Natsuki's advice

As Kaneki and Yuuka we're Talking in the other side of the cave system, some stuff was happening in the other side at Shino, Miku and Natsuki's side.

Shino: man I can't believe we've been separated from everyone.

Natsuki: I'm the most lucky because I didn't end up with Itadori-kun.

Shino and Miku were quite surprised to hear that.

Shino: wait really? Aren't you two childhood friends?

Miku: yeah, we actually thought you two were close.

Natsuki: you two know very well I don't talk to anyone in class and mostly try to avoid Itadori-kun.

Shino: I'm confused.

Natsuki: to put simply I really really dislike him.

Miku: really? You hate Ryu-Oniichan? Why?

Natsuki: I... Rather not tell.

Shino: I see...

Shino's thoughts*

(This is surprising, I knew she was keeping her relationship with Kaneki a secret from Itadori-kun but I didn't know she really disliked him)

Natsuki: let's go, we need to go to Akuma Castle.

Shino & Miku: Y-Yes!

They all started walking to the direction of Akuma Castle.

Natsuki: so Shino-san, are you getting along with Kaneki?

Shino: yup, although I was kinda surprised to see you at the celebration party a few days ago at Kaneki's house.

Natsuki: well, since you didn't tell anyone I might as well tell you my secret.

Shino: secret?

Natsuki: me and Kaneki are actually secret friends.

Shino: oh that.

Shino said with a not so surprised tone.

Natsuki: wait did you know about that?!

Shino: I mean, you usually respond to other people when it usually involves Kaneki and you did follow Kaneki when he started eating fish guts in our camping trip last month.

Natsuki started shaking.

Natsuki: I'm so bad at keeping secrets!

Miku: it's alright, it doesn't look like anyone besides me, Shino-Oneechan, Yuuka-Oneechan, Sachi and Chikao knows about it and we don't have any plans on telling anyone mostly Ryu-Oniichan.

Natsuki: thank goodness.

Miku: yeah, your and Onii-chan's secret is safe with us.

Shino: also why did you call me by my first name?

Natsuki: we're friends right?

Shino: oh...

Shino smiled and then replied.

Shino: Yeah! We are!

They then continued walking.

As they continued to walk a thought came to Natsuki's mind.

Natsuki: hey Miku I've been wondering for a while now, Why do you always call Itadori-kun Onii-chan? Even though Kaneki is your Onii-chan?

Miku stopped walking after hearing that question.

Natsuki: Miku? Hey Miku-chan~

Miku: it's nothing, it's not important.

Natsuki: c'mon you can tell me, and I can tell your sad.

Miku: you won't stop asking me right?

Natsuki: yup.

Miku hesitated but she eventually told her.

Miku: Ryu-Oniichan... Looks like my previous big brother... Who died trying to bring me back home.

Natsuki was shocked to hear that and she immediately started apologizing.

Natsuki: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't know!

Miku: it's alright, of course no one would know...

Natsuki: so the reason why you call him Onii-chan is because he looked like your dead big brother?

Miku: yeah, he died when I was really young I think it was around 4. He died because of me.

Natsuki: really? I'm sorry.

Miku: it's alright, it's my fault that he died anyways.

Natsuki: I know I shouldn't ask but can you please tell me how exactly it's your fault?

Shino: Natsuki!

Miku: it's alright, she has to know. I'll make it short Natsuki. Back then- well even now I am actually a... Brocon.

Natsuki got completely shocked hearing that, she wasn't able to say anything besides.

Natsuki: Brocon? Seriously?

Miku: I know it's weird!

Natsuki: so do you say things like "when I grow up I want to marry Onii-chan?"

Miku: ... Those were the words that killed my big brother.

Natsuki: oh... Sorry.

Miku: when my big brother said I couldn't I cried and ran away from home and he chased after me. It was really snowy that day and when we got to the streets a car was speeding and almost hit me but... Big brother saved me but died in the process.

Natsuki: oh...

Shino: Miku...

Miku: after big brother died my biological father left me and mom. He blamed me for big brothers death. I would be lying if I said I didn't blamed myself as well. And when my big brothers funeral started I left home to die in the cold streets.

Natsuki: what?!

Miku: if you're the reason a loved one dies you probably would want to die too right?

Natsuki: ...

Miku: I was gonna die but then "he" came.

Natsuki: he?

Miku: Onii-chan came and talked to me.

Natsuki: wait do you mean Kaneki?!

Miku nodded.

Miku: after he talked to me I went home back to mom and then a few months later my mom got remarried to Onii-chan's dad and we became siblings.

Natsuki: I see, but why call Itadori-kun Onii-chan?

Miku: ... You know how Onii-chan said we shouldn't interact in school and I have to use my first surname so no one would bully me?

Natsuki: oh yeah, you were prone to being bullied because of Kaneki back then.

Miku: yeah, when Onii-chan suggested that I felt hurt, I wasn't able to talk to him and then Ryu-Oniichan came and because he looked my big brother I fell for him and started calling him Onii-chan. Although I actually regret it, it must hurt Onii-chan a lot.

Natsuki: I see, so that's why you two were very distant.

Shino: yeah, I honestly was surprised when she told me that.

Miku: you know I kinda think he hates me, being replaced by someone else must hurt.

Natsuki: hmm. I see in the case why not talk to him more?

Shino: it's not going to be that easy, everyone at school would get suspicious.

Miku: that's right-

Natsuki: then talk to him about his suits.

Miku & Natsuki: huh? His suits?

Natsuki: since you're a Toku fan and everyone in school knows it would be natural to for you to ask him who literally has suits that looks like those from Tokusatsu.

Miku: I see! That's a great Idea!

Miku went from gloomy to joyful after hearing Natsuki's suggestion.

Miku: thanks Natsuki!

Natsuki: hehe~ you're welcome! I also suggest try talking to him more at home as well it might work as well.

Miku: got it! After we find the crown I'll shower hik with love!

Shino: I haven't seen Miku so happy great Job Natsuki.

Natsuki: thanks.

Miku: race you guys to Akuma Castle!


With a smile Miku began running very fast.

Shino: hey don't leave us!

Natsuki: like hell we'll lose!

Because of Natsuki's advice Miku got more confidence and she now knows how to fix her relationship with her Big brother.


Dagon: Haa~! Haa~! Kaneki I'm coming!



Dagon: Dammit!

But the looming danger is getting closer and closer