flower garden date

After the Expedition team split up to do stuff they need to continue their expedition. Kaneki and Yuuka set off to find Tsubaki and Higanbana flowers and where is the best place to get them?

Yuuka: Let's go to the flower Garden!

Kaneki: huh?

Yuuka: we can buy flowers there and there's actually one somewhat nearby.

Kaneki: that's great, so where exactly?

Yuuka: here look.

Yuuka showed Kaneki her phone with the location of the flower garden.

Kaneki: oh nice but isn't this far away? It'll take like 5 hours to walk there.

Yuuka made a disappointed face.

Yuuka: Aww really? and here I wanted to go there.

Seeing how disappointed Yuuka is Kaneki had a single thought.

Kaneki: sigh~ I'm gonna regret this.

Yuuka: what?

Kaneki: did I say that outloud? Sorry.

Yuuka: it's alright, but what are you thinking about?

Kaneki: we can go there but we're flying there.

Yuuka: huh? How?

Kaneki: can you take a step back for at least 10 steps?

Yuuka: sure?

Yuuka backed off for 10 steps and she got a bit far from Kaneki.

Yuuka: okay what now?!

Kaneki: brace yourself!

Yuuka's thoughts*

(What is going in that head of his? And why is he doing this?)

In Kaneki's mind*

Quan: hey what are you up to?

Shitsuren: yeah, this is quite odd.

Kozo: don't tell me you're trying to get to get close to her? She's not even Yuuka.

Tomo: don't worry, I'm not, I'm just trying to repay her for helping me. After all, she did helped us a lot with the mural and the stone tablet.

Quan: ...

Shitsuren: ...

Kozo: ...

???: hehe~ my my, isn't this interesting? Is it possible you want to be friends with her?

All 4: Stop talking!!

???: Haa~ don't worry you'll be friends with her again just like Shino.

All 4: I hate this guy he knows nothing.

???: whatever.

Back in reality*

Kaneki: Haa~.

Yuuka: hey what are you doing?

Kaneki reached out his hands out and said.

Kaneki: Wyvern transmutation! AAHHHHH!

Yuuka: Kaneki?!

Kaneki began changing and then.


Kaneki bursted into flames.

Yuuka: Kaneki?! Are you alright?!

Kaneki: just a moment!


Kaneki shortly exploded into smoke.

Yuuka: Kaneki! What happened?! Are you okay?!

Kaneki: don't worry I'm alright. I'll just clear up this smoke.


Yuuka: AAHH!

After the smoke cleared thanks to the gust of wind, Yuuka looked and saw something she never expected.

Yuuka: what the?! You became a wyvern?!

Kaneki: yes, now get on.

Kaneki who became a wyvern laid down for Yuuka to get on him.

Yuuka: okay?

Yuuka climbed onto his back.

Kaneki: alright hold on!

Yuuka: !!!

After hearing Kaneki say that she immediately held on tight to one of Kaneki's scales.

Kaneki: we're off!



They then started flying.

Kaneki: okay you can open your eyes now.

Yuuka opened her eyes.

Yuuka: woah, we're so high up!

Kaneki: yeah, although let's talk later once we arrive.

Yuuka: um okay?

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Wow, this is amazing we're flying and Kaneki is a huge Wyvern! Is this the result of his training? How was he able to do this? I want to know!)

Yuuka was completely curious on how Kaneki was able to pull this off.

A few minutes later*

After a while they gotten close to their destination and when they landed Kaneki transformed back to normal.

Yuuka: amazing, how were you able to do that?

Kaneki: I trained with Kiryu Sensei she's a Dragonoid so she taught me the "ways of the dragons" except I don't get any of it at all.

Yuuka: eh?

Kaneki: I can't really explain in short it actually is a long explanation. I don't want to bore you.

Yuuka: oh really? Then what about you tell me next time when we're alone?

Kaneki: what?

Kaneki looked surprised when she asked that but then.

Kaneki: smile sure. Anyways let's go to the garden already let's go sight seeing before we get the flowers we need.

Yuuka: Let's go!

They both got tickets to go in the flower Garden and they started their flower garden date.

Yuuka: wow! So many flowers I've never seen before they're so beautiful! Hey Kaneki can you take a picture of me with these flowers?!

Kaneki: sure.

They went around the garden taking pictures and exploring the beautiful garden.

They did stop for a little bit to sit down and eat ice cream. And after that they went back to exploring.

After a while they finished and they went to the flower shop that was in the flower Garden to buy the Tsubaki and Higanbana flowers.

Florist: so what flower do you cute couple want?

Yuuka: Cute couple?? Hehehe~

Kaneki: we'll take 20 Tsubaki and 20 Higanbana flowers please.

Florist: wow, that's a lot sure, let me just put them in a bouquet for you.

Kaneki: thanks.

After the florist put the flowers in a bouquet payed up and.

Kaneki: here Yuuka-san.

Kaneki handed the bouquet to Yuuka.

Yuuka: hehe~ thanks♡.

Yuuka smiled.

Kaneki: okay let's go.

Yuuka: yeah.

Yuuka then held onto Kaneki's hand.

Yuuka: let's go back.

They then walked out of the Flower garden.

Kaneki: Great, we got the flowers and for a 30% discount too, that's great

Yuuka: yeah, anyways let's head back.

Kaneki: yeah. I hope everyone is doing well on their task.

Yuuka: same here.

Kaneki: alright! Let's go!

They then started heading back to the Van, concluding their date as a fake couple.