First to crack (4)

Rafael left Annalise alone and didn't purposely do anything to distract her so she could eat. He joined her in eating most of the food they brought, but they could not finish what Phillip had packed for them.

While Annalise went to wash her hands, Rafael packed away everything that wouldn't spoil by morning so they could use it as breakfast and not need to go to her parent's house early in the morning. He then got rid of what would spoil and put aside the empty plates to wash later.

Rafael was now in search of Annalise who had gone to the second floor alone. He knew that she had to be up to something. Finding a way to seduce him. He welcomed it as he could never hate the woman he loved trying to lure him to bed. 

"Annalise," he called as he failed to find her.

"I am in the biggest room straight ahead of the stairs."