Just a bit sore down there... [R-18++]

"That's it, Master… fuck me like that… harder…" Lirien breathed raggedly, whimpering in pleasure as she arched her back against his thrusts. Her legs trembled as she gripped tightly onto his shoulders, her fingers digging into his fleshad he slammed into her over and over again.

Hiro gritted his teeth together as he felt Lirien's walls tighten around him, clamping down on him so hard that it kind of hurt a little.

His breath hitched slightly as he watched Lirien's face flish further with pleasure. His thrusts became shorter and faster as she arched her back further, her cries growing louder until they were almost a scream.

"Ahhhhhh~~~ Master~~`"

Her entire body shook uncontrollably as she came violently once again, screaming out Hiro's alname and pressing her hands against his shoulders desperately. She clung tightly to him as she came down from the high of her orgasm, whimpering in pleasure as she pressed herself against him eagerly.