Love (1)

"So, I did miss out by not having you lift me inside. Luckily, we will have many days in the future for you to do it," Annalise said, wrapping her legs around Rafael's waist to help him with holding her. 

"Were you training in secret?" Annalise asked, trailing her hand from his shoulder down his chest.

She was a little disappointed that it was her in the way of her hand going any lower to help with his current problem. 

"It wasn't a secret," Rafael said, looking around for where he could take Annalise. It was the downside of not having any furniture in the house as yet. 

He had to settle on using the wall to help hold her up for now.

Annalise shivered when her skin touched the coldness of the wall. She continued to rely on Rafael's warmth to not run away from the cold. She still believed that Rafael was not human with the way he stayed warm at times like this.