as for Natsuki and Miku.

While Shino and Kaneki were cooking Kaneki's version of curry, Natsuki and Miku were exploring around the forest.

And they were chatting.

Natsuki: haa~ it's so great to walk around the forest right Miku-chan?

Miku: Yeah it is, it's been awhile since I've went into this forest.

Natsuki: really? Interesting. Anyways what do you think Kaneki-kun and Tanaka-san are going to cook?

Miku: knowing Onii-chan he might convince her to make Kaneki curry.

Natsuki looked at Miku with confusion.

Natsuki: Kaneki... curry? I haven't heard that type of curry.

Miku began to explain Kaneki curry to Natsuki.

Miku: well it's Onii-chans version of curry I don't really know much about it all I know is that it taste sweet and sour.

Natsuki: eh? Really?

Miku: yeah, when I asked him what's in it he told me "some herbs that are in the forest" and some meat.

Natsuki: i didn't know he could cook curry.

Miku: well if you were left alone with your younger sibling you have to find a way to care of them and yourself.

Natsuki: wait you two get left alone by your parents?

Natsuki showed a bit of concern because of what Miku said.

Miku: don't worry Natsuki it was in the past.

Natsuki: yeah but your parents leaving both of you alone in your home without any supervision is kinda dangerous.

Miku: it's alright we weren't really alone that much because our friends always visited us when our parents leave.

(Wait friends? Is it those 4?)

Natsuki was hesitant on asking Miku about them but the thought of Kaneki's sadness made her want to learn more so she muster up some courage and asked Miku.

Natsuki: Miku-chan.

Miku: hmm? What is it?

Natsuki: were those Friends of yours and Kaneki-kun were 4 girls?

(Wait how did she know? Was it because of Chikao? But why is she asking that question?)

Miku: why do you ask?

(I have no choice I have to tell her Kaneki's secret)

Natsuki: i... i know why Kaneki looked depressed, sad and lonely for 3 months.

(She knows?!)

Miku: really?! Why?

(There's no way Natsuki knows)

Natsuki: because... three of the 4 girls estranged Kaneki.

(She knows!)

Miku: wait seriously!

Natsuki: yeah.

Miku: who told you?

Natsuki: Kaneki did.


Natsuki: he told me his childhood friend, best friend and the girl he thinks of as a sister estranged him... I really feel bad for him.

(Wait does she not know it was me and those 2?)

Natsuki: I mean can't you believe it the friends both you and Kaneki-kun had estranged him and left him.

(She looks mad, of course she would be mad for his sake)

Natsuki: there's no way i could accept them besides for the girl named Sachi Saki.

(She knows her name?)

Miku: wait so you know Sasachi as well?

Natsuki: yeah, when me and Kaneki-kun talk he sometimes talk about Sachi-chan.

Miku: (of course he does) well i understand that I mean Sasachi and Shita-chan was Onii-chans first friends after all.


(Isn't she a bit quiet?)

Miku: Natsuki?

Natsuki: oh sorry I just finally learned the name of his other childhood friend so I'm bit confused why Shita-chan?

Miku: oh Shita-chan is just a nickname.

Natsuki: oh I see... so what was she like? You know?... Shita-chan?

( she wants to know about Shino-Oneechan!)

Miku: well I don't remember much but if I had to say a few things about her she's very mature, caring and sweet.

Natsuki: then why did she estranged both of you?!

Natsuki looked very distressed but she immediately realizes it.

Natsuki: oh! I'm sorry Miku-chan I'm a bit on edge.

Miku: it's alright but why are you on edge?

Natsuki: i already told you about my ability right? Well every time Kaneki talks about his past his colors always change and it's scares me.

Miku: what do you mean by change?

Natsuki: well when he talks about his past with his friends and you he feels happy but i could tell there are some things he doesn't want to talk about.

Miku: yeah you're right.

Natsuki: but do you remember when we asked him about his ribbons?

Miku: oh yeah, i remember Onii-chan leaving.

Natsuki: yeah, but before he left his colors changed.

Miku: what do you mean?

Natsuki: his colors showed, Rage, Vengeance, hatred, regret and sadness.

Miku: WHAT! you can tell someones emotions by looking at their colors?

Natsuki: yes, and you know those colors scared me and made me sad he was suffering from something that involves those ribbons.

Miku:... i don't know what to say.

(Onii-chan... what's wrong? I know you are sad because of Me, Shino-Oneechan, and Yuuka-Oneechan but why are you sensitive when it comes to those ribbons)

Natsuki: I think i should ask him more about his past but if I do he would be hurt more... do you ever felt like you wanted to help him?

Natsuki asked the question to Miku she took a while to reply but she replied in the end.

Miku: yes I did feel like I wanted to help him.

Natsuki: I see... he's lucky to have a cute and nice sister like you I wished I had a sibling like you and Kaneki-kun.

( don't say that Natsuki... you don't want to have this bad girl who hurts people around her)

As they were exploring the forest there was something or someone watching them

Ku-kun: Miku-chan? And friend?