That's a tall order, my friend

"Something special, you say?" Hiro asked, his voice steady. "Like what?"

Agent Judie didn't flinch, her eyes steady on Hiro. "Like a job," she said calmly, crossing her legs at the ankle. "A very dangerous job."

The room was filled with tension, and the crew could feel it crackling in the air like electricity. The only sound was the soft hum of the air conditioning, the only movement the occasional twitch of a muscle.

Hiro raised an eyebrow, his grip on the gun loosening slightly. "Why should we believe this isn't a trap?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

Agent Judie leaned forward, her voice low. "Because we both know that if I wanted to capture you, I could have done so easily. This is a truce, of sorts. A temporary alliance. You'll do the job, and in return, I'll make sure your names are cleared."

Hiro exchanged a look with Tisha and Suki, weighing their options. Finally, he nodded. "Alright, we'll hear you out. What's the job?"

Agent Judie leaned back, a small smile playing at her lips. "There's a prototype AI being developed in Hyperion Research Station," she began, her voice low. "It's a game changer, but in the wrong hands, it can be deadly. I need you to go in and steal it."

Hiro's grip on the gun tightened as Agent Judie spoke. He had seen his fair share of dangerous jobs, but this one seemed like it would take the cake.

He exchanged another look with his crew members, their eyes filled with skepticism. Stealing a prototype AI from a high-security research station in Hyperion? It sounded like a suicide mission.

Hiro lowered his gun, but the look on his face showed he was still not entirely convinced. "Stealing a prototype AI from a high-security research station in Hyperion? That's not going to be an easy job," he said, his voice laced with caution.

Agent Judie nodded. "I won't lie to you. It's going to be dangerous. But I assure you, the reward will be worth it."

Tisha spoke up. "What kind of reward are we talking about here?"

Agent Judie smiled, and for the first time since they met her, her eyes seemed to sparkle. "Let's just say that if you pull this off, you'll be set for life."

Hiro exchanged a glance with his crew members. They were all thinking the same thing. They had been on the run for months, trying to evade every security agency in the galaxy. The idea of having one less agency on their trail and financial security for the rest of their lives was tempting.

"All right," Hiro said finally. "We'll do it. But we have conditions."

Agent Judie raised an eyebrow. "Name them."

"First, we want full immunity from Helix Corps. No more running and hiding. Second, we want to be paid upfront. And third, we will do this job on our terms, using our method."

Agent Judie seemed to consider their conditions for a moment before nodding. "Deal. You have my word on all three."

Hiro extended his hand for a handshake. "We have a deal then."

As they shook hands, Hiro couldn't help but wonder if they were making a mistake. But he pushed those thoughts aside.

He and the rest watched as Judie left with her men. As soon as the door closed behind them, Suki immediately turned to Hiro and asked,

"Are we supposed to trust her?"

"Same question I was about to ask." Tisha said as she dropped into the sofa.

"Well, we're the Zlanov crew. No one in this Galaxy dares double-cross us." Hiro said.

"Now, we need a plan. Suki, the blueprint of the Research Station. Tisha come up with your best strategy and I'll find out what I can about this prototype."

They all nodded and set to work immediately.

Hiro slinked out of the hideout and onto the pulsing streets of Terra Nova, the city's towering skyscrapers casting long shadows across the pavement. Neon lights blazed in every direction, painting the city in a vivid, surreal glow.

With a determined stride, Hiro made his way down the bustling thoroughfares, his senses assaulted by the sounds and smells of the teeming metropolis.

The air was thick with the scent of fried food and exhaust fumes, while the constant hum of chatter and the whir of hovercars filled his ears.

As he navigated the labyrinthine alleyways, his mind was focused on one thing - finding Kruger. He knew that if anyone on this planet had information about the prototype he was after, it would be the enigmatic tech dealer.

Eventually, Hiro arrived at the entrance to Kruger's underground lair, a dank and dingy stalk that housed an array of black market gadgets and gizmos. The place was a hive of activity, with tech-hungry customers jostling for position and haggling with the vendors.

Pushing his way through the crowd, Hiro made his way to Kruger's stall, the alien's distinctive green skin and three eyes making him stand out like a sore thumb. Kruger was busy tinkering with a piece of equipment, his virtual reality headset firmly in place.

"Anything in particular you are looking for?" Kruger asked, his eyes still fixed in the VR headset.

"A parrot," Hiro replied, knowing that the code he used would be recognized by Kruger.

Kruger's eyes widened behind his headset, and he quickly removed it, revealing his reptilian features. "What type of parrot if I may ask?"

"A rare one, my friend. It can only be found in a research station on Hyperion," Hiro continued, trying to maintain a casual demeanor.

Kruger's expression grew skeptical. "Hmmm, that's gonna cost you a lot."

"I only need information about the prototype AI chip that's under development in the station," Hiro countered.

"That's a tall order, my friend. You know information doesn't come cheap Hiro. Ten thousand space cores," Kruger said, leaning in with a sly grin.

But Hiro was prepared. "I have something better. An interesting piece of tech from the research station. I've heard they have a plethora of prototypes you'll find interesting," he said, his own smile widening.

Kruger's eyes lit up at the mention of the counter offer, and he rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "You've got my attention. Let's talk."