A surprise for Master...

The next day, in the stark, modern lines of the board room, tension hung in the air like a thick fog.

Mira stood at the head of the table, her presence commanding the room. "Without further ado," she began, her voice clear and authoritative, "I'll ask our nominees to please excuse us while the vote is cast."

Drayven rose smoothly, his confidence almost tangible, while Hiro's movement was more deliberate, a quiet assertion of his presence. They exited the room, standing just outside in the dimly lit corridor, the hum of conversation from inside muffled by the heavy doors.

The corridor outside was stark and silent, a stark contrast to the charged atmosphere within the boardroom.

Drayven, his posture rigid with suppressed emotion, turned to Hiro. "I saw you making the rounds last night, schmoozing with the leaders." he remarked, his tone casual but eyes sharp. "Are you that scared of losing?" he asked, a challenging edge to his voice.