Akuma Castle

Yuuka: hey Kaneki are we near the big spot yet?

Kaneki: yeah, we're kinda close by.

Yuuka: Haa~ man I'm hungry.

Kaneki: wanna stop for lunch?

Yuuka: sure

As Kaneki and Yuuka we're heading closer to the big cavern where they think Akuma Castle is at they stopped to eat some lunch.

Kaneki & Yuuka: itadakimasu~

They then started eating.

Yuuka: Mmm! This is so good!

Kaneki: yeah, Sachi and the others did really great.

Yuuka: but they can't really too your cooking.

Kaneki: yeah. But I hope the insects are doing well.

Yuuka: yeah, I'm kinda worried since they don't really have any suits. What if they got left behind?!

Batta: don't worry, we're here.

Kaneki and Yuuka got surprised after hearing Batta's voice so they looked up.

Batta: hey you two.

They saw the insect familiars hanging on the ceiling.

Kaneki: What the?! Since when were you guys there?!

Ku-kun: Ku ta wa ga.

Kaneki: what?! Seriously?! You guys been with us but you decided to watch us?!

Yuuka's cheeks went read when she heard that.

Yuuka: wait does that mean... You guys saw him touching my... Chest?

Yanma: Yanma.

Yuuka: AAAAAHHHH! Don't tell anyone!

Mo-chan & Heike: Mo/kehe.

Kaneki: good, come down let's eat.

Batta: coming!

The insect familiars then went down to eat with them.

Batta: Itadakimasu~

Kaneki: eat well you guys.

Yuuka: yeah, we're gonna be at the castle soon so you guys better eat up.

Kaneki: you too Yuuka-san.

Yuuka: yeah I know, but can you drops the honorifics already please?

Kaneki: oh... Okay... Yuuka?

Yuuka: great that's better.

Batta: you two look really close. I'm happy Kaneki is getting along with other people.

Kaneki: yeah yeah. Let's focus on eating now shall we?

Everyone: okay!

They then continued to eat.

10 minutes later*

Kaneki: alright done, with everything cleaned up let's go

Yuuka: let's go!

They then continued there way to Akuma Castle.

Batta: so Kaneki how did Yuuka's chest felt earlier when you touched it?

Kaneki: it felt soft.

Yuuka: Kaneki?!

Kaneki: sorry, but she asked.

Yuuka: still! Don't tell others about how a girls chest feels you idiot!

Kaneki: sorry, but I don't really get why you are embarrassed, isn't a girls chest like storage for fat?

Yuuka: 💢 are you calling me fat?

Kaneki: no, I just think a girls chest is fat storage.

Yuuka: wait seriously? You think that's what a girls chest is?

Kaneki: yeah.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Oh my, how could I forget this guy is super innocent so he has no idea what breast are for)

Yuuka: well, you're kinda right but their not for fat.

Kaneki: really? What for then?

Yuuka: I'll tell you when you're older.

Kaneki: heh?

Yuuka: got it?

Kaneki: oka- Bleurgh!!!

Kaneki then for some reason started vomiting.

Yuuka & Batta: Kaneki?!

All insect familiars: Kaneki?!

Kaneki: Haa~! Haa~! Wow, that was intense I haven't felt anything like that before!

Yuuka: are you alright?! Here drink some water!

Kaneki accepted the water and drank it.

Kaneki: gulp!* Haa~ thanks Yuuka.

Batta: are you alright?!

Yuuka: yeah! Why did you vomit?!

Kaneki: we're getting closer to Akuma Castle.

Yuuka: what?! How?

Kaneki: the power I'm sensing right now is the same as the power leaking through the gate when we opened it, although just more intense.

Yuuka: power? Wait do you mean the Crowns power?!

Kaneki: not just the crown but the castle itself!

Yuuka: huh?

Kaneki: It's straight ahead let's go!

Yuuka: Woah!

Kaneki grabbed Yuuka and started running to Akuma Castle. And the insect familiars began following as well.

Yuuka: Kaneki?!

Kaneki: I can feel it! The raw power of the Demon knights!

Yuuka: don't be reckless! Watch where you are going!

Kaneki: I know! So hang on tight!

Yuuka then strengthen her grip on Kaneki.

A few minutes later*

Yuuka: how far are we? You've been running for a while now.

Kaneki: we're close.

Batta: you sure? We've been going for at least 8 minutes already.

Kaneki: yes! The power is more intense now so we're getting closer and closer!

Yuuka: hey what's what?

Yu uka saw a bright light illuminating from a hole.

Kaneki: that's it!


Kaneki then accelerated towards the red light.

Yuuka: hey! Be careful!

Kaneki here we go!

They then went through the hole and saw.

Kaneki: Woah!

Yuuka: ahh! So bright!

Kaneki: hey Yuuka look! We found it!

Yuuka opened her eyes to see what they've been searching for.

Yuuka: no way! It actually is!

Kaneki & Yuuka: Akuma Castle!

They arrived at Akuma Castle a huge Castle located underground said to be the secret base and the home of the Demon knights.

Kaneki: we did it! We found Akuma Castle!

Yuuka: c'mon let's take a picture together!

Kaneki: do you have your phone?!

Yuuka: I do! But let's remove our suits!

Kaneki: let's go!

They both removed their clothes and positioned their selves with Akuma Castle in the background.

Yuuka: ready?!

Kaneki: Yeah!

Yuuka: 1! 2! 3! Cheese!

Kaneki: Cheese!


Yuuka: I still can't believe we found Akuma Castle! We've come so far!

Kaneki: hell yeah! I'm so happy!

Both Kaneki and Yuuka we're holding hands and jumping around in joy.

Kaneki: this is the best! We've found Akuma Castle! I'm so happy!

Batta: those two are kinda cute together right?

Ku-kun: Wata.

Batta: yeah, and they're ignoring us but I guess it's fine.

Kaneki: thanks for everything Yuuka!

Yuuka: hehe~ happy to help!


Yuuka: eh? Kaneki?

Kaneki: Mmmh.

Batta: Oh my.

All insect familiars: Kaneki?!

In his happiness Kaneki suddenly hugged Yuuka.

Yuuka: Kaneki?

Kaneki: hmm?

As Kaneki look at Yuuka he realized something.

In Kaneki's mind.

Quan: what the hell are you doing?!

Tomo: I don't know!

Kozo: get my hands of her!

Shitsuren: you fool!

Tomo: what am I doing?!

???: hehe~ cute.

Back in reality*

Kaneki: I'm sorry!

Kaneki quickly removed Yuuka from his grip.

Kaneki: I'm sorry I sorry!

Yuuka: umm... it's alright.

Yuuka started blushing.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(He hugged me! He hugged me!)

Kaneki: let's not tell anyone about this.

Yuuka: agreed.

Kaneki: that mean you guys as well!

Batta: we got it.

Yuuka: so umm.... What now?

Kaneki: well... we wait for the others we have to all go in together.

Yuuka: yeah you're right... C'mon let's sit down.

Kaneki: yeah...

They both sat down and waited for the others though they couldn't talk due to how awkward the atmosphere is around them.

Kaneki and Yuuka's thoughts*

(Why did he/I did that? What's going on with him/me?)

They are no really close to finding the crown but...

Dagon: dammit! I'm too injured to fight!


Dagon: fine then, I'll go to Kaneki then!

Dagon is heading towards Akuma Castle in high speeds.