The Commander is dead

As Hiro and Zara stepped outside, the assembly's murmuring filled the air, creating a buzz of curiosity and anticipation that rippled through the gathered crowd.

Whispers of "Who's this standing before the Commander's daughter?" and "Where's the Commander?" wafted through the crowd.

Others wondered aloud, "What's going on? We barely get visitors; he must be someone important. What does he want?"

The questions hung in the air, each one adding to the growing tension until, gradually, the entire gathering fell into an expectant silence.

One of the elders, a wise-looking man with a flowing white beard, finally broke the hush. "Excuse me," he said, his voice carrying the question that had been on everyone's mind, "but where's the Commander?"

Hiro met the elder's gaze evenly, his expression grave. "I'm afraid the Commander won't be able to join us," he replied, his words prompting a wave of confused and skeptical glances from the assembly.