Miku's impatience

After having their flower garden date as a fake couple Kaneki and Yuuka we're heading back to the van with the Bouquet of Tsubaki and Higanbana flowers.

As for everyone else...

Itsuki: those two are taking a long time huh?

Keiko: yeah, is it really that hard to find the flowers.

They all finished their task and are back at the van and now just waiting for Kaneki and Yuuka to come back.

Shino: well, you can't really blame them the closer flower shops are very far from here and those two are walking.

Azusa: correct and we're in unknown terrain so it would be hard for them to navigate.

Natsuki: maybe we should start cooking the food? Once they get back we'll be finding the gate immediately after all.

Ryueki: and why is that?

Natsuki didn't listen to his question and completely ignored Ryueki.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Hey why are you ignoring me? I'm the childhood friend protagonist, you should be paying attention to me the most!)

As usual the stupid self proclaimed protagonist is being annoying as usual.

Sachi: Nana-chan is right, we should start cooking so when Kaneki and Yuumi comes back we can start finding the gate.

Miku: yeah, everyone! Let's start cooking!

Shino: I'll get the stove.

Azusa: I'll chop the veggies.

Keiko: I'll do the cooking.

Chikao: I'll help you Keiko.

Ryueki: can I he-

Shino, Miku, Chikao and Keiko: No!

Ryueki then backed off.

Natsuki: it's better if we let them do the cooking at least their cooking is way better.

Ryueki: But I gotten bett-

When Ryueki looked tried to talk to Natsuki, She immediately looked away and walked to the van.

Ryueki: tch, Dammit!

Ryueki walked to barrier and took a seat there and Miku was watching.

Miku: sigh~

She then looked at Natsuki who was talking to Sachi.

Natsuki: why did you call me Nana-chan?

Sachi: I like giving nicknames to people I like so why wouldn't I?

Natsuki: you're so unpredictable.

Miku's thoughts*

(Why do I feel bad for Itadori-kun? Is it because I love him or is it because I think of him as a brother? I don't know I hate those feelings I have about him and all because I think of him as my dead brother)

Miku was feeling down because she felt bad fro Ryueki but she also hated it because deep down she knows he isn't the brother she had lost and she is hurting the brother who was been on her side ever since her original brother died.

("Maybe Onii-chan isn't really my Onii-chan and Ryueki-kun is my Onii-chan" those were the words that made me lose the brother who saved me.)


Kaneki: c'mon I'll bring you back to your family

(the brother who took cared of me even though we weren't related by blood)

Kaneki: it's alright, your Onii-chan is here, I'll stay with you until you get better Miku.

(the brother who would always spoil me when I'm sad)

Kaneki: here Miku! Have some cake! Since you were sad I decided I'll make you a cake, I hope you can enjoy!

Miku: sniffle Thanks Onii-chan.

(and the brother who loved me so much he'd support me even after doing bad things to him)

Kaneki: Do your best Miku.

End of flashback*

Miku was looking back at the Memories of the big brother who was always by her side and comparing them to...

(But that guy, who has the face of My original big brother, he hasn't done anything at all and yet I call him Onii-chan even though we aren't siblings neither in blood or name and yet I fell in love with him and abandoned my big brother)

Miku was made a guilty face because she was afraid.

(What if Onii-chan doesn't think of me as his sister anymore?)

Miku made a scared face when she thought that.

(No! I don't want that! I must fix my relationship with him quickly! So Yuuka-Oneechan please fix your relationship with Onii-chan so I can do the same!)

She wished for Yuuka to fix her relationship with Kaneki.


Everyone: What the?!

A dragon roared and was heading straight to the Expedition team.

Emi: A dragon?! Why is it flying here?!

Ryueki: stand back I got thi-

Ryueki was almost going to do an attack before he was abruptly disrupted by.

Natsuki & Miku: wait!

Miku: don't attack!

Ryueki: and why not?! Don't you see that dragon heading towards us!

Natsuki: Mirai-san is on it!

Ryueki: what?!

