Can he really see me?

Hiro reached in for his pocket, feeling the smoothe rock in his hands, the Arkstone.

He could feel a newfound energy coursing through his veins, as his body absorbed the Arkstone.

"Now where were we?" Hiro asked with renewed energy. His eyes locked onto his remaining adversaries, each movement calculated and precise.

As the first opponent lunged towards him with a wild swing, Hiro sidestepped gracefully, exploiting the fighter's momentum to deliver a powerful roundhouse kick to their side. The unfortunate combatant crashed to the ground with a resounding thud.

The next opponent charged, but Hiro's precognition skills were in full effect. He ducked and weaved gracefully as a flurry of blows rained down on him, only to counter with a precise elbow strike to the fighter's sternum, leaving them gasping for air.

"Nova, how many more fighters until they're all in the arena?" Hiro inquired as he narrowly avoided a punch.