Solemn ruBordeRung

"A SolomeaNotion to conseeder," RuperTongue rolled. "Is whither them twinFants circumcheated death, or mitt a worse state altoGather... Groween up near that quadrant the worlDown undeer, t'was comm'n topic - but since recently upon availability to study retractable shapeshifting as adult, rattles to the forefront of mind more heftily the ramifications - if preconceiveDismissal rained back possible round me shoulders, what's the limit? Extendeed nug you may not heard-Wares bout the daughters of DuckshrimPlaTiberius, involved a gemeniCircuiTerm (a plasmud bond hinging round such ripe herWitage) lending teLassoCommunic Pulse-Far."

"Many of us were infOpened about ouReceptivity to paint with special glanduFracturements also," I vaguely voiced, stopping because I felt tiny secuREliance, save Rubecca & Georgi. Since Chandry had surfaced allures back round Gutt's heart, there was even chance he could becoM@imed deafly. Time to begin trusting in the ability to reinforce myself foam the many previous pieces heaped. "It's fiBrew'Lush you brought all this info to our attention - yet it sounds like you haven't stripped any fortified codes, & remain unsure of trying to chase off alien scholars by yourselves. How do you expect us to help when we're less educated on matters than you Sturgeons? ChanDRAwing energy from Bitter sources isn't enough?"

"We perform rituals to guarDeities we fathom scarcely enough to distinGush as GarDjinners or else aVeiLanCHesTrayt ScriBEeLs. They visit on their own schedule, occasionally. We only have so much resTime ourselves. Alas, our knowledge is not very technicAltvanced when it comes to manipulaTEthereal composition. [Veins wiggling among Universe-walls, mites attempting to perme@stake volumes of space like land estate] Most aliens possEsSoteriCodex, enumerating channels to not just conduct frequencies, but generAde'opt them to skeleTissue or implant`Hem inTerrain storages."


"There's gotta be suMiddle ground to speed up the TranscendVaulting process apart from greedy grabs." I Waggired my temperament around. "Say dashing blend, snipping strings attacHook from negaTaintive charge liKeys ChanDry," I flipped a hand at tri-bow-legs. "Would serve to smother deRanged flockers if we could springboard a cup Abilities…" I rubbed chin, leafing my gaze ontickle Tina. "Meet souPRize togetheResults-- maybe not even have to handle High Abodes or scraPEerce Wide."

Khafim squashed in - "Not wise to exchange self-emissionStir unless surrounded by grounDeadening material: Hence why tech is safer design, and a more prevalenTechnique than natuRitual bend-predicTables that can churn sensitiVolatile. About 2/3rds of energy waves pass undetected by our brainwaves, mostly due the Density of bone chambers. Who could calculate for such invisible radiAction?"

"Of course machinery is mostly what the turf invaders utilize..." Chandy sagged a bit. "If we were willing to jeopaRaidize our lifestyle, we wouldn't be asking your bravery. 15 years since my phantRoaming began, and my catalogue stilLacks low-risk OrnamenType catalyst. PerhapSwirl because such boosts tend to be one button bombSwells."

Fin & Falco chimed only a synCool word or two out of harmony: "We've got plenty of heads/thinkers to illumine/un+Lock processes..."


"I dispose there are hacks to be incorpoRASHED, but wiring tricks is our fuel & product." Chandra branded - "We forfeit info at the price of business. Our edge is our livelihood. But I'm sure the tools we offer will proviDiverse discoveries"

"Hey, ChanDiverse, you eexist of slipperAshy fayshion," Rupert reminded. "But the reest of us preefer due grayb some KarMadvantEdge."

Gutterson raised a finger. "Everyone hold the presumptions righThere; Crossover effects push us toward uncertain byproducts - could generate a volatile backlash."

"Come on, Gutt," I unbottled. "You told me that complexiParts of overlapping charge could ignite prototypical anomalies, like with Heschita..."

"Doesn't mean I know how to apportion anything of the sort."

"Grandpops," Ruby addressed. "Hasn't not studieDeepeRituals: you filter from conveniently stocked machinery, the equivalent of microwave dinners & prePackaged pharm pills. The main GreediMent which causes backlash in a group casting, is ridicule: Half our posse generates ameliOverlooking grace toward these weakness = We can straiNegatives with club mentality."

CaPony's chin rocketed around. "That's not safe. I don't wanna absorb any side effects."

My eyes soF`anned *'\'*_ "How else you gonna protect yourself among these new DoM'Aingles of power? Literally sticking to your guns will serve to make you a toy."


Trent adjusDark his acid%pocked shirt*Gestively. "What about packaging proverbial pipebombs...?.."

Ruby shrugged. "I'd guess that's how those PuREgional Races wound up bastardized and hexed... but doesn't hurt to rummage extrAround research. We've heard of fusions sponsoring magiCard'Pelts & KinEavesdrops, so it's not a horrWhisper suggestion."

"No guarantee of help by plunginGeARound speculative caves," Dal insisted, Android still MimicKing his hard-crown. "Stick to the tech that's already smothered in the complex encryptions."

"Even in that case," Ruby interposed. "You'll have to stick close in contact with Falcon & i, immersing inside our Station."

He waSteamily trying to decide how he was going to respond about being forced to waste a lot of time with a batch of geeks performing activities WAY out of his comfort zone - when the HoratioRibbon winked back from the Cruising Cave, levitating 4 basKegs with all hands gloved in black, about 5-10 paces from our pack. "Let's discuss that on the trip back to town," Assfault waved off. "Cause I'm trippin' over too many gears for the immediate week ahead already."


