Project Blackstar

"Nova, how long before you crack open Kruger's system?" Hiro asked, stepping onto the bridge of The Nomad. Tisha was confidently handling the pilot seat, while Zara, in one corner, was diligently working on Hiro's surveillance drones.

He wore a rugged leather jacket, the kind that had seen more adventures than most people could dream of.

"Almost done..." came Nova's synthetic voice from the ship's speakers.

Hiro dropped into the seat beside Tisha, his fingers dancing over the console. A holographic display sprang to life, showing a complex network of codes and pathways - the visual representation of Nova's progress in decrypting Kruger's laptop, which was plugged into the ship's system.

Their plan had unfolded smoothly: Hiro had picked up Zara from their hideout, while Tisha prepped The Nomad at the airfield, transferring essentials to their new spacecraft. With the team reunited, they had set course from Terra Nova, back to their home in Sirien.