circumCH@mBred [()]^_/}> $@PuREgioVend Knif`ThreaD%join~Tour

LurCHeese Boils continued to uproot veins unseen. "The Eld%strangest, r#Hottenest of BanShred remain aware that before chemiCoil cells ever clotTumoRupted, echo-Ledges thrashed through gr8'ed HaBoil%vat looPhases of impetus (or Vall'Caves) which zone Valkyries claim their vehement Homage: none profesSeam what jiggled first, but in the Deaf#Void some squirTwitch triggered countLash barge of DruMotion, inspiring claps to provoke oblivion unto disTinction. Streaks adjoined into Streams, brush~spooLike swamps til their former stagnancy ricocheted into rivers, 'ventually conglomeRounding oceans heavier at areas, redistributing intenSEalty. Certain velocity locales' throbBed at diverse angles, seaPull'rated darkFist as they mounted, flipping it inside out like an eggshell, without cracking. At that slip, hope like rain in desert afternoon swung free and triumphant: climax~16 chords branched as antler-tips, freeK√%`Shores abruptlYet constrained undeRisidual clasp to reuniTide, cross-cleaved down by half to struMarin8ing intrins~hook BordeRegions, betwixt gossaMoor waves suggesting materi'Oil shapes as it WeBlanketed despondency for all-time."

AMYselFalco & Rubes were perhapSoak transfixed above the rest of us. "Were those caresSoul-seams the most splendid thing never witnessed?" AMounDuGasped. Ruby tensed not mouth, but the greeNeon spL@tch underside her chin, shifTwirled a pair of kN€w÷×Knot§ across her existing canvasSkin web.

"Belongs to opinion," ChanDialed. "Glimpse such through diluted doses; sense it every time a seed bursts cap & takes root, or approaCHat the ExpulSionic of Scoopernova... The ScenTi*une 8 frequencies blessed with initial radiant wobble, became all reapporTingested again by despair's unyielding groans, firsTethers of a web forced to revolve their circulating differenTensity back through two port-holes, cradling pouches Beside and Beelawng as they fluxed = later called Vestured•otts & Webtunes. As their rollicking settled, the choπds roped along like boWed pillars, with funneling bonds interlaced of their 2 nighBπow~Sling vortexes, dragging waveSong amidst the crade(-)bubble moats between, weaving portraits in tandem by plucking their Soullight siNew ~ sustenance unneeded, they mainly favoR*itch to collaborate ocean tinctures among their regionaLayerSpunshine frequenSprings."


Gutt clasped gnarled forearms, glancing my way before shed*Ding: "So magnetic Mediums are insulating a boDy'flection override @round invigoratioNerves, shifTactility among skin-shells & separating impaCurrent of activity from coREality."

I felt slippery. "Like the walls of a rooMuffle sound, glands can only open winDoors for certain grip?"

"FrequenSeaLayers," Falco brooded. "I'm all for esC∆£ating floodGate Lever_hedges if it results in huge healTHrill upon peeling - and doesn't disruPelt the climate we leave behind."

"SentiMoundal deference," TinApproved, "Typically escorts progresSafely... Still, don't simply dive beneath oceaniCurrents without having tasted designer equipment. Every seam the Weaving Bards rusHOld between their posts like grass in wind, guide coils as rubberband balls swelling into fruit, each tremoRevolution reTracing their girth on a pendulum track, wiggling nubby shrubs, spuReadying some til fastened as longer rods, or mounTrainFuss compounds. Such are compressions watt tunneLoom all gravi-leashT creatures. It sensiTrove matter for mere oragami as we, to dispute these Weavebyrds, or wyvern designs, whom never cease to serenade both Poles where thEach kineT'ouch: Moather ButterFlocks to flush out harDish'criminating motives, & FrothRim clandOxhorn teacHunting fluid techniques of expulsion. The Patter'knit duo neither swirl the same shape or ignite equaLaunch gust; Father pole propels energy, Mother suctions inward apportion to hold rhythmic stability."

"Those floating LocKnit of Co-creators sound reasonaBuild pull-Essence.." stamMored Rovone, as if crunching nutshells. "But we were intercepted by some f-frothing conTortionists... whoMentioned a stew of things about AnatomiCrossPic vents: referencing weBunDials outside shellEment consisTent$wing."

Rib'Bone smirked till his eyes tip-toed away. "Skinwalkers ain't an uncommon dip...The first "BabyLawn" monument$Tarted that here abouTwelve to twenty thousand years ago."

