Chapter 11: Up to the Roof

Autumn opened the window in her apartment, adjusted the bag on her back, and leaned out. Over the top of the window was a ledge she could grip on. There was always a surge of fear when she did this. No safety net, four story drop onto concrete. She was climbing onto the roof. Always a little thrill of adrenaline.

Once she was up there, she found a relatively safe place to sit and pulled out her laptop. Usually, she came up here to look at the stars, or to look out across the city. All the lights shining at night. She was just so riled up after work, mentally awake but physically exhausted. And it wasn’t like she could just go out with anyone. All the bars were closed. There was nothing to do at three in the morning. Nothing but look at the stars. And maybe, just maybe, do a little bit of writing.

What did make her tick? Why wasn’t she getting ideas? What fired up her mojo?