Loved until the end (1)

"Watch your step," Rafael said to Annalise as he helped her exit the carriage. 

Rafael and Annalise were back at the manor while the knights escorted Beatrice and River to their home for Beatrice to start packing to join Rafael in Lockwood. 

It was two hours until Rafael and many of his knights would set out to the palace. A few were staying to keep the manor protected and offer River help should he need any with Travis. 

Annalise wanted to ask Rafael if he knew where the king wanted to send him, but she already knew that Rafael couldn't or wouldn't share that information with her so she didn't. She could only hope that it had nothing to do with the border. 

"I've gotten out of plenty of carriages without your help. Do you remember when I told you to stop opening doors for me? That has changed a lot, hasn't it?" Annalise asked as she exited the carriage with Rafael's help.