Battle Royale!!!

Author's Note:

Hey guys, so this chapter is a long one and definitely not my best. I was feeling kind of down when writing this chapter; nothing much, the usual cold, headache and fever. I'm going to be fine, but it's just a heads up that this chapter might not be up to expectation.

As Hiro's eyes met Wisp's, a chill ran down his spine. Wisp's hood was down, revealing a stern and cold expression. His icy eyes locked onto Hiro, brimming with rage and anger. The alien kingpin was seething, and the atmosphere around him seemed to grow darker.

Hiro's moment of triumph was quickly replaced by a sense of unease. Nova's voice broke the silence. "[Uh oh, seems you've disturbed the hornet's nest.]"

The atmosphere in the arena was electric as Hiro's gaze returned to the VIP section above, where Wisp stood. A mysterious figure approached Wisp, whispered something into his ears, and handed him what appeared to be a note.