Where are the rest of the workers and guards?

As 2nd Lieutenant Finn slowly opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sterile white walls of the sick bay. The room was eerily quiet, the only sound was the soft hum of the ventilation system.

He felt groggy, as if his mind was still lost in a foggy dream world. As he tried to sit up, a sharp pain shot through his head and he winced, his hand instinctively reaching for his forehead.

As he looked around, Finn couldn't help but notice the emptiness of the room. 'Where were the other patients? Where were the doctors and nurses?'

He tried to remember why he was here, but his memory seemed hazy, like trying to recall a dream. He vaguely recalled feeling ill and being administered injections, but he couldn't remember much beyond that.

With a sense of unease, he slowly got out of the bed and made his way to the door. As he opened it, the corridor outside was just as empty and silent as the sick bay. Finn's footsteps echoed down the hallway as he made his way towards the main area of the facility.

As he walked, he noticed the absence of the usual hustle and bustle of the Hyperion Research Station. The lights seemed dimmer, the air felt stale and the usual hum of machinery was absent. Finn's heart began to race as he realized that something was wrong.

He fished out his radio and pressed the PTT button, his voice shaking slightly. "Hello, this is 2nd Lieutenant Finn, anyone come in." The radio crackled to life, but there was no response. Finn tried again, desperation creeping into his voice, but still there was no answer.

A sense of dread began to build inside him as he made his way towards the control room. 'What happened while I was asleep? And where is everyone?' He asked himself.

Suki sat perched on the edge of her seat in the control room, her eyes like laser beams, fixed on the screens before her.

The hum of the servers echoed in the room as Suki scanned the CCTV feeds, her fingers moving with the ease of a virtuoso pianist, her mindlessly tracing each feed, one by one.

As she shifted her gaze to one of the screens, she could see Hiro leading a girl at gunpoint down a corridor. The monitors flickered in different hues, the vivid colors giving a sense of life to the otherwise sterile room.

Suki felt a shiver run down her spine as Hiro's voice echoed through the speakers in the control room, frustration evident in his tone.

"Why the hell would you leave your master access card in your office?" Hiro barked at the lady.

"Well, you didn't inform me you'll be coming," the young ladt retorted without looking back, her defiance palpable.

"Wuuuu.... She's defiant. I like her already," Suki said to Hiro through their comm link, her voice laced with amusement.

Hiro opened his mouth to respond, but before he could say anything, Suki's attention was caught by something on one of the security feeds. Her heart rate quickened as she focused on the screen, her eyes narrowing in alarm.

"Hiro?" Suki called out, her voice urgent. But Hiro didn't know what Suki was about to say. Instead, he cut her off, his voice rising in annoyance.

"Don't get--"

Suki interrupted him sharply this time. "We missed a guard, Hiro," she said in a loud voice, her eyes still fixed on the screen in front of her.

Hiro stopped in his tracks, his mind racing as he tried to process Suki's words.

"We what? How?" he asked, his voice strained.

"I don't know how, but he just left the sick bay," Suki replied, her eyes glued to the screen as she watched the guard move away from the medical bay.

Suddenly, a radio on the table crackled, startling Suki and making her jump in her seat. She quickly reached for the device, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Hello, this is 2nd Lieutenant Finn, anyone come in," a voice blared from the radio.

"Hiro?" Suki called out urgently through the comm device. "I think we have a problem."

Hiro's voice crackled through the comms, breaking the stillness of the tense atmosphere. "Not yet," he said to Suki, his voice deep and steady.

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to assess the situation. "My guess is he'll be heading your way, the control room. Take care of him, I'll come join you as soon as possible."

As Hiro spoke, he followed Amy down the dimly lit corridor leading to her office, his laser gun still trained on her. The Master Access Card was the key to their target, and they had to move fast.

As they picked the card from Amy's office, Hiro paused, contemplating his next move. "Hey Su, what's the status?" he called out, his voice low and urgent.

"He's currently checking the lobby and guard posts," Suki's voice came in through the comms, her tone serious and focused.

Hiro nodded, his eyes darting back and forth as he scanned the hallway for any signs of movement. "Okay. I'm headed your way," he said to Suki, then contacted Tisha. "Hey T, listen up. We have a stray guard wandering the facility. I'm going to try to take him out, but just be on high alert."

With that, Hiro grabbed Amy by the shoulder and pushed her ahead of him, urging her to move quickly as they made their way towards the control room.

Every step felt heavy, as if he was wading through molasses. He could feel his muscles tensing, ready for action as they approached their target.

Hiro and Amy were almost at the control room then Suki warned that he was also coming their way. Hiro hid behind a turn at the end of one corridor, his laser gun at the ready as he waited for the stray guard.

"3, 2, 1, Now Hiro," Suki's voice crackled through the comm device, her tone urgent and insistent.

Without hesitation, Hiro leapt out from behind the corner, his finger on the trigger as he fired a shot at the guard. The laser beam whizzed past the guard's head, narrowly missing him as he ducked for cover.

Adrenaline pumping through his veins, Hiro pulled out his gun and peeped through his cover, his eyes scanning the corridor for any sign of movement.

"Who are you and what do you want?" the guard shouted in a loud voice, his voice echoing down the empty hallway.

"I don't think you want to know," Hiro responded, his voice low and dangerous. "Just come out and no one will get hurt."

The tension in the corridor was palpable, as Hiro waited for the guard to make a decision. Amy sat crouched on the floor beside him, her eyes wide with fear as she watched the scene unfold.

"Where are the rest of the workers and guards?" the guard asked, his voice trembling with fear.

"They are safe, I can assure you," Hiro said, his voice calm and reassuring. "Now surrender so we can get this over with."