Warm? And sticky?…WAIT!!! I CAN FEEL SOMETHING OTHER THAN COLD!!! Hahaha! YES!!!'


As I was submerging in this warm feeling, I felt the space around me started contracting and pushing me up.

I felt myself being squeezed and pass from an extremely thin tube.

Suddenly I felt a cold air hit my head that has already passed the tube…No! No! No! Not the cold again please put me BACK!!!.


- Narrator's P.O.V -


~ Unknown Location ~


Inside a dimly lit room, a woman was giving birth while being surrounded by a bunch of nurses. The woman has brown hair and brown eyes, and if she wasn't covered in sweat and hadn't had her face contorted in pain, she would be called a top-tier beauty by earth standers.

"Push Ayame! I can see the head!!!" One of the nurses encouraged the struggling woman.

They have been here for hours, and are trying to get the baby out, but for some reason, the baby's not coming out, even Ayame who's a Jounin from the Senju clan has exhausted herself trying to push the stubborn kid out.

"One more push, yes, yes, YES!!! It's out and it's a boy, congratulations Ayame." The nurse said excitedly as she cuts the umbilical cord and slaps the baby's butt who immediately started crying.

"G-give me, ma-my boy…" Ayame, the mother of the boy said weakly.

"Yes." The nurse handed the boy after cleaning and clothing him.

"Your name will be Ryoichi, Senju Ryoichi and like the meaning of your name you will grow up to be a good man like your father."

"My, sweet-sweet boy, your father would have been so proud of you, but sadly he's no longer with us," Ayame gentle voice was heard as she places Ryoichi beside her and plays with his small patch of brown hair, but slowly the exhaustion took over Ayame and she also dozes off to dreamland like little Ryoichi.


- Ryoichi's P.O.V -


~One Month later~


It took a month for this newborn brain to adapt to my fully grown-up conscience, I know something like this is not possible in my world, but the energy that has been passively circulating through my body tells me that I'm not on Earth but someplace else.

I am not sure if I'm even reincarnated as a human because this body's senses are too sharp for a human baby or for any human for a matter of fact, from what little I know about human babies is that, at this age they shouldn't be able to see, hear, or even smell anything, but I can do all that and even better than my previous sickly self.

As a one-month-old baby, I can't do much even with my inhumane senses, so like a normal baby I eat, sleep, cry…poop, and repeat, but that is also good because I don't want them to declare me a demon baby and burn me on a stake after all this place looks like quite backward.

*Shudder* just thinking about dying again makes me feel cold in my now-reborn heart. Never! I don't want to feel that…Ever! I-I have to find some way to avoid that place… "Yawn~" Yes this energy… "Yawn~" maybe it could help~.


~ One Month later ~


Another month passed, and other than my daily routine, I managed to move my body which is impossible for a 2-month-old human baby, but again I'm not sure if I'm human anymore anyway, from the looks and behaviour of this body's mother, I can say we are at least close to one, or I'm in a cultivation world where humans are more developed and evolved under "Spiritual Qi".

I can't help but roll my eyes at the absurd idea, but…is it really though? I mean I have energy in my body that helped my baby brain to adapt to my fully grown consciousness.

And not to mention I can feel my brain becoming smarter and smarter every day, calculation which needed a pen and paper to solve, can be solved casually, theories which I had problems comprehending are now easy to do so.

If I have to guess, my brain was supposed to develop like a normal baby's brain but my already grown-up consciousness forced it to accelerate the process, normally I should have become a vegetable, but here, the magical energy played a big role and increased my adaptation, or again I'm not a human and whatever I am is far more adaptive than one…or maybe far more intelligent.

"Yawn~" But human or not, babies do sleep quite a lot…


~ One month later ~


It's been a month since I got that absurd idea, and started trying to sense the "Spiritual Energy" or "Mana Particle".

I mean my energy is more similar to Mana than Spiritual Energy because cultivators don't possess it from birth, they absorb it from "Heaven and Earth" unlike Mages who have Mana or Mana core from birth.

But unfortunately, I'm unable to sense any energy which led me to believe that either I haven't developed my "Spiritual Root" or something equivalent, or the energy I'm trying to find is different from my own. Of course, there are other possibilities like there is no such energy in the atmosphere, and people of this world improve their energy sources by some other means because my own reservoir has increased slightly during this one month time, although I don't know how? It's not like this energy will grow alongside me…or is it?

But before I can further think about it, the door of my room slides open, revealing my new mother, whom I had a mix feelings about.

On one hand, the memories and emotions from my previous life make me disgusted at the thought of calling another woman: Mother, but on the other hand, the overly hyper emotions of my baby body are telling me something else, even though with my brain making frightening improvement each day is helping me control my emotions better, I can't help but feel affection to this woman who has given me birth and pull me out of that hell hole.

"Is my Ryo-chan awake… oh yes he is."

The woman: Ayame said while making baby voices, but to think this world's language is Japanese was a shocker, and from the looks of Ayame's dressing style and this room's architecture, I can say their culture is also similar to Japan's, although the woman doesn't look like a Japanese though…

"Stinky~ looks like Ryo-chan has filled his diaper."

I ignored the woman who was hell-bent on shredding my non-existing dignity and thought about what little information I have managed to collect about this world from her nonstop rambling.

Apparently, I'm part of a Noble Clan which is good considering commoners were treated quite badly in ancient times…my moth-Ayame was a bodyguard and maid for the Mistress of our clan: Lady Hanami, but she quit the job after she became pregnant with me.

As for the father of this body…he died shortly after Ayame got Pregnant. And as I thinking all this Ayame said something that got my interest.

"…yesterday Lady Hanami has given birth to a healthy baby girl, and asked me to become a wet nurse for her."

"Aren't you happy that you might get a chance to become friends with Hime-sama?"

I ignored her again as she pokes my cheek…

"Hehe~" This opened a new door for me, as long as I show enough talent, I might be able to get close to her and become her bodyguard…or something else, and get access to Clan's library. There ought to be some information about how to increase lifespan because I don't believe a Noble clan or Lord never tried to increase his lifespan.

And if this is a Cultivation world, I might be able to get some high-level "Cultivation Techniques" or "Training methods" for the Magical world.

"Giggle~" Wo-woman do-don't poke my side I'm ticklish there!

"Hehe, I got Ryo-Chan's weakness now." N-no, take those scary fingers away from me Nooo!!! "Giggle~"

God! Is this your way of taking revenge for cursing you…physical, spiritual, and now mental torture… I fucking hate you! Wait for me to reach the highest cultivation level, I'mma beat ya ass!!!



{AN: Below is MC and Ayame's pic



