Eat me the fuck OUT!!! [R-18++]

Arriving at Sirien's Erebos Outpost, Hiro, Tisha, and Zara were greeted enthusiastically by their crew. The outpost, buzzing with activity, had a rugged charm, with its high-tech equipment contrasting the stark, utilitarian design.

"Master Hiro, you're back!" Kaida exclaimed, her energy infectious.

Mylleen and Lyria chimed in with their greetings, while Wynx and Emerald nodded respectfully. Hiro acknowledged them with a nod, a slight smile tugging at his lips.

"Master, we missed you," Lyria added, her voice tinged with warmth.

Emerald, ever the observer, turned to Zara with a sly grin. "Seems like you had Master all to yourself, Zara. Sneaky fox, aren't you?"

Zara's cheeks flushed a light shade of red, but she retorted playfully, "Someone's got to keep him out of trouble."

The group shared a light-hearted laugh, easing the tension of their recent adventures.