The Nomad

Hiro's sleek black motorcycle stood inconspicuously in the shadow where he had parked it out of plain sight before heading to Kruger's.

He quickly checked the shoulder bag strapped to him, ensuring Kruger's laptop was still intact – the key to unraveling info about Zenith and the Platinum Spire… at least he hoped to find something in it.

Satisfied, he swung his leg over the bike and revved the engine, the low hum echoing in the empty streets as he sped towards their hidden sanctuary.

Upon arrival, the hideout greeted Hiro with its usual dim, utilitarian atmosphere. The walls were lined with various gadgets and tools, evidence of their type of living.

Tisha was engrossed in a conversation, her eyes focused on the shimmering holographic display. The light from the display cast an ethereal glow on her face, highlighting her intense concentration.