Girls meeting.

After getting back from Kyoto both Kaneki and Yuuka to their home's. And as Kaneki is preparing lunch for him, Natsuki and Miku, Miku left but promises to come back by the time he's done cooking.

And now she is at their old secret base the tree house in the forest.

Sachi: so what is it you wanna talk about Yuuka?

Chikao: yeah, haven't you just got back?

Yuuka: I'm sorry for call you girls here out of nowhere, but i have something to tell you girls.

Shino: really? Did you make some progress with Kaneki?

Miku: yeah, Did Onii-chan have a good time with you? And did you get the "hint"?

Yuuka: well, yes.

All the girls: that's great!

Yuuka: but that's not why I called you girls here!

Chikao: really? Then why did you call us here?

Yuuka: before I say it, Shino, Sachi, Miku did any of you have any contact to Kaneki's grandparents?

Miku: nope, even though I visited them many times with dad they never given me their contact info.

Sachi: same here.

Shino: yeah, same here.

Yuuka: dammit, I was hoping that at least one of you did.

Sachi: where are you going at?

Yuuka was nervous to say it but she decided to say it.

Yuuka: they... They knew that we were a fake couple and not only that they knew about how I estranged him.

All the girls: WHAT?!

Shino: how is that possible?!

Miku: no way!

Sachi: how did they know?

Yuuka: I don't know, they just asked me that out of nowhere.

Sachi: were they mad?

Yuuka: not really, they also knew I was trying to fix my relationship with him and they fully support me.

Chikao: I see... Hmm, I think I have an idea on how they knew.

Shino: what do you have in mind?

Chikao: this is just a hypothetical but maybe there is someone spying on you girls.

All the girls: !!!

Yuuka: if there's someone spying then who would it be?

Sachi: well it can't be me or Chi-chan we're trying to help you girls.

Miku: and it can't be me or Shino-Oneechan.

Shino: yeah, we wouldn't do something that would ruin our chances of reconciliation with Kaneki.

Yuuka: sigh~ I guess we can't do anything about it.

Sachi: but isn't that a problem?

Yuuka: well what can we do?

Sachi: ...

Shino: ...

Miku: ...

Chikao: ...

Yuuka: yeah, nothing.

Miku: well, I'm going home now.

Yuuka: it's already time huh?

Miku: yup, if you girls need anything just message me alright?

All the girls: okay.

Miku: great, see you later

Miku left and went home.

Sachi: so how can we deal with this spy?

Yuuka: I don't think we can, and besides, if we try to find that spy they might actually tell Kaneki's parents which isn't good.

Shino: you got that right.

Chikao: then what do you think we should do?

Yuuka: nothing, our best course of action is to fix our relationship with Kaneki.

Sachi: me and Chi-chan will do our best to help me

Yuuka: thanks.

Shino: are you sure about this Yuuka?

Yuuka: what else can we do?

Shino went silent.

Yuuka: yeah... Well let's all head home. This meeting is over.

Shino: well okay then.

Sachi: let's hope this spy doesn't tell anyone else.

Chikao: yeah.

Yuuka: let's just be cautious on what we do and say.

All 3: got it

Yuuka: well see you girls later.

Shino: see ya.

Sachi & Chikao: stay safe

They all left the secret base and all went home.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(I know i should've said it but there's no way she is the spy since she did tell me she's our ally after all)

Yuuka was referring to the voice she and Shino both heard but, but she is not very suspicious of her

In an unknown location*

???: okay, Kaneki-chan and Yuuka-chan got back and it looks like she talked to the other girls about a "spy" well I had to tell Haruto-san and Shiori-san so that is definitely my fault.

The spy was the mysterious vouce.

???: Well whatever, I won't be spying on them for a while, but I'll check up on them from time to time. I gotta keep focus on preparing my debut in the W.S.S.F. so I hope things go well for them.

Just who is this voice? And what is she up to? And what does she have plans for the W.S.S.F?