Unexpected surprise...

As the night drew to a close, Wynx stood up, clinking her glass to get everyone's attention. "I think it's time for Master Hiro's surprise."

Zara stepped forward and offered her hand, "Master Hiro, if you'd follow us, we're ready to reveal your surprise."

The seven of them, Wynx, Lirien, Lyria, Zara, Emerald, Kaida and Mylleen led Hiro towards his room. As they swung the door open, Nova's voice rang in his mind, playfully hinting at the unfolding surprise.

"[Hmm, it seems like I have a pretty good idea of where this is headed,]" Nova remarked thoughtfully.

Hiro, ever prepared for the unexpected, responded with a sly grin. "You do?" Why don't you fill me in then?

"[That would only spoil the surprise they've planned. They clearly made an effort.]"

The team carefully guided Hiro onto the bed, their actions perfectly coordinated and intentional. "Now wait here, Master, until we come back," said Wynx, her voice tinged with a touch of enthusiasm.