Yanma and Shita-chan (Shino)/Cooking with my childhood friend (3)

Kaneki went to get spices for the curry he and Shino were making for everyone's lunch but when he left Yanma began to speak to Her old friend Shino Tanaka.

Shino: what do you want to talk about?

Yanma: YAya.

let's hear their talk in Shino's ears.

Yanma: so we meet again, old friend.

Shino: where have you been I've been worried about you!

Yanma: it's a secret.

Shino: do you have any idea how worried I was! i thought I lost you!

Yanma: sigh~ let's not argue right now like back then when you didn't want to talk to Kaneki.

the reason why they argued back then was because of Kaneki.

Shino: ... it's not like i really want to not talk to him. I wanted to talk to him for a very long time.

Yanma was confused.

Yanma: then why did you refuse to talk to him when I pushed you?

Shino: because at that time i thought he hated me.

Yanma: you know he would never hate you.

Shino: yeah... you're right... he's always like that huh? even back then.

Shino began to look back at the day when Yanma disappeared.

3 months ago when i realized my mistake Yanma also witnessed everything. she tried to get me to talk to Kaneki a few times but I was too scared of him hating me so I just avoided him.

Yanma-chan of course didn't like it that she even yelled at me saying I'm a selfish girl. she wasn't wrong I was selfish.

then she began to think about her selfishness.

I was selfish because the thought of him hating me led me to only protect my own feelings and didn't even try to look at him.

I didn't even try to talk to him when there were times where i could have talked with him.

all because I was in love but.... Kaneki was always there for me... no he was there for all of us...

then she remembered.

every time we got bullied, every time when someone tried to hurt us and every time we were down he was always there to help us.

i took my childhood friend Kaneki Higanbana for granted and i abandoned him and left him all alone.

but now it is different i want to be his childhood friend again, I want to fix our relationship, I want to sing, dance and play with him again. I want to show him he's not alone.

i may be in love with Ryueki Itadori but my childhood friend Kaneki Higanbana is irreplaceable!.

she found her resolve, her resolve to be his childhood friend again.

Shino: Yanma-chan please help me!

Yanma: help for what?

Shino: I want to be his friend again but I know I can't do it alone those two are also trying to fix their relationship with him so please help me no, help us!

Shino began shedding tears.

When Yanma saw her former master's tears she could tell her master's resolve.

Yanma: alright then I'll help in some way I'll tell the others and we won't tell Kaneki.

Shino: Sniff* thank you Yanma-chan!

Yanma: no need it's my job as your familiar to help you and as your friend.

Shino:... alright but be nice to Kaneki alright?

Yanma: Sure, I will... He'll be back soon so do you best Shita-chan.

Shino: I will, thank you.

but suddenly.

Kaneki: alright I got the spices. Tanaka-san! are you mixing some of the ingredients now?

Kaneki has returned.


Kaneki: sigh~ it's alright the fire pot you brought isn't hot yet so we can mix the ingredients.

Shino: thank goodness.

Kaneki: oh have you been talking to Yanma?

Shino: no why?

Kaneki: she usually doesn't go near anyone she doesn't know.

Shino: I see... should we start mixing?

Kaneki: yeah sure.

the two childhood friends started mixing the curry ingredients.

Shino: you know Higanbana-kun this isn't how you usually cook curry.

Kaneki: that's because this is my version of curry I call it Kaneki Curry.

Shino: really? (now that he mentions it, the smell of this mixture we're making smells familiar did he serve me this curry before?)

Kaneki: alright all mixed good job Tanaka-san.

Shino: no need to thank me I've only cut some carrots and potatoes so it wasn't much.

Kaneki: yeah but you made stars that's really like you!

Kaneki was enjoying it and smiled a little.


But he noticed right away and had a thought.

"what's wrong with you? you're no longer her friend you're just a classmate"

his smile immediately disappeared.

Shino noticed his smile but she was sad to see it go away.

Shino: hey Higanbana-kun what about you take a seat you did a lot of work so you deserve a break.

Kaneki: alright, but before that I need to make sure the fire doesn't get too weak so i might do something to it.

Shino: what is it?

Kaneki: (i already showed them my arachne arts so i should let her see this.)

Kaneki went to the fire that was heating the pot.

Kaneki: Fire arts, blue bird.

the fire turned blue and was heating the pot to the ideal temperature for cooking drastically.

Kaneki: in 5 minutes let's put our mixture in the pot, then we mix it for 3 minutes, then we cover the pot and let it cook for 30 minutes by the. everyone should be back.

Shino was having fun cooking with him.

Shino: alright!

when the 5 minutes came they put the ingredients in the pot then they mixed it all for 3 minutes and then they both took a seat.

Shino: Gasp!* that was exhausting!

Kaneki: Yawn*

Shino: you're not even tired after walking for 30 minutes, carrying THAT much wood and making lunch?!

Kaneki: nope like I said I trained a lot and as a result of that I have better endurance.

Shino: I'm impressed (I really am how long has he been doing this?) how long have you been training?

Kaneki: since my mom died.

Shino was about to hear a secret of Kaneki.