Kaneki's embarrassing secret (2)

After the Dryad named Kirin Fuyuki, one of Kaneki's sensei's arrived she made an obstacle course for the students of class 1-B and C in preparation for the W.S.S.F but it looked so difficult that all the students were hesitant on trying it.

Kirin: c'mon everyone it's already been 5 minutes since I've made the obstacle course! If you want to win go now!

Chikao raised her hand which Kirin saw.

Kirin: what is it?

Chikao: isn't this a bit too much for us? Plus wouldn't we get seriously hurt if we go through it?

Kirin: sigh~ man and here I was excited to see my new students go through my course.

Querxes: well your course looks very difficult. And even when you trained Kaneki 2 years ago even he had a hard time with your course.

Kirin pouted.

Kirin: fine!

Kirin layed her hand on the ground again and used her ability again.

Kirin: Dryad Course!

Her course then got smaller and less difficult.

Kirin: I hope you're all happy now!

Kirin then went on the floor and started playing with dirt.

Everyone: Huuuh?

???: what's with her?

???: she looks very disappointed.

???: she acts like a child.

Kirin: !!! Can you kids shut up! And use my course already?!

Everyone then started running her easier course.

Sachi: this course is very easy now.

???: yeah.

???: it's honestly great that she made it easier.

Sachi: yeah, and it looks like everyone is having fun.


Natsuki: huh? Did you guys hear that?

Shino: yeah, what was that?

???: hey look! Higanbana is running weird!

Sachi: huh?

Kaneki was running in a very weird way to the point it didn't even look like running.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Darn it! I'm getting so much attention! I don't want to do this anymore!)

Sachi: Hey Kaneki!

Kaneki: !!!

Kaneki started running faster.

Sachi: Oi! Don't you dare run from me!

Sachi began chasing after Kaneki.

Sachi: Hey! Can someone help me catch Kaneki?!

Itsuki: we're on it!

Some of Kaneki's classmates started chasing him.


Chikao: come here!

Itsuki: you aren't getting away!

???: hey your friend is trying to talk to you!

Some of his classmates began jumping him, but despite that he was able to dodge and kept running though the course.

Class 1-B was just watching confused.

???: why are they chasing after Higanbana-san?

???: who knows? But he's running very weirdly isn't he?

Azusa: wait a minute is he? So that's what's going on.

Emi: you know what's going on pres?

Azusa: heh, you know very well what's going on Emi-kun we do that every month after all.

Emi: I see.

As Kaneki's classmates tried to catch him Kaneki was completing the course at ease

(At least I'm able to do the course but once I'm done I need to get outta her-)



Everyone: Huh?!

Sachi & Chikao: Kaneki?!

Everyone: Huh?!

Kaneki suddenly collapsed and hit the ground.

Kaneki: darn it my leg.

Sachi came closer to Kaneki.

Sachi: hey are you alright?

Kaneki: yeah.

Sachi: so why were you acting very weird today?

Kaneki didn't respond.

Sachi: and why are you wearing both uniforms?

Kaneki's face turned red.

Sachi: oh your face is turning red! Are hiding something?

Kaneki: N-No.

Sachi: c'mon Kaneki, just tell me.

Azusa: he's molting.

Kaneki: !!!

Everyone: huh?

Itsuki: what do you mean by molting?

Azusa: you know how snakes and lizards need to shed their skin once in a while right? Well it's the same for Demons and half Demons.

Sachi: really? Then why didn't you just say so Kaneki?

Azusa: simple, he's very embarrassed.

Sachi: why would it be embarrassing?

Shino: well, if you had to shed your skin Infront of a lot people you would feel uncomfortable.

Sachi: I think I understand. Kaneki why didn't you asked me to for help with that?

Kaneki: I don't want you to see me as a tomato.

Sachi: Pfft! What?! What do you mean by that?

Kaneki: ...

Sachi: oh well, I'll help you out.

Kaneki: NOOOO!

Azusa: just accept it Kaneki if you don't shed you'll end up becoming a statue.

Kaneki: NOOOO!

Sachi: c'mon you heard her you can't move unless you shed. So how exactly can I help him shed?

Azusa: you have to strip him naked and yank his shed off him.

Kaneki: !!!!!

Sachi: thanks! Alright let's go Kaneki. Chi-chan help me out.

Chikao: okay~

They then grabbed Kaneki's feet and started dragging him to a storage shed.

Kaneki: someone help me!

Natsuki's thoughts*

(Man I really wanted to help out too but I have to admit he looked very cute being scared like that)

3 minutes later*

Shino: I wonder how they're doing with Kaneki right now?

???: I bet Higanbana-kun is enjoying what they're doing to him right now.

Yuuka: well they are his friends he definitely enjoys it.

???: I'm very jealous two cute girls are stripping him naked.

Ryueki: who wouldn't? They're-


Itsuki: it doesn't look like he's enjoying it.

Keiko: yeah, it sounds like he's in pain.

Natsuki: I just hope he doesn't come running out naked.

Yuuka: yeah that definitely would be the worst.

3 minutes later*

Kaneki: ...

Sachi: you really weren't joking huh? You look red like a tomato.

Kaneki: I hate this I'm gonna looks like this until dinner.


Kaneki: don't you-

Sachi: don't worry I won't post it.

Kaneki: we won't be doing research today.

Chikao: hehe~ sorry we yanked your skin to hard.

Kaneki: apology accepted.

Chikao: but can I keep your skin?

Kaneki: just my arm's skin. I'll be burning the rest.

Chikao: thanks!

Kaneki's thoughts*

(At least it's now over but this is so embarrassing! I seriously look like a tomato!)