Dryad Sensei

Lunch break*

Sachi: man Kaneki is acting very weird today, what could've happened?

Chikao: who knows? This is the first time I actually saw him act like that.

Sachi: yeah, honestly it's sad that we're eating here without Kaneki.

Natsuki: I think Kaneki is just embarrassed. That's probably why he's not here.

Sachi: what? Embarrassed? Of what?

Natsuki: I don't know, but looking at him today, he looked very embarrassed and it looked like he doesn't want to wear our new P.E uniform too.

Chikao: now that you mentioned it he has been looking at his arms more today as well.

Sachi: hmm. Maybe we should ask him later.

Chikao: definitely.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(I want to ask him too~)


Sachi: looks like someone is jealous.

Natsuki: N-No I'm not!

Chikao: you definitely are.

Natsuki: no I'm not!

Sachi: yes you are~

Natsuki: stop teasing me!

Meanwhile at the infirmary*

Nurse: sorry Higanbana-kun but I don't know how to help you and I don't really have enought cotton bandage for you.

Kaneki: darn it! Sigh~ well, thanks anyways sensei.

Nurse: why don't you ask your teachers?

Kaneki: I already did and they said they're busy.

Nurse: well you have to figure something out you have P.E class in a few minutes.

Kaneki: I'll try. Thanks again sensei. Bye.

Kaneki left the infirmary

Kaneki: dammit, who should I ask? Sigh~ who am I kidding? I need an adult to help me.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

Kaneki: crap P.E is about to start. Sigh~ no choice then.

Kaneki went to the locker room to change.

In the locker room"

Itsuki: hey Kaneki, are you excited for our P.E class?

Kaneki: No.

???: what? That's a surprise, last week you were looking forward to P.E class a lot.

Kaneki: I'm not feeling it today.

Itsuki: I see- anyways how was your tri-

Kaneki: oh yeah, Itsuki later I'm going to your apartment brig Keiko there too.

Itsuki: huh? Why?

Kaneki: I'm gonna dye her hair red.

Itsuki: Huh?! Why?!

Kaneki: Mirai-san told me something that Keiko done that I deem punishable by hair dye.

Itsuki: well-

Kaneki looked at him in the eyes and said.

Kaneki: I won't be accepting bribes of pudding today.

Itsuki: O-Okay got it.

Kaneki: anyways see ya later.

Keita: hey aren't you going to change here?

Kaneki: nah, I'm going to change in the bathroom.

Itsuki: what?

A few minutes later*

Mitsuha: alright! Class 1-B and Class 1-C listen up a new teacher will he helping us today an- wait where's Kaneki?

Querxes: oh dammit, sorry I'll go get him.

Querxes left to find Kaneki.

???: seriously? That Higanbana guy is missing?

???: what is he even up to?

???: who knows?

Class 1-B was curious on what Kaneki is up to.

Sachi: oh man Kaneki what's with you today?

Azusa: hey.

Chikao: Pres?

Azusa: just call me Azusa anyways what's with my cousin? I've noticed he's been acting weird recently.

Sachi: like do we know anythi-

Querxes: found him he sitting in the bathroom.

Everyone: huh?

Kaneki: sorry.

Everyone was looking at him because he was wearing both his usual uniform and his P.E uniform.

Mitsuha: um Kaneki you're supposed to be wearing only the P.E uniform, please remo-

Kaneki: No.

Mitsuha: c'mon don't be like tha-

Kaneki just stared at her in the eyes.

Mitsuha: ummm.... okay, just go to your class's side.

Kaneki: okay.

Kaneki then went to his class's side.

Chikao: Kaneki, why are you wearing both of your Uniform's?

Kaneki: non of your business.

Sachi: Kaneki, you've been acting weird what's wrong? Did something happened?

Kaneki: Nothing happened.

Sachi: if anything happened just tell us.

Kaneki: okay. But let's listen to what the teacher is saying.

Sachi: okay.

Mitsuha: alright, as I said before a new teacher will be helping us today to prepare you kids for the W.S.S.F please welcome. Kirin Sensei.

Kaneki: !!!

Everyone: Kirin?


Everyone: huh?!


Kirin: Hello everyone!

Everyone: Huh?!

A Dryad with Green hair and clothes with a flowery design appeared.

Kirin: I'm your new teacher, Kirin Fuyuki, nice to meet you all.

???: woah! A Dryad!

???: she looks very beautiful.

???: she's so sexy!

Everyone was stunned to see her.

Kirin: my my, all the kids like me.

Querxes: as expected of you.

Kirin: anyways let's get sta- Oh! Kaneki! How are you!

Everyone: !!!

Everyone looked at Kaneki.

Kaneki: sigh~ hey Kirin Sensei.

Kirin: looks like I'm going to teach you again!

Kaneki: I know.

Kirin: I hope you pass my test today!

Kaneki: yeah yeah.

Sachi: that's one of your sensei's?!

Kaneki: yup.

Sachi: cool!

Kirin: alright, everyone shut up and listen!

Everyone payed attention back to Kirin.

Kirin: everyone, as of today the way you kids will be training is by going through an obstacle course made by me. You also need to know how to swim because you all would be running, doing parkour, swimming and dodging.

Everyone: Huh?!

Kirin: and if you are able to complete my obstacle course you can go home early.

Everyone: YAAAY!

Kaneki: welp, everyone is screwed.

Natsuki: huh? Why?

Kaneki: you'll see.

Kirin: alright everyone, let's start!


Kirin out her hand on the ground.

Kirin: Dryad Course!

Everyone: Huh?!

Trees began to grow from the ground and turn into obstacles.

Kaneki: like I said, everyone is screwed.

Kirin: alright everyone! Say hello to the Dryad Course! I hope you lot can survive.

With the obstacle course made will the two class's finish it and What is Kaneki hiding?