Date with Former best friend (1)

After meeting outside of Kino station and having a little misunderstanding due to Kaneki's clothes, they both started to go on their date although.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(I'm holding hands with Kaneki! This is the best!)

Yuuka is completely distracted.

Kaneki: so uhh, do you wanna go somewhere?

Yuuka: hehe~

Kaneki's thoughts*

(What's with her?)

Kaneki looked around and had made a conclusion.

(Oh I get it she's happy to be in Kyoto that must be it. But anyways)

Kaneki: hey.

Yuuka: Oh what? Sorry I spaced out.

Kaneki: it's alright. Anyways, wanna go somewhere?

Yuuka: hmm~ yeah! I wanna go to some shrines and go to Nijō castle.

Kaneki: alright then which shrine should we go to first?

Yuuka: hmm~ Kamigamo shrine.

Kaneki: okay then, it's a bit far away are you sure you don't want to ride?

Yuuka: no thanks, I'm fine plus if be able to exercise.

Kaneki: I see, okay then but if you want to take a break just tell me.

Yuuka: okay~

They then started walking to the shrine.

It was bit of a long walk but they didn't mind.

Yuuka: So Kaneki I have to ask who is watching your sister at home?

Kaneki: i asked Natsuki I think I told you already.

Yuuka: oh yeah, I almost forgot.

Kaneki: what is it?

Yuuka: Your grandma said she doesn't know anything about a "hint".

Kaneki: crap that means we just wasted our time.

Yuuka: not exactly.

Kaneki: what?

Yuuka: she said that she doesn't know of any "hint" but she said that she thinks your grandpa knows something and she told me she'll ask him after we leave for our date.

Kaneki: really? Huh, that's great. By the way, what did you and grandma talked about?

Yuuka: !!!

Yuuka gotten embarrassed.

Yuuka: I rather not talk about it.

Kaneki: has she been strict towards you?

Yuuka: nope, but I have to admit for an old lady she's very aggressive.

Kaneki: oh no, let me guess she tried to look under your crotch.

Yuuka: Huh?! How did you know?!

Kaneki: sigh~ well Sachi and I didn't mention this we promised not to talk about it but sigh~ Granny does that when she likes a girl that I bring to them. And when I asked her about it she said "it's only to see if their pure" I don't even know what that means.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(He really is clueless, I'm glad that Itsuki-san and Keiko didn't show him those cursed books probably because they don't want to get beaten up by him)

Yuuka: I see. Anyways, I actually have something very important to tell you regarding Akuma Castle the place where the Crown is.

Kaneki: Really? What is it?

Yuuka: I've noticed something in the many mangas's and novels cover art made by the Demon Knights that are all fantasy based, each and every one of them had a castle.

Kaneki: I mean yeah, of course there will be castle's in fantasy.

Yuuka: yeah, except the castles in those stories aren't normal castles they look very I don't know high-tech?

Kaneki: what is that supposed to imply?

Yuuka: I think Akuma Castle might be very dangerous it might even have some lost advance ancient technology.

Kaneki: well, that's not impossible, since we do know some Demon Knight's in history did helped advanced the world. Just like Demon Knight Tesla.

Yuuka: oh yeah, the Demon Knight who named himself Tesla after his own personal hero Nicola Tesla.

Kaneki: yup, Akuma castle might have more than just the crown. It might also have some other relics, which I am going to make Heike take immediately.

Yuuka: really? Hmm. I've been thinking ho-

Kaneki: hey look we're almost at the shrine.

Yuuka looked ahead of her and saw a sign.

Yuuka: "Kamigamo shrine ahead" huh you're right.

Kaneki: that was honestly faster than I expected I remember it being very far away from Kino station. Anyways let's go.

Yuuka: Y-Yeah.

Yuuka wasn't able to continue her question.

And they both headed towards the shrine.

Yuuka: WOOOW! This place is so beautiful! And the Sakura trees are blooming?! They're not even in season how is this possible?!

Kaneki: even I don't know. Anyways wanna walk around and check some stuff?

Yuuka: let's go! But first, come here.

Yuuka grabbed Kaneki's arm and got him closer to her.

Kaneki: eh?

Yuuka: say cheese~


Yuuka: there we go.

Yuuka took a picture of them together.

Kaneki: !!!

Kaneki was very surprised when it happened.

Yuuka: haha! You looked very surprised!

Kaneki: of course! You just did that so suddenly.

Yuuka: anyways, let's have some fun!

Kaneki: alright...