The hornet's nest...

"Thanks for the info. As a reward, bet all you have on me."

"[Hiro?]" Nova questioned, her concern evident in her tone.

Hiro's gaze remained fixed on Voss, the towering champion, the key to drawing out the Wisp. With a determined look, he replied, "There's only one way to get Wisp's attention. Defeating his champion."

Hiro handed over his last 6000 Space Cores to the alien in charge of the bets, a hefty gamble on himself. The alien's six eyes blinked in surprise as it collected the cash and handed Hiro his betting ticket.

As Hiro made his way through the buzzing crowd toward the front of the ring, he kept his head bowed, concealing his face beneath the hood of his coat.

Once he reached the front of the ring, he looked up toward the raised platform where the commentator sat. "I challenge Voss to a match," he declared, his voice laced with determination.