69:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) •__•


As Easter approaches, Hermione begins to worry about the exam, something she hounded her friends repeatedly.

Seeing that Bryan wisely distanced himself from the busy-haired girl, not wanting to hear her rant about grades and their importance. Something Wanda gave him a continuous stink eye for as Hermione all attention got diverted to her because Harry and Ron couldn't follow Hermione's pace.

Chuckling, Brayn approached the castle at night after another long nap with his Unicorn friend, a very comfy and soothing pillow friend.

While crossing Hagrid's shack, he caught the figure of the golden trio entering it alongside Wanda.

Remembering the scene from the books, Bryan decided to watch the scene. He approached the shake stealthily and entered it unknown to all but Wanda who still gave him stink eyes.

He chose to ignore her as Hagrid brought out the dragon egg in a frying pan-like thing.

Feeling life brimming inside the egg ready to come out, a plan struck Bryan's mind which he immediately acted upon.

Silently snapping his fingers, he forced an evolution upon the dragon egg, making it comparable to inheritance cycle dragons.

Once done, Bryan left the shack not wanting to hear their loud voices when the dragon hatched.

And true enough as he reached the castle loud shocked voices came from the shack, though it was only hearable to his suppressed senses.

Bryan silently passed the duo of McGonagall and Draco standing at the gate and entered the castle.

He casually strolled the corridors, slowly walking towards his dorm when his eyes landed on a peculiar mirror, the Mirror of Erised

Bryan's interest peaked seeing the mirror, wondering what the mysterious mirror would show him.

Slowly walking before the mirror, he waited for it to change though he was in for disappointment as he didn't show anything.

"Looking at your face, I would say you didn't like what you saw, Mr Fury." Suddenly Dumbledore appeared behind Bryan and spoke sagely, hoping to catch Bryan off guard which didn't happen.

"Headmaster." Bryan greeted curtly, his tone not leaving any space for the conversation to continue.

But Dumbledore ignored that tone. "May I ask why you are outside your dorm so late, Mr Fury?"

"Just taking a stroll, nothing much," Bryan replied with a sigh, seeing Dumbledore intending to continue. He did not care about the school rules he was breaking, and neither should Dumbledore or more like he will ignore everything due to the royalty-like status Bryan gave himself.

"That is not good, Mr Fury. I heard you are also skipping classes."

"I am headmaster but it is not my fault as I already know everything being taught in them." Hearing that Dumbledore sighed.

"Mr Fury, I know the knowledge offered in Hogwarts is not even a fraction of your house's library, but classes are for more than just learning. They are there to enjoy your time learning and to form some unbreakable bonds. I advise you to attend them."

"I'm grateful for your advice headmaster, truly, but I don't need them as I already have an unbreakable bond with whom I enjoy learning and experiencing new things."

"Ahh! Young Wanda! What a lovely child she is, a true sunshine." Dumbledore's praise had the usually stoic Bryan smile, catching the old headmaster off guard. Though he quickly recovered and his next words caused Bryan's smile to fade.

"But Mr Fury we live in a world lurking with hidden danger that can harm us at any point."

"Whatever do you mean, Headmaster?"

"I'm saying that there are hidden dangers that can harm us and our loved ones, and you Mr Fury can help us evade such tragedy," Dumbledore replied, rubbing his beard sagely.

"Ohh! What do you suggest, Headmaster?" Bryan asked with raised brows.

"I'm saying to let me enter your family's library, there are many spells that can help me deal with these dangers." Bryan rolled his eyes hearing that, he thought the guy would have some wise knowledge to share but it was more like greed to further his own personal knowledge, something Bryan didn't judge as he could relate slightly.

"Well, you still didn't tell me what you saw Mr Fury," Dumbledore said changing the subject. Seeing Bryan not answering.

Hearing that Bryan didn't linger on the previous subject and answered his question. "Nothing, I saw nothing."

"Is that so?" Dumbledore asked making Bryan nod.

"It could be a bloodline ability that protects you from the mirror's influence," Dumbledore said making Bryan nod.

"I think so too… now if you allow me, I have to return to my dorm as I'm tired from a rather long day," Bryan said, yawning lazily.

"Ahh yes! I'm sorry for holding you so long."

"Good night, Headmaster," Bryan said, leaving the room for his dorm.

"Good night, Mr Fury." Dumbledore absentmindedly replied as he looked at the mirror.



Btw I just noticed the likes on my profile has the same holy number on this chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