"Wail, our delaymmas may not be solved," PlanchObserved with a pivot. "But your troop suffLeasently rEtchiStirred DeyNectAr onto our KelPagies, so you inky squidd cups be free to trudge on selectiveLearning froThee uncharted wotters aheed."

"Lest they pile more than can cache," Alamo hoped. "-Then they'll be swamPrecious pickings."

CaPhony heckled the SturgeCoats since it actually took twice long as 5 minutes before 'Ratio & Ribbon 🎀 returned. They glanced over him as they padded commodities, RibBroke unwrapping a notion he'd like to see Dallas go run groceries for strangers in 10 flat minutes... this was trivial mocking haBitween toothy Tyrants, so the bulk of us commonOres juS'lobbered over anticipaTune examine fancy contraptions awaiting selleClaims.

My eyes glittered upon encapsulated scrolls fanned out around the lip of one basket, crowding a sore wobble of matted amethysTiltedisks strapped beneath some sapphire wires. Nika hailed the mini tower with such wryness, as belonging to Splash'knit sundial, I deliberated whether she wasn't cheWeyjing redress for previouScaMonitoring retaliation.

The Prowleys stirred around warily, spying out a semi-transparent Vase containing a Starfish = which had Ten~TAcKNUCKLE%Sucking head#FISTs, each wiping heavy darticle tongue. It seemed like a knoBarnacle bifurCaking beveLimbs like a hyDrench...

Siggy had moved forward to sift a chest of sentimenTrinkets, when the world seeMoved to shrink and swim away. The entire Riverbank with merchandise and merchants swooned like stretch marks, then pumped like a trampoline park. Panicking, I gauged Ruby, only to witness a blob resemblinQuill & ink jar dipping and scrabbling.

Tina was my second hope, but gaze startled my belief along with creaking: her daisYellow belt blosSwarmed like locusts & sent the river squiggLooping symmetriCobbLoud wheels around the horizon, as a thick vine thrust pedestal under all boxes and containers, dispersing instead of expected gadgets, raineDown uniforMelon crystals that POPPED slime into vibrating garNets, jerking like prey muted by arachniTent*_<(!&>+ Suddenoodle feelingSlithered like my ears down belly button... then elbows pinched tight toward my knees; final symptom oFingers & toes circulaBending as one. I was conformed & consolidated by the fetal position...



A~scent like skunkweed waft'Dredged my mind from blankspace...I revived spinning in foggy vaPinks, before attempting stretch to my normaLength. Managed without hindrance, noticing my clothes repealed to skin a mottled color like earwax.

In a slight panic, I swiveled the area, noticing the station was like a Caldera where center rose and sloped away, surrounding gorge containing countless viruShells colorStraps of watermelon, & around two dozen vegetables refleck'coin slow light over the mesa of Terrazzo ground. The encircling veggies held heads like dice, saTwisted indePendant above rooTrunks. They were beaconing off the shells... all stamped with faces displaying differing emotion - each wore familiar people, all included in our outfit: musculaRovo & Siggy carved cleaRecognition to my mind + also Tina holding a bucket of screWhistles & polish -!^

Feet scrabbled like softly crunching straw on the $*parkling epoxy, in a frenzy to my left. "What... just happened?_(("_echoed)) = I turned to behold The short cork of 'Nika, & closer to the center, massive CotTina candy featureSolemnly waited with flail draped between yellow belt like an unwatered flower. I was accustomed to being yanked out of Earthen proceedings by now, but could totally recall why AniKind of others would feel beyonDisoriented.


Bulging smile muscles creaseTinAround stained-glass eyes & bunched up her refined celery-stick of nose bridge & nostrils: "Looks like somebody has a private point to initiate," I answered. "Tell me yOriginal name was Georgi!?" = The giant green woman jazzed her arms out like an excited teenager, & choked over a sob: "So you did recognize your hyperactive cousin's faded mannerisms!" I ran & sprang onto her - she felt like a naked winter Tree perched by lichen...

Springing my bulging overbite, i esophaGusted, "Did you recognize me by some spell scan?"

"Doesn't seem you were hiding, (@ltho your nose floated crookeDrift)." She proceeded to boop a scar along my wrist: "This here, and your fingernails... between Pheo's unmistakable aura & your best bud."

"Yea, screw braces too," I cried merrily.

"Where in GhanDice gondala are we!" I heard Sig demand, flattening the moment. By the time I looked over, he was climbing up from between snail shells near Saul's bare feet. (Our boots were gone, & all clothes replaced, sporting diluted complexion with a couple hair tufts). A few antennae and virus-looking muff-pins clung to his skin. "Did you do thiS,Awl!?" As if a struggling cRain, Falc'bro reeled him up with paltry concave chest, separating spikes back to their horde. "Not me, I can't broadcast aborTame^F8~)


Behind Gina, Rovo rolled his neck as if stiff: "Gotta be the pirate we're unacquainted with then - besides Pyram I guess. Why no heads up, Lady?"

"Coatrack is formuCloaking a plan that only limited eyes ought determine approaching; the faeBrush never sleep, bound to leap as long as planet." my cousin motioned as her eyes swirLimed with sapphire twinklesSimmering, until two by two, a row of 6 spongy dentaLike chairs had materialized to match the teaLagoon shade of my eyes. "Please, have a seat & we'll discuss."

"How can I sit still moments after we've Reunited?!" I gushed, nestled under the casuaLofty crook of scaly grasp.

"You will find the cushions like waterbed," she promised.

"How'j you do(ing) 'hat?!" Anika & Siggy bomBarded.

GinAdmin's response faltered, morosely dis-proportioN%itched. "Unfortunately, I am Nano*^scourged."