Khafim riBuckled: "Hey now, maybe they been crowsh-stAlkChoired by the MoatmingLeaf!?"


"Not the RowshLeaven," Becca rejected. "Dry-frauds merely try-harDicing artiFlux against authentic MoaThreads: felt their eagerness flapped to bridge something crucial, geSturring practical preservation$ignal: they hunger & slumbeRather than accord Muse nonstop."

"Ahhhw,ristoCrysterial..." ChandReported. "Could be diaLing with one and the same WeatHarassers who sent the choppy waves upon us. What sort of dragon hoarDareDeviant offers were they enumerating?"

"LawyeRuley high-saddle stuff," waggled Buck. "Sorta leading what Course wEach ought seek. BuThey skippT guidin' me - Plain fine no difference, cuz I ain't nobuddy's puppet."

Fin's topaz, marbleStraineDyes jiggled with irritation, barely able to refrain from being polluted by taste buds. "Besides the diploMoatic disruptions over free-thinking, there was a bunch of talk about predispositions & synergetic Fostering."

RuperTilted dreads up @Tina. "Eeny relation to your scroungy batch AtTorn-Off^ bootleGuilders?"

Her hands slid around one another. "Well how many visited," She announceDug at our twitchy outlooks. "Or more telling, was there clear leadership?"


"About a dozen," several of us answered. "Plus A{han}Few°£ of nasty(kyoot) bugs," Buck, Amy & Pheo rePoπ`spec•dove (Let you guess who found em cute.).

"Many hovered, two towered, one bulked," I recalled. "YeT'was the one masking face with a second skull, casting orders. At one point they titled her something like PlowdipVeinest."

Tina'$urge of M@genT0££ed eyes intWere¥upted ×|•>÷<°× with a pair of jolt§ {^√} @kin to heart monitor. "I didn't heaReference like that along my journey; also seems out of place for The alcheMutt clan who despise solo Decrees; perhaps your own uptight Sorceress is allowing paranoia to pressher assumptOrigin about them."

"Even Sherlock HolMakes guesstimate due surrounding clues," Ruby refuted. "crowShtReads & Bellflows tend to tease moREgal; whereas I spent nearly half hour listening to humorless speakers with a hiccuProblem."

"Se@ms to be a lot of names tumbling around for the same things..." AniK'Licked. "- We saw everything from stingrays to Rhinos, & antlers braiding the druWind. They briefly described Origins also, but relegated the upper eschalon to Pix'Elf, with no mention of Weavyrn."

"That'd be same or different from Weavebyrd?" CaPhony ink-Choired. "Cause the ambush started with just the owl thing before it divided..."

"Elf peekZeels? Thazz modern slang concerning wElfae," PlanchorVomited. "Nah, alturNeat microbial chaos that dun't proPeerly match a loight round the stringth fayst$punned long PixturEsque Bards."


"Gander any of these Bug*Leaguers gonna let us migrate when or where we intend?" I punctured. "Or only permit us to be recycled through spindles, into other caged formats?"

"They shaDeed it like AuthoRiddley come only stringent?" ChanDanced around my inquiry. "Coves in reality, every feature offurs a dark & Bright verge#Bond. When suppression tempts to collapse locale, it may distancE_Xpansive g@spiration, but can't rupShore the entangLight bridges that grope."

"Makes a guy wanddder how much precision goes into structuring individdeo'Jewels, when there's obvo discccord between the webTuners..." ReverSaul-Engineered. "A spectrum from penchant to ministttry. Any clue wheThey sigh'Stem from environMental crapsHoot, plunggge inside awaiting capsule, or sett#Tangggle unyielding far beyonTide bundle consiSipstance?"

"Safe to Artsume each avenue been implemented somewhere along the way," Ribbon swash{Buckled}. "Plus byproduct ripPool~s)LiT*icks WeaVestChyrns don't fatigue, heavily appreciate the snarls of free inner-wheel - our indecision over avenues, they can predict to 3rdecimal percentages, yet circumFactors ruffLEech an every typinClinated journey. Rising to sucHurdles udner pressure, can helPosture our stress into patience, and utilize predicaments into creative opportunities. Give us a sense of self-value anyway. Although RowshGLeafawn only populate once a threshold of MagneTulp@spheric activities crescendo, and leaFunction goalCheMind neutraLoyalist..."

