Do you think they have any space donuts in the break room?

The Zlanov was eerily quiet as it glided through the vast expanse of space. Its metallic surface shone brightly, reflecting the distant stars as they approached their target.

Hiro, Suki, and Tisha sat in the cockpit, their nerves palpable as they prepared to infiltrate the top-secret Hyperion Research facility of the Prime Corporation.

Hiro broke the silence, "You guys ever wonder what kind of experiments they're running in there? Maybe they're cooking up some superpowered alien formula or something." He asked, as he relaxed in his seat.

"Or maybe they have some kryptonite lying around." Suki joined in Hiro's attempt to light up the atmosphere.

Tisha rolled her eyes, "Guys, can we focus here? I need to land this thing without tripping any of their scanners."

As they approached the facility, Tisha expertly piloted the Zlanov to dock on the outskirts of the station. They watched as the station's sensors failed to pick up their presence, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Whew, that was a close one!" Tisha exclaimed, breaking the silence as she removed her headphones, flinging her short pink hair. "For a moment, I thought for sure we were going to get caught."

"Well, we're not out of the woods yet," Hiro replied, his voice low and steady. "We still have to get inside and find what we came for."

Tisha fidgeted in her seat, her eyes darting nervously from one instrument panel to the other. "You sure we can pull this off, Hiro?" She asked, her voice shaky with apprehension.

Hiro flashed a confident smile. "Piece of cake," he replied, his fingers deftly punching a few keys on the controls. "We've done this a dozen times before."

Suki's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Yeah, and we've got the element of surprise on our side. They'll never know what hit 'em."

"Alright, girls, time to suit up," Hiro said, his voice low and urgent. The trio quickly donned their work overalls, looking like a team of space mechanics ready to repair anything from a broken pipe to a faulty rocket engine.

"Don't forget to act natural," Hiro added. "We don't want to blow our cover."

Suki grinned mischievously, "Act natural? I got this." She put on a pair of sunglasses and struck a pose. "Just your average space worker, nothing to see here."

Hiro couldn't help but smile at the beauty in front of him. Tisha quickly saw through Hiro's stare. "Alright, let's move out," Tisha said, leading the way.

As they stepped out of the Zlanov, camouflaging it from view, they couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. This was the kind of mission they lived for, and they were determined to succeed no matter what.

"Alright team, let's get this show on the road," Suki said, her voice steady and confident.

As they made their way towards the facility, they kept up a lighthearted banter to ease the tension. "Hey Tisha, do you think they have any space donuts in the break room?" Hiro asked.

"Space donuts? Really?" Tisha replied with a smirk.

Suki chimed in, "I don't care about donuts, I just want to find some cool space gadgets to play with."

Before long, they were few feets away from the entrance to the facility.

"Let's go show those Prime Corporation folks who's boss," Hiro said in a low voice enough for them to hear him, a glint of determination in his eyes.

"Sure." "Let's do this." Suki and Tisha replied.

The trio approached the entrance with their best poker faces on, trying to blend in with the station's workers. The guards eyed them warily, their weapons at the ready.

Hiro stepped forward, his voice light and friendly, "Good day, gentlemen! We're here to fix some broken equipment. Mind letting us in?"

The guards looked them over suspiciously, then one of them stepped forward, his eyes narrowing, "Access codes, please."

"Oh yeah, sure."

Suki grinned and activated her neural implant, using her hacking skills to infiltrate the security system. Within seconds, she had generated a fake access code that would grant them entry.

With that, she confidently stepped forward and entered the access codes on the keypad. The security shone a bright green with the words 'Access Granted.'

"You're all good. Enjoy your shift." The guard said as they stepped aside to let the trio pass.

Hiro flashed a charming smile at the guards, "Thanks, we appreciate it. We'll try not to break anything else while we're here."

The guards exchanged a few whispers in their native language before one of them spoke up, "You're not from around here, are you? I don't recognize your accent."

Tisha jumped in, "No, we're not. We're from the Galactic Repair Crew. We travel all over the galaxy fixing broken equipment, you know how it is."

The guard nodded, still looking a bit suspicious. "And what kind of equipment are you here to fix?"

Suki stepped up confidently, "Just some standard issue maintenance. Nothing too exciting, I'm afraid."

The guard eyed them for a moment longer before finally stepping aside, "Alright, well, you're good to go. Just don't cause any trouble while you're here."

Hiro gave him a mock salute, "You got it, buddy. We'll try not to break anything else."

The trio stepped into the research station, their eyes scanning the area for any threats, their footsteps echoing in the sterile hallways. They blended in well, responding to a few greetings from those who cared to notice a bunch of engineers.

As they made their way towards the control room, they noticed two guards stationed outside, blocking their path.

Hiro motioned for the others to stay back as he crept forward, his implants helping him to evaluate the best strategy to take the guards out quietly.

He could see the shadow of a guard moving back and forth in front of the door, his weapon at the ready. Hiro signaled to Suki and Tisha to flank the guard from either side, and then they sprang into action.

The guards were taken by surprise as Suki and Tisha rushed in from the sides, their fists flying. Hiro followed close behind, his own weapon drawn. They made quick work of the guards, knocking them out cold with a well-placed blow to the head.

The trio quickly made their way inside the control room, where they found several occupants staring at them in shock. Hiro and Tisha pointed their guns at them, while Suki held her lightsaber at the ready.

"Nobody moves," Hiro said, his voice steely. "We're taking over the control room."

Tisha moved swiftly, her hands working to tie up the occupants with zip ties. Hiro stood guard, training his laser gun in them while Suki surveyed the control panel.

"Put them in the closet," Hiro ordered.

Tisha led the tied-up occupants and locked them in a nearby closet. The trio breathed a sigh of relief as they took control of the station.

Suki quickly took control of the station, her fingers flying over the buttons as she worked to hack her way into the station's system.

Finally, she succeeded in gaining access to the system.

"We're in," she said, a hint of relief in her voice.

Suddenly, a voice crackled through the radio. "What's going on in there?"

Hiro reached for the radio, his voice steady. "Everything's under control. Just a little hiccup."

The trio exchanged a relieved smile, their mission finally underway. They came here for the AI chip and they won't leave without it.

"That was too easy," Tisha said, a hint of unease in her voice. "Something's not right."

Hiro nodded, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the room. "We need to be careful. This might just be the calm before the storm."