Dramatic Entrance...

The hall was a blend of industrial efficiency and alien elegance, with high ceilings and walls adorned with glowing symbols from various civilizations.

The atmosphere buzzed with a mix of technology and alien craftsmanship. In the center, a large, circular table surrounded by chairs, each occupied by a representative from different corners of the galaxy.

Their diverse forms – from the towering, crystalline Zyraxians to the diminutive, insectoid Skree – made the scene look like a snapshot from a futuristic summit.

Murmurs filled the room, a mixture of various alien languages, creating an almost rhythmic hum. It was evident they were all awaiting someone's arrival.

"How sure are we that he's gonna show up? He might have some job somewhere to steal or kill something," a brash voice cut through the hum.

The speaker was a Graxnoid, recognizable by his thick, green skin and four eyes that darted around suspiciously.