How much longer is this going to take?

Finn and Amy hobbled into the medical bay, their injuries throbbing with every step. Finn fished out his access card and swiped it through the reader, the door hissing shut behind them. Amy trailed behind him, her injured arm cradled to her chest.

Finn eased himself into a chair, gingerly propping his leg up. Amy approached him with a concerned look on her face. She winced as she examined her laser-burnt hand, her lips pursed with sympathy.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I should have been more careful." Finn's voice was thick with emotion, his guilt gnawing at him.

"No, it's not your fault," Amy replied, reassuring him.

"I'll help you with that," Finn offered, trying to stand up. He winced as he put weight on his injured leg, evidence of the bullet wound inflicted by Hiro.

Amy noticed the pained expression on his face and quickly interjected, "Let me help you first." She made her way over to a nearby cabinet, retrieving a first aid kit.

Finn leaned back in the chair as Amy tended to his wound. He couldn't help but grimace as the alcohol stung his leg, but he bore it in silence.

Once she had finished with his bandage, Finn took over, gently dabbing alcohol on Amy's injured hand to disinfect the wound. As he tended to her, he couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness with her, brought on by their shared ordeal.

Finally, he broached the question that had been on his mind. "What's going on? Any idea who those people are?"

Amy's eyes clouded with fear as she recounted the horrifying events of the hijack. "The station's been taken over, everyone's been herded into the fire assembly point as hostages. They must be after something, because their leader just took my Master Access Card."

Finn's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation. "We need a plan," he said, his mind racing with possibilities. "Going for your access card means what they want is in the vault."

"But they still need my fingerprint and eye to get past the scan," Amy interjected.

Finn nodded, his brain whirring as he considered their options. "And we need to stall for as much time as possible to be able to get reinforcements. We need to get into the control room."

Finn paced the room, his bandaged leg dragging behind him as he and Amy plotted their next move. "Here's what we're going to do," he said at last, his eyes blazing with determination.

Hiro turned to Suki as he left her in the control room, his eyes glinting with determination. "Just keep an eye on them," he said, his voice firm and resolute.

Suki nodded, a look of concern crossing her face. "Are you sure you can handle this alone?"

Hiro gave her a reassuring smile. "I've got this," he said, flipping Amy's access card between his fingers as he walked down the dimly lit corridor.

As he approached the main vault, he activated his comm device. "Tisha, any issues on your end?"

Meanwhile, in the fire assembly point, Tisha leaned against the wall, her eyes scanning the room. The hostages sat huddled together on the floor, their faces etched with fear.

Tisha let out a small sigh, clearly bored. "How much longer is this going to take?" she muttered to herself.

Suddenly, Hiro's voice crackled through the comm device in her ear. She stretched and leaned in to reply, her voice laced with boredom. "No issues. Our hostages are mostly obedient."

Hiro let out a small sigh of relief. "Good, good. This should be over soon." He continued on his way to the vault, his heart racing with anticipation.

Tisha rolled her eyes and resumed scanning the room, taking in the fear etched on the faces of the captives.

One of the hostages spoke up, his voice trembling. "Please, can't you let us go? We haven't done anything wrong."

Tisha rolled her eyes. "Sorry, pal," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You're just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Hiro approached the vault door, which was made of thick steel and had several security measures. On the right side of the door, he saw a small slot that looked like it was designed to fit an access card. Above it, there was a hand scanner with a green light blinking, indicating that it was ready to scan.

On the left side of the door, there was an iris scanner that looked like a small camera. It had a red light flashing, indicating that it was not yet activated.

"Fuck," Hiro let out a sharp curse, the frustration bubbling up inside him like lava in a volcano. He slammed his hand against the vault door, the metallic clang ringing out in the silent corridor.

Through the comm device, he called out Suki's name, his voice laced with irritation. "The vault requires an iris and a hand scan. How the hell did you miss that?"

Anger gnawed at him as he waited for her reply. He could feel it slowly crawling under his skin, making his muscles tense up.

Suki's response was surprisingly calm, given the gravity of the situation. "Well, the Head of Operation will definitely have the clearance for that. And so far, they haven't left the medical bay. You just need to get her."

Hiro rubbed his temples, trying to soothe the headache that was starting to form. "Why don't you go get her? It would do you some good to stretch your legs."

Suki's voice was cool and collected, despite the nerves she must be feeling. "And leave the control room empty? Any hiccup and they get in here, this facility will be crawling with Arcadian soldiers."

Hiro let out a long, drawn-out sigh. He knew she was right. "Fine, I'll go get her myself." He turned around, already mentally mapping out the quickest route to the medical bay.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to ease myself in the room opposite. The closet here is packed with guards." Suki's voice was slightly teasing as she stood up from the control room seat.

Hiro couldn't help but chuckle at her words. "Don't stay long," he warned before ending the conversation on the comms.

Suki took one last glance at the feeds, a grin of satisfaction spreading across her face. She closed the door behind her with a soft click, the sound echoing in the empty hallway as she headed towards the nearest restroom.

Meanwhile, Amy and Finn quietly made their way through the ventilation system from the medical bay, and eventually arrived above the control room.

They heard Suki's voice from inside the room saying, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to ease myself in the room opposite. The closet here is packed with guards."

As soon as the door closed behind Suki, Finn opened the vent cover and jumped down. Amy followed closely behind him.

The room was filled with blue light emanating from the consoles. Finn quickly scanned the room for any potential threats, but found none. He and Amy moved towards the consoles, and began trying to reverse the lockdown measures that had been put in place.

Amy spoke in a calm and focused tone, "She's skilled, placing layers over layers on the security network, this might take a while."

Finn felt the pressure mounting, knowing that time was of the essence. He began to say, "We don't have a while. She's going to be here in...", but before he could finish, the door to the control room flew open and Suki appeared in the doorway.

Through Suki's earpiece, Hiro's voice crackled, "Suki, they aren't in the medical bay."

Suki's eyes widened as she realized what was happening, "That's because they are both in here."