Does that feel good? [R-18+++]

"Ahhh… Master, you're going to make me cum hard again," Lirien moaned softly.

"Don't…" Hiro said in a firm tone as he leaned backwards to look into her eyes. "You can't have a release until I say so."

"But… " Lirien tried to protest but Hiro cut her off, "Clear?" He asked, burying his face in her neck as he bit down lightly on her skin.

Lirien rocked her hips against him, riding him faster as she gripped hisbshaft tighter. Her breathing became ragged as she neared her climax, her thighs trembling as she fought to control herself.

Hiro could tell she was on the verge of release and he thrusted himself against her, rubbing his tip against her swollen clit. "Keep it together, Lirien" he ordered.

Lirien whimpered in protest, arching her back as she tried to push away from him. His grip, however, tightened around her waist, keeping her pinned to him.