As you requested, Master

As the elders gathered in a secluded area of the camp, Hiro took a seat and observed them closely.

The augmented reality display in his eyes allowed him to access basic information about each elder. He studied their names, backgrounds, and roles within the community. It was a momentary diversion as he waited for them to voice their concerns about the community's future.

They voiced their concerns about the future and the need for a strong, honest and reliable leader.

[I see things are going well, going as planned.] Nova's voice pierced through his mind.

'Yeah, yeah. It is. Though I'd rather be in bed. I had planned a night with Mylleen and now, I also promised Zara a night of bliss. She did well.'

[Your skills are improving and the Psionic Domination ability is getting stronger as you progress.]

'Show me my stats.'


Nova responded and the screen in his eyes changed to display his current stats.