Loved until the end (2)

Annalise found herself pressed to Rafael's door the moment the door closed after they entered his bedroom. His lips made their way to her lips just her hands made their way into his hair. Her soon fingers became lost in his long strands of hair. 

She honestly meant to help him pack his things since she had nothing to do, but she couldn't complain about this. Especially when he lifted her for her feet to be off the floor and wrapped her around his legs. 

There was no question of how much he was going to miss her because she felt it in their heated kiss. He taught her how it was possible to feel the love someone had for you. 

Rafael pressed his body to her so much that Annalise worried they might be pushing back on the door too much and causing it to break open. She didn't know if they would even notice the door breaking if that were to happen.