Research teams chat

Kaneki: alright, everything is done. thanks for the help Natsuki.

Natsuki: hehe~ you're welcome.

Kaneki: I wonder wear-


Miku: I'm home~

Miku returned home after her meeting with Sachi, Shino, Yuuka and Chikao just in time for lunch.

Natsuki: so where did you go Miku-chan?

Miku: Yuuka-Oneechan just called me.

Kaneki: really? What did she say?

Miku: nothing important, oh yeah, why is there a Soaring dragon in our drive way?

Natsuki: What?! A Soaring dragon?!

Kaneki: oh that, Gramps gave to me as a gift.

Miku: seriously?!

Natsuki: how rich is your grandfather?!

Kaneki: not really that much he actually just saved money for it.

Miku: really? That's great but did you say thank you?

Kaneki: yes I did. Anyways let's have lunch!

Miku: okay~

Miku sat down on her seat.

Natsuki: thank you~

All 3: Itadakimasu~

They all started eating.

Kaneki: oh yeah, How did things go for you two yesterday?

Miku: she snuck into my room and slept with me in my bed.

Natsuki: !!! Miku-chan! I thought we agreed to not tell him that!

Kaneki: really? That doesn't sound bad but why didn't you went in my room instead?

Miku: did you forget? You've locked it.

Kaneki: oh yeah. sorry, my bad Miku.

Miku: it's alright. Man this food is so good.

They all ate lunch happily.

10 minutes later*

Natsuki: mmh! Your food is definitely the best Kaneki-kun!

Kaneki: you know you just drop the "Kun" right?

Natsuki: does it bother you?

Kaneki: nope, but I prefer you just saying my first name.

Natsuki: okay then, I'll repeat what I said. Your food is definitely the best Kaneki!

Kaneki: thanks.

Miku: you two really do get along huh?

Natsuki: of course! We're good friends!

Kaneki: true. Oh yeah I'll be telling everyone about the second half of the stone tablet.

Natsuki: that's great.

Kaneki: but can you two also talk in our group chat too?

Miku: sure.

Natsuki: I'll do it.

Kaneki: good.

They took out their phones and went to their group chat

"Hey guys"

"Hey Kaneki! Did you just got back?"

"Yup, is anyone else here?"

"I'm here"

"Mizutani-san ✓"

"I'm here too"

"Shino ✓"


"Tachibana-san ✓"

"I'm also here Kaneki"

"Chi-chan ✓"

"I'm also here"

"Mirai-san ✓ alright anyone else?"

No one else replied after that.

" I see it's just us here huh? Anyways guys look at this!"

Kaneki showed them the second half of the stone tablet.

"It really is the second half!"

"Yup, me and Higanbana-kun pulled if off"

"Great job Kaneki, Yuuka"



"Oh yeah what did you two do yesterday?"

"Nothing much but we did go to a shrine and got our fortunes"

"Really? What were they?"

"Mine is a secret"

"And I ate mine"

"What? Why?"

"That's a secret"

"By the way Kaneki did you and Mirai-san slept in the same bed?"

Miku and Natsuki looked at Kaneki.

Kaneki was shaking nervously.

Kaneki: oh well! That's that! See you guys later!

Kaneki then ran inside his basement and locked the door.

Miku: he definitely sleeped with her in the same bed.

Natsuki: yeah, most definitely.

They then went back to their group chat.

"Hey! Kaneki! Why aren't you replying.

"I think Higanbana-kun left"

"Oops, I shouldn't have said that"

"I think Mirai-san also left"

"Hehe~ maybe I shouldn't have asked that"

"Who knew Kaneki was right you are an idiot"


"Well you made the two members leave chat after asking Kaneki a weird question Sachi"

"He doesn't even know what that means he's very innocent"

"And what about you"

"I don't know as well, but when I say I sleep with Kaneki a lot back then to some of our classmates they keep replying "that's kinda lewd" I don't even understand what that means"

"I see"

"Anyways see you girls at school tomorrow!"

"See ya!


"See you all tomorrow"

"By everyone"

They all then got off their phones.

Natsuki: well, I guess it won't be long till we find Akuma castle huh?

Miku: I honestly can't wait!

Natsuki: same here. Let's do our best to find it.

Miku: yeah!

Natsuki: well it's almost time for me to leave but before that. you wanna watch a movie?

Miku: sure!

Natsuki: let's wait for Kaneki though.

Miku: okay, he'll be back soon probably.

Natsuki: yeah, but is he up to?

In Kaneki's basement*


Kaneki: ohhh that does not look good. Nah I shouldn't worry about it.