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"Well, this year is the year we pick a new leader from our midst," Mira said, her voice taking on a gravity that resonated through the hall. "And as the current leader, it's my responsibility to nominate a candidate. Well, there he is," she announced, extending her arm to point directly at Hiro. "Hiro Banks."

The room erupted into a mixture of reactions — disbelief, confusion, and a sense of surreal intrigue. The leaders exchanged looks, their expressions ranging from shock to contemplation.

Tisha and Kaida stiffened beside him, their expressions a mirror of the shock that rippled through the room.

Hiro's mind reeled. Him, a leader? It was ludicrous, unthinkable. He was an outsider, a renegade, not a politician or a diplomat. What was Mira's angle in this unexpected and, frankly, absurd nomination?