Date with Former best friend (2)

Yuuka: Kaneki! Look there's so many buildings!

Kaneki and Yuuka went on a date because of Kaneki's grandparents and now they are exploring one of the shrines that are in Kyoto and Yuuka was very very excited.

Kaneki: Yeah I know,

Kaneki wasn't really impressed since he's been to Kyoto many times but he enjoys watching Yuuka have fun.

Yuuka: Hey Kaneki, let's pray in the shrine so we can successfully get the crown then we get Omikuji

Kaneki: sure.

Kaneki and Yuuka then went into the shrine and did all the things to do before praying.

They both rang the bell, next they thrown two 5 yen coins into the offering box, next they bowed their heads twice to show respect the clapped their hands twice, then they've put their palms together and began to pray.

Kaneki's prayers*

(God, please help us in finding the Crown of Urizen and please protect us from danger that might come to us when we finally do our expedition to find it)

Yuuka's prayers*

(God, please help me fix Shino's, Miku's and my relationship with Kaneki, i know we've hurt him so badly so we want to make things right with him and become his best friend, childhood friend and step-sister again and maybe even more I know we can't do it on our own so please help us)

They then bowed once again and finished their prayer.

A minute later*

Kaneki: that was nice.

Yuuka: yeah, by the way what did you pray for?

Kaneki: I prayed for protection in our expedition when it comes.

Yuuka: I see.

Kaneki: what's yours?

Yuuka: hehe~ it's a secret.

Kaneki: oh haha. Anyways, wanna get some snacks before we get some Omikuji?

Yuuka: sure.

Kaneki: there's a taiyaki stand over there I'll treat ya.

Yuuka: thanks!

They then went to the taiyaki stand and ordered 4 taiyaki's.

Server: just wait for a little bit your taiyaki's will be finished soon.

Kaneki & Yuuka: okay.

Kaneki and Yuuka then sat down at a table with 2 chairs.

Yuuka: man, this is the best, so what do you think your fortune will be?

Kaneki: I have a feeling it might be either lucky or unlucky.

Yuuka: wow you have doubts that you won't have a good fortune huh?

Kaneki: yup, pretty much. I have a lot of doubts. oh yeah I've been meaning to ask you what's with your face earlier when we went out of our room after we took a bath?

Yuuka: eh?!

Kaneki: I've noticed th weird faces you were making even when we were in the bath can you tell me what was that all about?

Yuuka: e- fine I'll whisper it into your ear.

Kaneki: okay.

Yuuka then went closer and explained everything.

Kaneki: eh? Seriously? All because of some dumb books that Keiko gave you?

Yuuka: yup.

Kaneki: okay I'm actually quite curious-

Yuuka: No! You cannot read those books! They'll turn you into a beast!

Kaneki: which type of beast exactly? Is it like the ones I turn to or pervs.

Yuuka: pervs.

Kaneki: alright then.

Kaneki just smiled.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Oh no he's smiling that's not a good sign)

Kaneki: in that case, I'm going to dye Keiko's hair Red and cut it shorter.

Yuuka: wait a moment! That's a bit too much!

Kaneki: well, there's nothing you can d about it.

Yuuka: ehh!

Kaneki: but I will be nice and tell her to apologize to you if she apologize's then I'll let it go.

Yuuka: just don't make her bald okay?

Kaneki: yeah yeah.

Server: 2 cheese custard taiyaki's and 2 redbean sweet potato taiyaki's done! Claim your order!

Kaneki: oh it's our order be right back.

Yuuka: alright.

Kaneki then went and claimed their order.

Kaneki: here's our food.

Kaneki gave Yuuka's order to her.

Yuuka: thanks! Itadakimasu~

Kaneki: itadakimasu~

They then started eating.

Yuuka: Mmm! It's so good! Redbean and sweet potato is so good!

Kaneki: I'm honestly surprised this stall offers mix fillings.

Yuuka: yeah, but it's so good!

Kaneki: agreed.

Yuuka: want to have a bite?

Yuuka began teasing him and pointed her taiyaki towards Kaneki.


Yuuka: ehh?!

Kaneki: huh. That was actually surprisingly good. Here take a bite of mine.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(That was an indirect kiss!)

Kaneki: hey earth to Mirai-san.

Yuuka: eh?

Kaneki: here as a thanks take a bit out of my taiyaki.

Yuuka: Y-You sure?

Kaneki: yup.

Yuuka: umm okay then. Ahh~


Yuuka got a bite.

(We seriously look like a couple now!)

Kaneki: was it good?

Yuuka: y-yup!

6 minutes later*

After Kaneki and Yuuka finished eating they went to the part of the shrine where they can get Omikuji and they bought 2 of them.

Yuuka: I hope I get a good one!

Kaneki: honestly same here.

They then opened their Omikuji

Kaneki: !!!

Kaneki was shocked to see his fortune because what was written in it was noroi(curse)

Kaneki: shit.

Yuuka: what's wrong?


Yuuka: why did you ate your fortune?!

Kaneki: it wasn't really a good fortune.

Yuuka: what did it say?

Kaneki: unlucky.

Yuuka: oh.

Kaneki: what's yours?

Yuuka: sorry~ I can't tell you.

Kaneki: okay... Anyways you wanna go somewhere else?

Yuuka: yeah!

Kaneki: where to?

Yuuka: Uzumasa Eigamura!

Kaneki: alright then let's go.

Yuuka: let's go!

Kaneki's thoughts*

(I wonder what her fortune was? Well whatever I bet it's something good)

Yuuka's thoughts*

(My fortune was seriously bad! I just hope It doesn't come true why did it say Noroi?!)

Kaneki and Yuuka both got the same fortune but what will happen? Who knows.

Now they are heading to Uzumasa Eigamura.