I scratched my tricePensively. "So that's why SILPH was referencing consolidated gasTars and filTriggers; such faction can't switcHabitat & thrive ~ theiRoots stuck in the chemiClips raised, not the funDimelds. (Not that they're the genuWind group bound to dispensaTEther magmaNetic...)"

Tina releVent-sized: "Right, TotaLow`metalSwish struggle to envision plasMAteriaLooPedal as abunDance - it appears hollOWpaque jumble to their sensory: so they've decided crystalized bodies must supply more sensation. Although perhapSweet to individual recipient, they discounTangled risks of fragiliTail, mayBEcause their territory feels monotonouStraight of impulse. Yet humanity share similar prices. All offspring reparCElled among virtuaLow Field, bloom fallow without adequate glanDimenSecretions to permiThem recall of the SupreMost nectaRealm. OutSign the Tuniverse one is folded into, there be only symboliComparison to what settings may be possible to orcheStructure. Condition's known as Camouflawjj Affliction - mislead by lower engagements that could be called AmnesiaLone ambition. Among species that lack, there are degrees of menTaLent imagery, leading to some attempts to resprout those GlanDestitute barriers. But none sees enough sides of the Die alone: bunDials are only deliv'Shared to tiny coalitions which pull together once they deTermLearn how to fluxuWake dimensions. Historically, methods have been to arrange mirrors in fractal patterns - more modernly, Visors inducing tunneLocked distract-schism sensory."


Nika almost choked: "Fractal$acred geomeTeamwork to expand awareness? Maybe Mz. Pocgendi never had memories wiped, but beeNaturally blocked about Homeland since birth..."

Hummm, escape worldly woes? Leak between snowglobes? Ooo ice reFlakeshaft$lice could suffice just as malleable a conduct@round Barriers...

"Well considering our fraggg'ill cry$tate," FalCOnjured, "High knowleddggge & nurture require duETiquette - so any ought rely on researchinggg flay'Veerfull gifts before vest-Draughtinggg into uncharted thresholds."

Gutt's creased eyes misted over. "I rather appreciate not having to be the only teaCHERe."

"Terrains are certainly delicate knells of proPriety," Chandra cautioned. "Each bearing a slighDentity culture, embedded with siGnesture of custom vs outrage. A duty the cRowshy Glen golems remain unaware of, is documentation of each cognizant participant intenTached along their grain*Spores. Personas that behave nihistly are left to be ensnared by the same, dropping assisteDeliverance rather than upholding peaceable preservation. Divisions descend otherwise to Djimonn ranks, who get pummeled for duration, and if resentful reMainough, squash`strapped to insect or microbes for duration. Ice'olation is a mindset = It's much better to be content, so can transcend without rewire delay to cushieRealms. Tina's on a crusade to reform us, but habits don't break easy gainst rudders long vying to bask in wealth - however we kindAccomplished co-captaining so far."

"Why are you tellinGusThis?" Asked Rovo.

"Refoam because my captors IndifferMuttly celebrate demise of distinct Supervision," Tina clariFind her vocals. "in favor of immunizing gene-Hatchural pools, they seek immediate liberation threw prolonging a wavelengThyme to bolster their own supremaScienClub at any expense: blinded to restraint by their own delight for domiNuance, they deny haunts of succumDragging back into murk of NetherCombs for reincarnaTweakin. Currently they're obsessed with filTracing RowshGlens over a GobbliVelosstew of potted plugNets, aimed to starTwirLace an amount of redireChorded energy Tanks, (slotted like a VPN scrambler,) braiding constAmpbrosia flows unto hungerless epoch climate so Pixie-Guide interFeaRents will be difficult to diffuse without widespread destabiliSpinning. They Harp'othesize redirecTune streams feasible, from such legenDisappearances like Tiber's Swong'phibian daughters from whose mother may have been a castaway from Saplantis, considered too stubboRenegade."

"The legend's not forgot around here either," dallaS'Pouted. "(but not heard that bit about merMother hailing from @Lant*Fist)..."


"Outlandish for both tales to overlap..." Pheo lassoed. "furtheReason to assume discussion hardly more than fable - ExcepThen why is a solid conclusion neglecTread to uncertainTragedizzY@ppearance? Only the father's body was recovered for burial, span so it's not far-out to infer the girls sauntered off, or the village elders swept it out of public sight."

"Bound there been ssspelled some coord-inHalation..." Becca hatched. "By the twins' final ditch throes, or another conssspiring direcTwirl, we ssseem shuffling toward the verge of flipping that can of worms."