Planning a coup, are we?

Hiro woke to the unsettling whir of something inside his head, like a machine stuck in a loop. His hand instinctively went to his temple, trying to silence the buzzing that seemed to resonate in his skull.

"What the hell is making that noise?" Hiro groaned, his voice raspy from sleep.

"[Let me know when you're awake and the sound will stop.]" The familiar voice of Nova, his AI system, echoed in his mind, overriding the buzzing.

"WTF, Nova? Cut the crap. It's too early for your jokes," Hiro snapped, irritation lacing his tone.

"[And you'll be late for the Annual Sirien Leaders' Meeting if you don't get up,]" Nova retorted, unapologetic.

"Grrrr... Is it a must I go?" Hiro grumbled, dragging himself out of bed. The room was empty; Lyria had already left, always careful not to disturb his rest.