Sachi: hey she's right Yuumi is on the dragon!

Itsuki & Keiko what is she doing there?

Shino: Who knows but their heading here!

Azusa & Chikao: everyone take cover!

Everyone: !!!

As the dragon came down it immediately stopped.

Yuuka: hey everyone did we scare you?

Shino: Yuuka! What are you doing on the back of a Dragon?!

Yuuka: oh haha~ sorry about that it was my idea, tell them Kaneki.

Kaneki: she made me scare you guys, sorry about that.

Everyone: Eehhh?!

Sachi: the Dragon is Kaneki?!

(Onii-chan is the dragon?! Since when he can become a dragon!?)

Kaneki: alright time to land make way!

Everyone then made some space and Kaneki landed.

Kaneki: alright, get off!

Yuuka: Gotcha!

Yuuka then got off of Kaneki's back.

Kaneki: alright good.


Kaneki: there we go back to normal.

Kaneki turned back to normal and then Sachi came running to him

Sachi: Kaneki! Since when can you turn into a Dragon?! That was so cool! Tell me! Tell me!

Kaneki: maybe next time.

Sachi: ehhh?!

Yuuka: also look! We have the flowers we can find the gate after lunch!

Natsuki: but aren't the nearest flower shops far away?

Yuuka: why did you think Kaneki turned into a dragon?

Natsuki: ohh I see.

Yuuka: anyways, Kaneki can you hold onto the flowers for a bit? I'm gonna take a break in the van.


Kaneki: sure, I'll hold them with my tentacles.

Yuuka: thanks.

Kaneki: anyways what are you guys up to?

Shino: we're cooking.

Kaneki: I'll help out.

Azusa: thanks!

Kaneki: Insects! You guys can help out too

Ku-kun, Mo-chan, Heike, Yanma and Miracle: GYUGIGIII!

Batta: okay! We'll help!

The Insect Familiars got our of the van and started to help.

Yuuka: alright time to take a break.

Yuuka started heading to the van.

Miku: ...

And Miku followed.

Yuuka: Haa~ finally I can rest.

Miku: hey Yuuka-Oneechan.

Yuuka: oh hey Miku- hey why are you looking down?

Miku: I'm very impatient right now, I want to fix my relationship with Onii-chan but I can't take it please fix your relationship with him sooner.

Yuuka looked around the van and noticed everyone was outside and no one heard them.

Yuuka: I know, sorry but I feel like I'm getting close, just endure it a bit longer once we get the crown my relationship with him would get somewhat fixed then it'll be your turn.

Miku: please, I can't wait any longer.

Yuuka: Miku... Don't worry, we'll get your Onii-chan back I promise.

Miku: I hope so...

Yuuka: wanna hug?

Miku: hug

They then started Hugging.

Yuuka: there there. Don't worry, we're close we just need to find that gate and tomorrow me and Kaneki will be best friends again and then you two can be siblings who loves each other again.

Miku: yeah... Let's do our best.

Yuuka: hehe~. I wish I had you as my sister as well.

A few minutes later*

Kaneki: alright everyone!

Everyone: Itadakimasu~

They all started eating.

Kaneki: let's find this gate!

Yuuka: and then the crown.

Sachi: this expedition will be a success!

Azusa: even though me and Emi-kun just joined a week ago I have to admit it was fun.

Emi: yeah, I agree.

Itsuki & Keiko: I hope we can find some cool stuff.

Shino: just don't take any demon knight relics or else Kaneki will kill you.

Natsuki: yeah, that's in the contract after all.

Ryueki: ...

Kaneki: let's do our best everyone.

Miku: yeah...

Chikao: we'll definitely get this Crown.

Batta: alright! no more chatting more eating!

Kaneki: hehe~ okay Batta.

They then continued eating.


???: sir, we found them, they're in Hokkaido it looks like their trying to find the crown.

???: good, once they enter the gate follow them, and slaughter every last one of them besides for "that" kid.

???: got it.

A looming danger is coming closer just what is going on?